
高三英语教案:《Module 1单元知识点》教学设计

学生们有一个生动有趣的课堂,离不开老师辛苦准备的教案,是认真规划好自己教案课件的时候了。认真做好教案课件的工作计划,才能更好的在接下来的工作轻装上阵!你们清楚有哪些教案课件范文呢?以下是小编为大家收集的“高三英语教案:《Module 1单元知识点》教学设计”希望能为您提供更多的参考。

本文题目:高三英语教案:Module 1Small Talk单元知识点


Module 1 Small Talk 聊天


1.The speaker r______________ to his past experience.

2.It is e____________ that the project will last four years.

3.Don’t miss this o____________;it may never come again.

4.His talk met with a warm r____________ .

5.Act c____________ in a job interview and you will have a better chance.

6.They live in poor ____________(境况).

7.Her ability made her ____________(成功)in everything she does.

8.You should give the boy ____________(预先)warning before punishing him.

9.He later ____________ for his behavior and I accepted his ____________.(apology)

10.He wanted to __________ for the manager’s job and he was one of the 30________.He was anxious to get an _______ form.(apply)

1.referred 2.estimated 3.opportunity 4.reception,5.confidently 6.circumstances 7.successful 8.advance,9.apologized;apology 10.apply;applicants;application



2.________________ 因此;结果

3.________________ 使某人高兴/振作起来

4.________________ 知道

5.________________ 了解(到);找到(信息)

6.________________ 交朋友;建立友谊

7.________________ 想起,回忆起

8.________________ 除此之外,另外

9.________________ 省去;删去

10.________________ 炫耀

11.________________ 对……神经紧张,害怕,胆怯,焦虑不安

12.________________ 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话

13.________________ 带头,领先

1.look away from 2.as a consequence 3.cheer sb.up 4.be aware of 5.find out 6.make friends 7.think of 8.in addition 9.leave out 10.show off 11.(be)nervous about 12.put one’s foot in one’s mouth 13.take the lead


1.________ to a man about himself,________ he will speak to you for hours!


2.I have a favour ________________.


3.Her motto was“________________ I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.”


4.________________ 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.


5.Imagine a situation ________ two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the café or party,etc.


1.Talk;and 2.to ask 3.Every time 4.It is estimated that 5.where


1.absence n. [U]缺乏,不存在,缺席

(回归课本P8)Esther Greenbaum’s major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk.





①The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon.


②However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.


③Every time after a long absence from school,I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.


④In his absence I looked to see what was on his desk.



1.(2010年江苏启东中学)There being no witness on the spot,the police were delayed by the ________ of information about the crime.


C.absence D.consideration



________________________________,Mr.Li is in charge.经理不在时,一切由李先生负责。

答案:In the absence of the manager

2.apology n. 道歉,致歉

(回归课本P8)“Oh,sorry,”said Esther without any apology.




①(朗文P70)I must apologise for the delay in replying to your letter.未能及时复信,我必须向你道歉。

②The worker said that the boss must make an apology to him for the dirty words.


③(牛津P78)We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.今天航班误点,敬请原谅。


3.On yesterday’s interview,he didn’t make a(n) ________ at all;what’s the matter with him?

A.apology  B.appearance

C.difference D.change

解析:选B。make an apology道歉;make an appearance露面,在场;make a difference有影响,使不相同;make a change有所改动。句意:在昨天的面试里,他根本没露面,他是怎么了?

4.The captain ________ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

A.made B.said

C.put D.passed

解析:选A。考查固定搭配。make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做了)某事而向某人表示歉意。

3.purpose n. 目的;意图

(回归课本P13)What’s the purpose of your visit to London?




①(牛津P1609)The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.


②Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family,or for business purposes?


③I haven’t got a pen,but a pencil will answer/serve the same purpose.我没带钢笔,不过铅笔也能起到一样的作用。

④He stepped me on my foot on purpose,knowing it would annoy me.他故意踩了我的脚,知道这会激怒我。


5.Forgive him,please.I don’t think he broke your ruler ________.

A.with care B.on purpose

C.for fun D.with aim

解析:选B。句意:请原谅他吧,我觉得他不是故意弄坏了你的尺子。on purpose“故意地”。

6.(2010年湖北武汉调研)After the talk both sides got what they had wanted.It was a win-win ________.

A.guidance B.tournament

C.situation D.purpose

解析:选C。考查名词辨析。It was a win-win situation表示“这是个双赢的局势。”guidance“指导”;tournament“比赛”;purpose“目的”。

4.imagine vt.& vi. 想象

(回归课本P13)Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the café or party,etc.




①I can’t imagine your working with such a boring man for as long as five years.


②(朗文P1033)I never knew my grandmother,but I always imagine her as a kind,gentle person.


③(朗文P1033)You can’t imagine what a terrible week we had.


④In industry there is a view that Dongyirisheng design is always“beyond imagination”.



7.It is difficult to imagine him ________ the unfair decision without any consideration.

A.to accept  B.accept

C.accepting D.accepted

解析:选C。imagine后面要接动名词的复合结构作宾语,即:imagine sb.doing sth.。

8.What difficulty do you imagine ________ had to get the title of Miss Chinese International 2009?

A.she has B.has she

C.having D.her having

解析:选A。句意是:你能想象到她赢得2009华裔小姐称号所受到的磨难吗?这句话用的是“疑问词+do you imagine+陈述句”语序。

5.in addition 除此之外,另外

(回归课本P3)In addition,you need to know how long you should stay,and when you have to leave.




①In addition to the names on the list,there are six other applicants.除了名单上的名字之外,还有6个申请人。

②(朗文P21)The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and,in addition,there are several self-catering apartments.



9.The visiting Americans are also interested in Chinese food ________ Chinese culture.

A.in addition B.except

C.in addition to D.except for

解析:选C。句意为:来访的美国人除了对中国文化感兴趣,他们还对中国食物感兴趣。通过also一词可知,句中有“除……之外还有”之意,且Chinese culture作宾语,排除A、B、D。except for表示“先从整体上来说,然后再指出其中的一两点毛病来”。

10.________ mountains of homework,students today are busy with all kinds of activities.

A.In addition to B.In spite of

C.As long as D.Instead of

解析:选A。句意是:当今的学生除了堆积如山的作业外,还要忙着参加各种各样的活动。此处要用In addition to表示“除……之外还有……”。

6.leave out 遗漏;漏掉;省略;忽略

(回归课本P10)Notice how certain words are left out in informal conversation.




①You can leave out the parts of the story that are not interesting.你可以把故事中无趣的部分省略。

②In your written work,you left out an important detail,so you couldn’t score a high mark.


③Leave him alone—he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.不要打扰他,他显然不想谈这事。

④Before we went on a journey,we left the cat with my cousin.我们出去旅行前托堂兄照看我们的猫。


11.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.

A.bring out B.let out

C.leave out D.make out

解析:选C。句意:老师进一步强调让学生们在复述故事时不要漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out阐述;使明白;let out发出;泄露(秘密等);leave out遗漏;make out理解;辨认出。

12.Leave me ________ of this quarrel,please—I do not want to get involved.

A.off B.alone

C.over D.out

解析:选D。句意为:请别把我拉入这场争吵中——我可不想牵连进去。leave out遗漏,忽略;leave off停止;leave sb./sth.alone别打扰某人/某事;leave over留下。由题意选D。


1.【教材原句】 In fact,she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication,and as a consequence,she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.(P8)


【句法分析】 every time在上文的句子中作连词使用,引导时间状语从句。

①I get a different answer every time I add these figures up.


(1)以名词短语的形式出现,用来引导状语从句的短语还有:the moment,the instant,the minute,the second,any time,next time,the first time,the last time,the day,the month,the week,the year,the morning,the afternoon等。

②She came to the scene the instant she heard the news.


③The moment the result came out,she told us.


(2)immediately,instantly,directly等词也可以用作连词连接两个句子,表示两个紧接着发生的动作,相当于as soon as。

④I came directly I got your message.


⑤Make sure the property you are buying is insured immediately you exchange contracts.



13.The woman will think of her own child ________ she ________ these little children.

A.every time;sees

B.each time;will see

C.next time;see

D.all time;sees

解析:选A。every time为特殊连词,引导时间状语从句。主句用将来时,从句用现在时表将来。

14.You can have the book ________ I finish reading it.

A.so that B.because

C.unless D.the moment

解析:选D。句意:我一读完这本书你就可以看了。the moment在此用作连词,相当于as soon as。

2.【教材原句】 But while few Americans will worry about the questions you may ask,particularly if you clearly show you’re aware of cultural differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions. (P11)


【句法分析】 (1)本句中的while...引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然……但是……”。如:

①While I admit that the problems are difficult,I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.


②While I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person.


③While they are my neighbours,I do not know them well.



④I hurt my leg while playing football.


⑤We know usually women stay at home and do all the housework while men go out to work.


⑥While there’s life,there’s hope.只要活着就有希望。


15.(2010年山东临沂第二次模拟考试)This study shows that ________language may differ,the order in which young kids learn the parts of speech appears to be the same across different languages.

A.since B.so

C.while D.but


16.—Are you ready for Spain?

—Yes,I want the girls to experience that ________ they are young.

A.while B.until

C.if D.before


3.【教材原句】 If you’re not sure what to talk about,you can ask what people do.(P11)


【句法分析】 what to talk about在此处作宾语。

“疑问词+不定式”句型结构时,疑问词可用who,what,which,when,where及how,后接不定式构成不定式结构在句中作主语、宾语、表语。注意没有why to do形式。

①When to start has not been decided.


②He didn’t know whether to go or not.


③The difficulty was how to cross the river.问题是怎样过河。

④I can tell you where to go.我可以告诉你去哪儿。

⑤I have no idea of how to do it.我不知道如何做此事。


17.(2010年高考辽宁卷)—It’s no use having ideas only.

—Don’t worry.Peter can show you ________ to turn an idea into an act.

A.how B.who

C.what D.where


18.I’ve worked with children before,so I know what ________ in my new job.

A.expected B.to expect

C.to be expecting D.expects



高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 2 复习》教学设计

经验告诉我们,成功是留给有准备的人。高中教师要准备好教案,这是高中教师需要精心准备的。教案可以让讲的知识能够轻松被学生吸收,帮助高中教师能够更轻松的上课教学。高中教案的内容具体要怎样写呢?以下是小编为大家精心整理的“高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 2 复习》教学设计”,仅供您在工作和学习中参考。

1.growing pains 2.turn up

3.be/arrive home by 6 o'clock 4.a waste of time

5.earlier than expected 6.can't wait to do sth

7.be supposed to do sth 8.be starving/be starved

9.in a mess 10.sound very angry

11.leave sb in charge 12.leave sb/sth adj/adv./doing/done/prep

13.make good decisions 14.trust sb=believe in sb

15.tolerate such behaviour 16.(lights) go out

17.have his arms crossed 18.look upset

19.give me a chance to defend myself 20.have an emergency

21.not... any more 22.deserve an explanation/explaining

23.that is why.... 24.the reason.....is that....

25.instead of... 26.too hard on sb

27.now that 28.be rude to…

29.in a mess 30.a piece of cake

31.(Don’t be) a wet blanket 32.all ears

33.(Don’t) pull my leg 34.have green fingers

35.the top dog 36.give sb the cold shoulder

37.it rains cats and dogs 38.my cup of tea

39.I hate it when that happens. 40.ask for some guidance

41refuse to do sth 42.insist on doing sth

43.waste time doing sth 44.in Internet cafes

45.allow sb sth 46.without harming our relationship

47.find fault with... 48.go through changes

49.day by day 50.out of control

51.it is common for sb to do... 52.think of....as...

53.be confused with... 54.tend to do sth

55.in this regard/ respect 56.deal with

57.struggle to depend on themselves 58.badly want and need sth

59.feel distant 60.desire independence

61.fit in (with) society 62.turn out

63.be traded for.... 64.balance these needs

65.act curtain soccer frightened

66.bend (be bent on) cash garbage sink

67.adult teenager scene anyhow

68.clinic sigh stay up handle

69.error mix up as if cafe

70.chat at present argument freedom

71.foolish harm patience selfish

72.annoyed adolescence along with misunderstand

73.normal physical psychological limit (to)

74.wisdom balance last challenge

M1U2 复习 英 (补充)

1.mix up 2.as if/ as though

3.suppose/ supposing/ if… 4.I suppose so/I don’t suppose so

5.be tolerant of… 6.have (no) tolerance for/of…

7.sth deserve doing/ to be done 8.sb deserve to do sth

9.explain to sb sth 10.prove (to be) adj/ n.

11.have a tendency to do 12.dance on the wind

13.fall in the wind 14.Nobel Prize in Literature

15.be gone 16.look like +句子

17.in/on/at the corner 18.be surprised at

19.much to one’s surprise 20.be supposed to have done

21.was/ were supposed to do 22.make a mess of…

23.with + O+ving/ved/to+v/adj/adv/prep 24.leave+O+ving/ ved/ adj/ adv/prep

25.have …done 26.not…any more/ no more

27.get mad/annoyed/angry with… 28.feel like doing/ would like to do

29.starve to death 30.die of starvation

31.in defense of… 32.make an error

33.Internet café 34.limit….to….

35.speed limit 36.work / serve / act /function as

37.not exactly 38.no wonder

39.It’s up to you 40.go with

41.get along with 42.turn out

43.keep up with 44.put up with

45.hold on to 46.make up to

47.show up 48.walk up and down

49.stare at 50.turn +年龄

51.in low spirits 52.make eye contact

53.enjoy one’s company 54.reach out to

55.make a list 56.set aside enough time for entertainment

57.free from 58.concentrate on

59.take advantage of… 60.take notes

61.go over your notes/review 62.develop an attitude to…

63.laugh off 64.keep one’s face

65.break into laughter 66.raise a hand against sb

67.keep in touch with 68.get in touch with

69.lose touch with 70.in fashion

71.light the lamp 72.let…be (leave…alone)

73.ignore small things 74.spare no effort to do

高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 3 复习》教学设计

一名优秀的教师在教学方面无论做什么事都有计划和准备,作为高中教师就要在上课前做好适合自己的教案。教案可以让学生们能够在上课时充分理解所教内容,帮助高中教师掌握上课时的教学节奏。那么,你知道高中教案要怎么写呢?小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 3 复习》教学设计”,仅供参考,希望能为您提供参考!

1.be dying to be thin 2.hear from

3.work out 4.another way to stay slim

5.try to lose weight 6.a slim figure

7.be ashamed of... 8.act in a new TV show

9.take weight-loss pills 10.be popular among...

11.The pills really work. 12. feel so energetic

13.recover from liver failure 14.regret doing sth

15.contain a harmful chemical 16.cause my liver to fail

17.send sb to the hospital 18.follow the doctor's advice

19.eat lots of fruit and vegetables 20.damage one's health

21.a slim and attractive figure 22.That isn't worth it.

23.be embarrassed about 24.go on a diet/ diets

25.learn(... )from your story 26.You look great as you are.

27.behind one’s back 28.end in failure

29.in truth 30.stay in shape

31.It sounds fun. 32..on one's own

33.lift weights 34.have side effects on…

35.His hair might fall out 36.take the risk

37.read the post 38.by the way

39.make the most of… 40.do sport

41.feel great sadness 42.a true friend

43.put on weight 44.be great fun

45.way of life 46.along with

47.in the long term 48.skip meals

49.control their weight 50.eat properly and exercise regularly

51.have no time left 52.produce some chemicals

53.feel peaceful and relaxed 54.a good amount of sleep

55.prepare sb for.. 56.the day to come

57.as a matter of fact 58.gain weight

59.follow the suggestions above 60.in no time


energetic contain treatment painful attractive pressure prefer waist suffer athlete

side effect fall out affect achievement post

membership including branch downtown freeway midnight equipment get into shape make the most of

expert chip sadness comfort useless approximately skip properly mostly system skin count in count out count down

count on peaceful concentrate amount

loss gain

Module 1 Unit 3 复习 补充


1.work out ①②③④ 2.cause / do damage to

3.cause and effect 4.come into effect

5.bring/ carry sth into effect 6.be of no effect

7.Every minute counts. 8.count on/ upon

9.concentrate on 10.concentrate one’s attention on/upon

11.concentrate one’s efforts on 12.There was a time when…

13.be dying /eager/ thirsty for 14.die down

15.die out 16.die away

17.die of 18.die from

19.The machine doesn’t work. 20.The door won’t open.

21.recover one’s sense/health 22.sth be worth doing/$

23.sth be worthy to be /of being done 24.be worthy of sth

25.as you are/ as it is 26.as/so long as…

27.the other day 28.follow one’s instructions

29.stay fresh 30.I couldn’t agree more.

31.such/ the same…as… 32.It’s two years since I smoked.

33.a common family name 34.return to normal

35.normal body temperature 36.as/ than usual

37.one’s usual seat 38.regular flights

39.common/ordinary/ average people 40.It’s useless doing/ to do sth

41.So it is with…/It’s the same with… 42.a good many/a great number of…

43.a great deal of/ a large amount of 44.a lot of/ a large quantity of

45.(large) amounts of…. 46.large quantities of….

47.many a/an…/ more than one… 48.at a time

49.at one time 50.at no time

51.at times/ from time to time 52.all the time


53.contain vitamins/ sugar… 54.be in a good/bad mood

55. in low / high spirits 56.what for=for what?

57. so what? 58.far from…

59.I regret to say/ tell you… 60.regret (not) doing

61.with two exams to worry about 62.from behind the door/where you sit

63.a no-brainer 64.all thumbs

65.Nothing seems to please her, does it?

66.I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, didn’t I?

67.Shally, be sure to write to us, will you?

68.I don’t think you could have finished your homework last night, did you?

69.---It’s useless to cry over spoiled milk, isn’t it?

---It’s better late than never. Anyway, no one has expected it, have they?

70. Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure, because it isn’t worth it.



本文题目:高三英语四单元教案:Module 复习教案


① oppose vt. 反对,阻碍;与……对抗

(回归课本P53)...meaning we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.




①Father does not oppose the idea at all.


②The planned new airport will be strongly opposed by the residents.


③(牛津P1400)I would oppose changing the law.


④Students talk about the pop stars’ private life as opposed to their public life after class.





(1)resist指“积极的反抗、对抗”,“用武力阻止前进”。后跟doing sth.。

(2)object常指“用言论或论据等表示抗议或反对。”后跟to (doing) sth.。


①She objects to being scolded in public.

②I was unable to resist laughing.

③A local group oppose the plan for environmental reasons.


1.Members of the council ________ the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city.

A.imposed  B.posed

C.composed D.opposed


2.(温州模拟)She was on a diet,but she couldn’t ________ eating sweet food.

Consequently,her weight was gained again.

A.remove B.resist

C.reject D.object

解析:选B。句意为“她在减肥,但是抵抗不住吃甜食。因此体重又增加了。”can’t resist doing sth.情不自禁地做某事。

②convinced adj. 确信的;相信的

(回归课本P51)Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future...




①I’ve been trying to convince Jean to come with me.


②I’m convinced of his honesty.


③I’m not convinced that your idea will work.



3.Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter ________ physical and mental health.

A.of;at B.by;in

C.of;on D.on;at


4.(湖北天门中学模拟)Whatever he explained,he couldn’t ________ the policeman that he was innocent.

A.confirm B.present

C.convince D.admit


③acquire vt. 得到,获得

(回归课本P51)New dialects acquire their own complex features until they become real languages in their own right.




①Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work.


②She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.




(1)acquire 多指经过一段时间的艰苦努力而获得,获得的内容多是抽象的东西,并且一经获得就很难失去,如知识等。

(2)gain 常指强有力的夺取,也可指渐渐获得某物的过程。

(3)obtain 是较正式用语,常指“通过努力工作、奋力拼搏或请求而得到所需的东西”。

①She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study.

②I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.

③The country gained its independence ten years ago.


5.Mr.Smith gradually ________ knowledge of the subject by constant study.


C.required D.acquired


6.Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an ________ taste and are not in born.

A.gained B.developed

C.acquired D.grown


④tell...apart 把……区分开来

(回归课本P44)It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.




①Can you tell the twin brothers apart?


②It is very important for us to tell true friends from false ones in society.


③The kittens looked exactly alike—how could you tell which was which?


④To tell the truth,I do know where he has gone.



7.The two paintings look so much alike that I can’t ________ the authentic painting ________ the modern copy.

A.tell;from B.tell;of

C.tell;apart D.tell;off

解析:选A。句意:这两幅画这么相似,以至于我分辨不出真品和仿制品。此题考查tell不同搭配的用法。tell A from B“区分A和B”;tell sb.of/about sth.“告诉某人有关某事”;tell sth. apart“区分某物”;tell sb.off for sth.“为某事斥责某人”。

8.(山东枣庄模拟)I could ________ he was surprised from the expression on his face.

A.look B.say

C.watch D.tell



⑤get down to 开始做某事

(回归课本P53)Thus,to talk turkey means to get down to business.

因此,to talk turkey意思是开始做生意。



①He got down to his work after the holidays.


②Let’s get down to our business.


③After supper,they got down to having a meeting.


④How can I get it across to you people how important this is?


⑤(朗文P866)The three men got away in a stolen car.


⑥The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in.



9.The final examination is coming up soon.It’s time for us to ________ our studies.

A.get down to  B.get through

C.get back for D.get over

解析:选A。get dwon to sth.表示“开始做某事”。句意:期末考试马上就到了,我们该开始认真学习了。

10.(江西省十校一模)—Better get down to your work,Jack.


A.It’s my pleasure

B.Not to mention it

C.Mind your own business

D.You’re welcome


⑥let sb.down 使某人失望

(回归课本P53) With friends like these,who needs enemies?means a friend has betrayed your trust or let you down.

“With friends like these,who needs enemies?”意思是“你的朋友辜负了你的信任或者让你失望。”



①Let down the rope so that I can climb up.


②I’m counting on you to support me—don’t let me dwon.


③(朗文P1180)These curtains let in too much light.


④The man let off a bomb in the crowd,causing 12 people dead at least.


⑤I’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.


⑥I wouldn’t speak to him,let alone trust him and lend him some money.



11.The news of the famous singer’s absence has really ________ his fans ________.

A.taken;out B.helped;out

C.given;off D.let;down

解析:选D。句意:那位著名歌星缺席的消息真让他的歌迷失望。用let sb.down表示“使某人失望”。

12.I’m badly ________,for there is no one that can be relied on.

A.let down B.let on

C.let out D.let off

解析:选A。考查短语动词辨析和句意理解。句意:我非常失望,因为这里没有可以依靠的人。let down“使失望”;let on“泄露”;let out“使出去”;let off“原谅,不惩罚”,只有A项符合题意。


①【教材原句】 Perhaps correctness doesn’t matter—as long as speakers can understand each other—it’s communication that counts.



【句法分析】 (1)只要……引导条件状语从句,从句中一般用现在时代替将来时。

①You may borrow the book as long as you keep it clean.


②I don’t mind as long as it doesn’t rain.


③As long as you drive carefully,you will be very safe.



④This line is four times as long as that one.


(3)on condition that 只要,条件是

as far as 远至;就……的限度

as good as 和……一样好;几乎

as well as 和……一样好;和,既……又……

⑤Ron lent me the money on condition that I pay it back next month.罗恩把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。


13.________ good service is provided the small motels will continue to have people who choose to stay in them rather than in the big ones.

A.As much as  B.As long as

C.As soon as D.As far as

解析:选B。句意:只要有好的服务,小型的汽车旅馆会继续吸引那些宁愿选择住小旅馆而不住大旅馆的人。as long as 只要;as much as 尽可能多;as soon as 一……就;as far as远到。

14.(重庆一模)________ he works hard,

I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.

A.As long as B.As well as

C.So far as D.As soon as

解析:选A。句意为“只要他努力工作,我并不在意他什么时候把实验做完。”as long as 引导条件状语从句。

②【教材原句】 In this sense everybody’s use of language—whether English,Chinese,or any other—is different.(P44)


【句法分析】1)whether English,Chinese,or any other在句中作插入语,用来对所要表达的内容进行解释或补充,插入语可用破折号分开,也可用逗号隔开。

①He asked the people present,whether men or women,to keep it secret.


②Pearls,either big or small,are very expensive.


③This is the last chance,I am afraid,that you can win over them.恐怕这是你能战胜他们的最后机会了。

2)whether...or 还可以引导从句。


④Playing football is a popular game,whether to men or women.



⑤My doubt is whether the weather will be fine or not tomorrow.我的怀疑是明天天气是好还是坏。


15.I don’t quite share with you some views on the matter—________—these are too strange.

A.to be honest B.believe it or not

C.in other words D.what’s more

解析:选A。句意:在这件事上,我与你的某些观点不太一致,老实说,这些观点太奇怪了。to be honest在句中作插入语,意为“老实说,说实话”。

16.All people,________ they are old or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.

A.even if B.whether

C.no matter D.however

解析:选B。句意是:自从灾难发生以来,所有的人们,不管是老人还是年轻人,不管是富人还是穷人,都一直在努力帮助那些需要帮助的人。even if即使;whether...or.... 不管……还是……;no matter后接疑问词时,表示“不管……”;however“无论多么……”。





Unit 15 The necklace 项链


1.Time is so ____________(宝贵的)that we can’t afford to waste it.

2.After years of hard work,the couple paid off all their ____________(债务)at last.

3.It’s ____________(傻的)of you to make the same mistake again.

4.Slowly but ____________(无疑地),the company is becoming successful again.

5.If he ____________(继续)stealing,he’ll end up in prison sooner or later.

6.I don’t like the colour of the coat;____________(此外),it’s too expensive.

7.Everyone can greatly improve the ______________(质量)of life in modern times.

8.The meeting will be ______________(参加)by finance ministers from many countries.


(1)It was a small book ____________ how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

(2)They hope that they can find an ____________ for the attacks.


(1)I decided to send my invention to the patent office to get ____________ for my successful idea.

(2)Even when they wore sunglasses or beards people __________ them.


1.________________ 访问;号召;邀请

2.________________ 拿回来;使恢复

3.________________ 还清(债务等);付清

4.________________ 把……表演出来;把……付诸行动

5.________________ 充当;担任

6.________________ 日日夜夜地

7.________________ 至多

8.________________ 试穿

9.________________ 在……中扮演角色(起作用)

10.________________ 提出/想出(计划、办法等)

1.call on 2.bring back 3.pay off 4.act out 5.act as 6.day and night 7.at most 8.try on 9.play a role in 10.come up with


1.Pierre and I ____________ a very good time at the ball.


2.I’m sorry,but I ____________ I know you.


3.Years of hard work,very little food,only a small cold room ____________ and never,never a moment’s rest.


4.I was ____________ in my office who ____________.I’ve written to accept the invitation.


1.did have 2.don’t think 3.to live in 4.the only person;was invited


1recognise(recognize) vt. 识别;认出;承认

【教材原句】(P17)Sorry,I didn’t recognise you.



①(朗文P1705)We hadn’t seen each other in thirty years,but I recognized her right away.


②(朗文P1705)Our record shows that we recognize how important safety is.


③They recognised him to be a great leader.


④After the accident,he recognised that he was not fit for the work.


recognition n. 认出,识别;理睬beyond recognition 认不出


⑤The girl has changed beyond recognition.





⑥Alice glanced at the envelope and recognized her father’s handwriting.



⑦I want to know how to get in touch with him.



⑧He began to realize just how serious the whole situation was.



1.(2010年高考安徽卷)I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond ________.

A.hearing  B.strength

C.recognition D.measure

解析:选C。句意:自从Sara还是孩子的时候,我就一直没见过她。她现在已经变得(让人)认不出来了。beyond recognition:impossible to recognize无法辨认。

2explain vt. 解释;说明

【教材原句】 (P17)Could you please explain?


①(朗文P708)He was obviously drunk,which explains why he was acting strangely.


②(朗文P708)Marta explained that the bus had broken down,which was why she was late.


③(朗文P708)John doesn’t make excuses or explain himself to anybody.






Please ________________________ where to begin and how to do it.


She ________________ she had been ill and in hospital for two months.

答案:(1)explain to me (2)explained that

3continue vt.& vi. 继续,持续

【教材原句】(P17)In the park,Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.



①They continued their journey after the rain,hoping to see him soon.雨后,他们继续旅行,希望尽快见到他。


②I hope that this kind of activity will continue in the future.我希望这种活动以后继续办下法。

③(朗文P434)Despite his illness,he plans to continue with his normal work schedule.


(3)continue to do/doing sth.继续做某事

④He continued working/to work as if nothing had happened.


(4)continue后可接“to be+adj.”,意为“继续处于某种状态”,此时to be可省略。

⑤My father continues healthy.



3.According to the weather report,the weather will______fine.

A.go on B.keep on

C.carry on D.continue




________________________,so we could not go out to play.

答案:The rain continued for days

4attend vt.& vi. 出席;参加;照顾;护理;专心;留意

【教材原句】(P19)Attending a ball can be exciting.



attend a meeting/lecture出席会议/听演讲、听课

attend a wedding/a funeral参加婚礼/葬礼

attend school/church上学/做礼拜


①I have to get up early to attend the meeting tomorrow.


②(朗文P108)After attending church,the family would go home for dinner.


(2)attend (on/upon)服侍,照料,陪伴

③His mother was ill,so he had to attend (on/upon) her.


(3)attend to倾听,注意,留心;关心,照顾;办理

④(朗文P108)I have a few other things to attend to first.



5.I’m sorry,but I cannot go to the concert with you because I have to ________my sick classmate.

A.appeal to B.lead to

C.attend to D.stick to

解析:选C。attend to my sick classmate.照顾生病的同学。

6.—Would you like to________my birthday party this Saturday?

—Sorry,I have an important meeting to________.

A.attend;join B.take part in;attend

C.join;take part in D.attend;attend

解析:选D。join后要接团体、集体、组织等与人有关的名词;take part in与政治活动或体育、文娱活动有关;attend侧重于指上(课),参加(晚会),照顾病人等意义。

5call on 访问;号召;邀请

【教材原句】(P17)So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.


①I’ll take a walk then call on some friends.


②The government has called on the graduates to work in the west.政府已号召毕业生到西部工作。


call at 参观,拜访某地

call for 要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物

call up 打电话;使想起;使回忆起

call in 召集;请;要求退回,收回

call off 决定取消;下令停止

call back 叫回;回电话

③It is announced that the sports meeting has been called off.


④That picture calls up memories of a holiday I had when I was a child.那张照片使我回忆起儿时假期的情景。

⑤Your mother is very ill.Call in a doctor at once.


⑥This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.



7.(2009年高考福建卷)The Somali robbers’ frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to ________ all nations to take immediate action.

A.fight for B.apply for

C.call on D.wait on

解析:选C。句意:索马里海盗经常在海上袭击(轮船)使联合国号召所有国家立即采取行动。fight for为……而战;apply for申请;call on号召;wait on服侍,招待,拜访。call on/upon sb.to do sth.号召某人做某事;call on sb.拜访某人。

6pay off 还清(债务等);付清;取得成功;得到回报

【教材原句】(P18)Well,after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts.


①(朗文P1503)Ed was driving a taxi on the weekends to pay off all his debts.


②Since there was a rapid increase in his business,his efforts paid off.



③That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.


④He had to work part?time so as to pay for his education.


⑤More attention should be paid to protecting the enviroment.



8.He________ a lot of time on the Internet,which ________ him his happiness in the future.

A.took;cost  B.spent;costed

C.paid;took D.spent;cost

解析:选D。句意:他将大量时间消磨在网络上,这是以葬送他未来的幸福为代价的。spend...on...花费……在……上;cost使付出,以……为代价;take后跟时间:take sb.+时间to do sth.结合句意,故此题选D。

9.Ling Feng won the first prize in the national English competition and I’m glad that her efforts at last ________.

A.worked out B.got back

C.paid off D.turned out

解析:选C。后半句句意:我很高兴她的努力最后成功了。pay off (指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果,成功,行得通。

7after all 毕竟;终究;到底

【教材原句】(P18)Well,after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts.


①It’s not surprising you’re tired.After all,you were up until eleven last night!


②I don’t know why you’re so concerned.It isn’t your problem after all.



③Above all,I’d like to thank my family.


④All in all,we had a good time.





You shouldn’t have scolded the boy ______________,he is a child ________________;________________,he made only two mistakes ________________.

答案:at all;after all;above all;in all


Why is he not allowed to stay here?________,it’s his home.

答案:After all


1【教材原句】 (P16)I’m_sorry,but I_don’t_think I know you.


【句法分析】 (1)I’m sorry,but...此句式常用来拒绝或否定别人的看法;有时也用来有礼貌地提出自己的看法。

①—Would you mind opening the window?


—I’m sorry,but I have caught a cold.


(2)句中I don’t think是否定转移。当think表示“认为、猜想”等含义,且主语是第一人称,用来引导一个否定概念时,通常把否定词not移到主句的谓语部分中,形成否定转移,带有婉转、客气的语气。类似的动词还有believe,suppose,imagine,expect,guess等。如:

②I like him but I don’t think he is the right person for the job.


③I don’t think it was an accident.He did it on purpose.



【温馨提示】 当这类句子变反意疑问句时,其变化形式与宾语从句保持一致,且用肯定形式;但如果主句的主语不是第一人称时,则简短问句的主语与主句的主语一致。

④I don’t think he will come today,will he?


⑤You don’t think he will come today,do you?



11.You see,there is no light in their room.I don’t think they have returned home,________?

A.haven’t they B.did they

C.have they D.didn’t they

解析:选C。应该把not移回宾语从句再进行反意疑问,即have they。

12.Mrs.Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,________?

A.is he B.isn’t he

C.doesn’t she D.does she


2【教材原句】 (P18)Pierre and I did_have a very good time at the ball.


【句法分析】 这是一个强调谓语的特殊句式。强调词通常是do的某种形式与谓语动词的组合。这种用法常符合以下两个条件:



①Do be careful next time.下次一定要细心。

②He did tell me about it yesterday.


③He does speak English well.他英语讲得的确很好。




________________________ e?mails immediately you arrive at Beijing.

答案:Do send me



