



1.diet n.日常饮食 vi. 节食 a diet of sth. 多得令人生厌的事物

be/go on a diet put sb. on a diet用规定的食谱,控制饮食

[即学即练1] (1)___________________________ is not good for you


(2)The doctors all suggest I _______________________ .医生们都建议我节食。

Too rich a diet go on a diet

比较:diet 既可指习惯上常用的食品,又可指规定的食物,特指维持健康的定质定量的食物;food是“食物”的一般用语,指任何能吃的且有营养的东西。

2.balance vt.&vi.&n.平衡 balance the good and evil of things

balanced adj. 平稳的,安定的,和谐的 in the balance 悬而未决

the balance of forces 力量对比 out of balance 失去平衡

keep one's balance 保持平衡,保持镇静 lose one's balance 失去平衡,失去镇静

throw sb. off the balance 使某人失去平衡,使某人慌乱


[即学即练2](1)We must ______________ the good and evil of things.


(2)The acrobat __________________ on the high rope.


(3)It is difficult to __________________________ on an icy pavement.


(4)How long can you _______________ on one foot?你能单脚站立多久?

Balance balanced himself keep one’s balance balance

3.lie n.谎话;谎言 vt.&vi.说谎;躺,处于(某位置)

tell a lie/lies 说谎?[反]tell the truth 说实话

a white lie 善意的谎言 a big lie 弥天大谎 There lies... 某地有……

lie to sb.向某人撒谎 lie in 在于;处于

lie down 躺下;屈服 lie on one's side/back/stomach 侧卧/仰卧/俯卧


lie撒谎→lied→lied 躺→lay→lain→lying lay 放;产卵→laid→laid→laying

[即学即练3](1)The boy must be a spy and was __________________.


(2)You are ______ and lies cannot cover up facts.你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。

(3)He was ______ in the shade of the tree.他正躺在树荫下。

(4)The factory ____________ the west of the town. 工厂在镇的西边。

telling a lie lying lying lies to

(5)Don't ______ your coat on the bed.不要把你的外衣放在床上。

(6)Birds, fishes, and insects ____________________.鸟下蛋,鱼和昆虫产卵。

Lay lay eggs

4.consult vt.&vi. 向……咨询;查阅

consultant n.会诊医生;顾问 consulting adj. 咨询的;顾问的

consult sb. about sth. 向某人请教某事 consult a book (a dictionary )查书(字典)

consult with sb. 同某人商量 a consulting engineer 顾问工程师

[即学即练4](1)You'd better ______ a doctor ______ your illness.


(2)Before a decision has been made, you'd better __________________.


(3)When you take a geography exam, you may __________________.


(4)He is ________________________ his advisor.他正同他的顾问磋商事情。

Consult about consult your father consult a map consulting with

5.limit n.界限;限度 v.限制;限定

limited adj. 有限的 limitation n. 限制;限制条件,不足之处

go beyond/over the limit 超过限度 within limits 在一定范围内;有限度的

within the limits of 在……的范围内 without limit 无限(制)地

set a limit to sth. 对……规定限度 be limited to sth. 受限制于……

limit sth. to sth. 把……限定在……的范围内

[即学即练5](1)I've ____________________ 1 000 calories a day to try to lose weight.

我试着减肥,限定自己每天摄入1 000卡的热量。

(2)A wise man knows his own ______________.人贵有自知之明。

(3)As we all know, a person's life is ______, but knowledge is _________________.

=As we all know, there is ____________________ a person's life but ____________________ knowledge.


limited myself to limitations limited unlimited

a limit to no limit to

6.benefit n.利益,实惠;优越性

vt.&vi.得益;使……受益 benefit sb./someplace 使某人/某地受益

benefit from/by sth. receive/gain benefit from sth.得益于某事

be of great/much benefit to sb.=be very beneficial to sb. 对某人有好处

for the benefit of...为了帮助……;为了……的利益

[即学即练6](1)The new hospital will ________the entire community.


(2)I __________ much ______ my father's advice.我从父亲的建议中获益颇多。

(3)Moderate exercise will be _______________________ you.适度运动对你有很多益处。

(4)She went there _______________________________ her health.


Benefit benefited from of much benefit to for the benefit of

7.combine vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合 in combination with 与……联合起来

combination n. 结合;联合;化合(物) combine into... 联合成……

combine...with... 把……与……结合起来 a combination of... 一种……的结合(物)

[即学即练7](1)Some films _________ education ______ recreation.


(2)The two small shops _________ to make a large one.


(3)Pink is ________________________ red and white.粉红色是红色与白色的混合色。

Combine with Combined a combination of

8.get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

get rid of 摆脱;除去 get about 走动;旅行;(消息等)传开来

get across (使)被理解;(把……)讲清楚 get down to doing sth. 开始认真地做某事

get on/along well with... 与……相处得好;进展得好

get away from 逃脱;离开 get down (从……)下来;写下;使沮丧

get in 收获;插话 get in touch with 与……取得联系

get into the habit of 染上……的习惯 get into trouble 陷入困境

get out (of...) (使)出去;离开;逃脱;摆脱

get over 爬过(墙等);克服(困难等);从……中恢复过来

get through 办完;花完(钱、时间等);(使)通过;接通电话

[即学即练8](1)I won't have you _______________________ cheating in the exam.


(2)He was so lucky to __________________________ only a fine for such a serious mistake.


(3)How can I _________________________________ the flies in the kitchen?


(4)He's not very good at __________ his ideas _________.


getting away with get away with

get rid of getting across

9.in debt负债 get/run into debt陷入债务

be in heavy debt负债累累 be in debt to sb.欠某人债

pay off all the debts还清债务(动作) be out of debt不欠债(状态)

[即学即练9](1)In my opinion, the elegant woman with long hair can’t have been _______________________.在我看来,那位优雅的长发女士不可能负债累累。

(2)Being __________________________ makes Tom a light mood


(3)The couple worked hard day and night in order to ____________________________________________.


in heavy debt out of debt

pay off all their debts

10.cut down 砍倒,使倒下;削减,压缩;减价

[即学即练10](1)He used to _______________ trees, but he plants trees now.


(2)I have to __________________________.我得少抽烟。

(3)AIDS __________________________ at an early age.艾滋病较早地夺去了他的生命。

(4)He was asking $100 for the vase, but I ____________________________________ $75.


cut down cut down smoking

cut him down cut him down to

拓展:cut across走捷径,穿过去 cut in插话;让某人分享利润 cut off中止,切断;隔绝 cut out删除;裁剪

cut up劈碎,切碎;使难过;(严重地)割伤

cut short突然停止,中断(活动) cut through穿过;克服;避开;剪断


1.Nothing could be better... 再没有比这更好的了……

此句中形容词(或副词)的比较级 better与否定词 nothing连用,表达最高级的含义。常用的否定词有 no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等与比较级连用,表示最高级的含义。

①I think nothing is more pleasant than travelling.我想没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的了。

②Nobody loves money better than he.没人比他更贪财。

③—Did you sleep well last night? 你昨晚睡得怎样?

—Never better, like a rock. 从来没这么好过,像块石头。



(2)adj./adv.(比较级)+than+any other+n. (单数) any of the other+n. (复数)

①You haven't done such a foolish thing!


②Bill runs faster than any other boy any of the other boys in his class.


[即境活用1] (1)(2008·海南东方模拟)—Did you listen to Mr Jackson's lecture?

—Yes, I have never heard a ______ one.

A.more exciting B.more excited C.most exciting D.most excited

解析:考查否定词与比较级连用表示最高级意义,即 never...a more exciting one。


(2)(2009·河北唐山期末)—Who is your favourite basketball player in China?

—Yao Ming, of course. No one plays ______.

A.better B.best C.good D.well

解析:No one plays better. 意为“没有人(比他)打得更好”。 答案:A

2.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他不可能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉!

have sb. doing 在此表示“允许或容忍(某事物)发生”。此处的 have常用在否定句中,特别是用在 will not, cannot 等之后。

归纳:(1)have sb. do sth. “使某人做某事”,不定式做宾补省略 to,但其被动式(sb. be made to do sth.)不能省略 to。含此种“使得”意义的其他动词还有 make, let, lead, drive等,如: No one can have Tom do this. 没人能使汤姆做这件事。

(2)have sth. done 包含两层意思:一种是“请别人做某事”;另一种为“承担外界或别人做某事的后果”。

(3)have sb. (sth.) doing 有两层含义:一种是“使……处于某种状态或作出某种反应”;另一种是“允许、听任某种事情发生”,这种用法一般用于否定句中。

(4)have sth. to do 意为“有某事要做”,have 意为“有,拥有”。不定式 to do是宾语 sth.的定语,句子的主语是不定式动作的执行者。如果是 to be done做定语时,说明该不定式是由别人发出的。

①It is rude of you to speak to Father like that and I won't have you speaking to Father like that in future.


②He had his audience listening attentively.他吸引住了听众的注意力。

③No one can have me leave the office.没有人能使我离开办公室。

④She had her bag stolen.她的包被偷了。

⑤I have some letters to type.我有些信要打。(“我”自己动手打)

⑥I have some letters to be typed.我有几封信需要打。(需要找别人打)

[即境活用2] (1)We can't have people ______ late all the time.

A.arrive B.to arrive C.arriving D.arrived

解析:用于否定句中 can't have sb. doing 意为“不能允许……”。答案:C

(2)Is this TV set ______ you wish to have ______?

A.the one; repaired B.which; it repaired

C.the one; it repaired D.which; repaired

解析:第一空填 the one做先行词,其后为省略 which的定语从句,且 which在从句中做 have的宾语,故选A。

(3)—Mr Smith, do you have something ______ at this moment?

—No, thanks. I'll call you if any.

A.to be typed B.to type C.typed D.typing答案:A

解析:考查 have something to be done结构,因为不定式的主语不是句子主语 you。

3.Why_don't_you sit down and try a meal? 你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢?

Why don't you...?=Why not do...?为什么不……?(表示建议)

①Why don't you have a try once again?=Why not have a try once again?


②Why don't you call him right now?=Why not call him right now?



(1)had better do... 最好做…… (2)Let's do..., shall we? 让我们做……,好吗?

(3)I advise you (not) to do... 我劝你(别)做……

(4)I suggest that you (not) do... 我建议你(别)做……

(5)Can't we do...? 难道我们不可以做……吗?

(6)What/How about doing...? 做……怎么样?

(7)Will you please do...? 请你做……好吗?

(8)Would you like/love to do...? 你愿意做……吗?

(9)I wonder if you should do... 我想知道你是不是应该做……

(10)Shall we do...? 我们做……好吗?

[即境活用3] —It's a long time since I saw my sister.

—______ her this weekend?

A.Why not visit B.Why not to visit C.Why not visiting D.Why don't visit

解析:Why not do...?=Why don't you do...? 意为:“为什么不……呢?”用于提出建议。


易 错 点 拨 自我完善·误区备考

1. strength/force/energy/power

(1)strength 指固有的潜力。说人时,指“力气”;说物时,指“强度”。也可指“强项,长处”。

(2)force 主要指自然界的力量,暴力,势力以及法律、道德或感情的力量,军事的力量

(3)energy 主要指人的精力或自然界的能量。

(4)power 主要指做一件事所依靠的能力、功能;也可指人或机器等事物潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量;还可指职权、权力或政权。

[应用1] 用 energy/power/force和 strength 填空。

(1)Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of __________.

(2)The party came to __________ at the last election.

(3)Gandi insisted on winning independence by peaceful struggles, not by ___________.

(4)Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ___________.

Energy power force strength

2. join/combine/unite/connect

(1)join 侧重把原来不相连接的事物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。短语:join up联合起来;join...to/and...连接。

(2)combine 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。短语: combine with 与……结合。

(3)unite 指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。

(4)connect 指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。短语:connect...to/with 与……相连;be connected with与……有关系。

[应用2] 用 join, combine, unite, connect的恰当形式填空。

(1)__________, we'll stand; divided, we'll die.

(2)Efforts and confidence _________ to make a full man.

(3)This path __________ the highway up ahead.

(4)This railway ____________ London and Edinburgh.

United combine joins connects

3. glare/glance/stare/gaze/glimpse




[应用3] (1)The policeman ____________ the thief as he drove past.

(2)They ___________ at each other for a long time, after the quarrel.

(3)It’s impolite to ___________ at foreign guests in the street.

(4)He __________ at her and left hurriedly.

(5)The girl likes lying on her back and __________ at the stars above.

Glimpsed glared stare glanced gazing

高 效 作 业 自我测评·技能备考

Ⅱ .单项选择

1.(2010·山东潍坊质量监测)—Why do you eat all the vegetables but leave ______ meat untouched?

—I'm on ______ diet.

A.a; the B.the; / C./; a D.the; a

解析:考查冠词。——你为什么吃了所有的蔬菜而不动肉呢?——我在节食。第一空特指双方都知道的“meat”,故用the;第二空on a diet“节食”,是固定搭配。答案:D

2.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.

A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values

解析:考查名词辨析。由题意知 weakness 的反义词是 strength,指“强项”。 答案:A

3.(2010·福建六校三联)Even if the treatment ______, there's still no magic pill for patients in the late stage of AIDS.

A.does B.uses C.works D.helps


4.Once you have decided to buy an expensive article, you had better______an expert on it.

A.ask B.advise C.consult D.find

解析:句意为“一旦你决定买件贵重物品,你最好找这方面的专家咨询一下”。consult sb. 意为“向某人请教”。其他选项不符合语境。答案:C

5.A large sum of money has been raised for the ______of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous districts.

A.profit B.favor C.advantage D.benefit

解析:for the benefit of...“为了……的利益/好处”,是固定搭配。答案:D

6.You'd better ______ your expenses on clothes.

A.cut up B.cut down C.cut off D.cut out

解析:表示“削减花费/开销”,用 cut down。答案:B

7.A harmonious society is like a symphony orchestra-each person contributes a small sound, but when ______ with other sounds, it becomes beautiful music.

A.combining B.being combined C.combined D.to be combined

解析:考查非谓语动词。当状语从句的主语与主句中的主语一致且谓语中含有be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词,本句完整形式应为when it is combined...。


8.The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ______ telling lies.

A.keep away from B.keep away with

C.get away from D.get away with

解析:考查动词短语。句意为:这个孩子应该受到惩罚。你不应该让他逃脱撒谎受到的处罚。get away with “侥幸成功,逃脱处罚”;get away from “逃离”;keep away from “远离”。 答案:D

9.You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it ______ often enough.

A.explaining B.to explain C.explain D.explained

解析:本题中it指代the traffic rule,它与explain构成动宾关系,因此用过去分词做宾补。have sth. done让别人做某事。答案:D

10.What an unforgettable experience! I’ll write it down ______ it is still fresh in my memory.

A.since B.while C.after D.until


11.There was an oil painting ______ in the corner. It ______ there for several days.

A.laying; had laid B.lain; had laid

C.lying; had lain D.laid; had been lain

解析:第一空填 lying表示“正处于某状态”;第二空填 had lain表示“已经处于该位置好几天答案:C

12.If you just spend time ______ advantages and disadvantages, you may get nothing in the end.

A.matching B.balancing C.observing D.examining

解析:balance advantages and disadvantages 意为“权衡利弊”。 答案:B

13.—The weather isn't good enough for an outing, isn't it?

—Not in the least. We can't have ______ at this time of the year.

A.a worse day B.a nicer day C.such bad a day D.so fine a day

解析:not in the least 相当于 not at all, 意为“根本不”。此题考查比较级的否定形式表达最高级的含义。B、D两项与题意不符;C项结构错误。答案:A

14.—Lucy doesn't mind lending you her dictionary.

—She ______. I've already borrowed one.

A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't

解析:句意为:“Lucy不介意把词典借给你。”“她不必了。我已经借了一本了。”本题测试情态动词的用法。 needn't 不必(不需要);can't 不能(不许);mustn't 不行(禁止);shouldn't 不该(责备) 答案:C。

15.—Why don't we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our Olympic players?


A.Because we haven't got enough preparations.

B.Good idea! C.It's all because of the terrible weather.

D.Not all would like to attend it.

解析:Why don't...?“为什么不……?”用于提出建议,故回答B项“好主意”。 答案:B








⒈ 定语从句要跟在先行词的后面。

⒉ 定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。

⒊ 引导定语从句的关系词有两种:

关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等

关系副词:when, where, why 等

⒋ 关系词的作用:引导定语从句;代替先行词;在定语从句中作成分。

一、 定语从句中关系词的使用:

⒈ 如果修饰人,一般用关系代词who, whom, whose 或that。在定语从句中作主语的一般用who或that, 作宾语的一般用whom, who或that, 作定语并具有物主性质的用whose。(在定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可省略)关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。

(2011?四川卷)17.The school shop, customers are mainly students, is closed few the holidays.【B】

A.which B.whose C.when D.where[来源:Zxxk.Com]

(2011?福建卷)24.She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ____ allows them to communicate freely with each other.【A】

A.which B.where C.what D.who

⒉ 如果修饰事物,用关系代词which 和that,作宾语时可省略。作介词宾语时,如果介词位于关系代词之前,则用which (不能省) ,而不用that(关系代词that既能代人,又能代物)。whose也可用来指物(此时可用of which来代替),在定语从句中作定语。

(2011?全国新课标卷)31.The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination.【C】

A.that B.which C.whose D.what

(2011?江西卷)34.She showed he visitors around the museum, the construction______ has taken more than three years.【C】

A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which

3. when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语,有时也可用介词+which来代替。

(2011?天津卷)10.The days are gone _____ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.【A】

A.when B.that C.where D.which[来源:学科网ZXXK]

4. where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语,有时也可用介词+which来代替。

(2011?陕西卷)11.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. 【B】

A.which B.where C.who D.that

5. why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,常可用for+ which来代替。

Do you know the reason why/for which he came so late?


方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如:

This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。

I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。


(错) This is the mountain village where I visited last year.

(错) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.

(对) This is the mountain village (which) I visited la st year.

(对) I'll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.

习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词 where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。

方法二: 准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关系副词。

例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

A. where B. that  C. on which  D. the one

例2. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held.

A. where B. that  C. on whichD. the one

答案:例1 D,例2 A

例1变为肯定句: This museum is ___ you visited a few days ago.

例2变为肯定句: This is the museum ___ the exhibition was held.

在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where, that, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,可以省略关系代词,所以应选D。

而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。

关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词(who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词 ( where 地点状语,when 时间状语,why 原因状语) 。

二、 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句


(2011?浙江卷)8.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures ,each of____ uses it somewhat differently .【A】

A.which B.what C.them D.those

(2011?湖南卷)25.Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of ____ she spoke fluently. 【C】

A.who B.whom C.which D.that

(2010重庆)28. In china, the number of cities is increasing ________development is recognized across the world. 【C】

A. where B. which C. whose D. that

(10全国Ⅱ)16. I refuse to accept the blame for something _____was someone else’s fault. 【B】

A. who B. that C. as D. what


⒈ one of + the +复数名词 后面定语从句中谓语单复数情况:

跟定语从句所靠近的那个复数名词在数上保持一致,通常用复数。但如果这一结构前面有the only之类的限定语,后面定语从句的谓语动词则要用单数形式。

This is one of the books that are required for study at school.

He is the only one of the teachers who knows French in our school.

⒉ 定语从句中用that而不用which的情况:

1)、先行词是不定代词时,如:everything, anything, any, something, little, much等。

We should do all that is useful to the people.

2)、先行词被all, every, no, some, any, much等词修饰时。

I have read all the books that you gave me. 。


This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

4)、先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。

This is the very book that I want to find.


They are talking about the factory, the leaders and the workers that they visited yesterday.

6)、主句是以who 或which 开头的疑问句时。

Who is the person that is standing at the gate?


My hometown is no longer the place that it used to be.

⒊ 定语从句中宜用which而不用that 的情况:


Is this the room in which he lives?


(2011?浙江卷)8.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures ,each of____ uses it somewhat differently .【A】

A.which B.what C.them D.those


Here is the English grammar book which, as I had told you, will help improve your English.


Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly opened to us.


⒋ 关系代词as 和which的选用:


The room hasn’t been cleaned for weeks, which makes it very dirty.

He was late again, as we had expected.他又迟到了,正如我们所料。

另外,在such…as…, the same…as…, as…as, so…as等结构中,as引导定语从句,此时不能用which代替。(这种定语从句常采用省略形式)

I have never seen such a lazy man as you.我从来没见过你这样懒的人。

Here is so big a stone as no one can lift. 这个大石块太大没人能把它举起来。

⒌ 先行词为situation、case、occasion、point时,常用where引导定语从句。

Can you point out a situation where this word can be used? 你能指出这个单词使用的场合吗

You have got to the point where a change is needed. 你已经发展到非改不可的地步了。

⒍ 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词要和先行词的性、数保持一致。

(2011?山东卷)32.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____are built close to each other.【D】

A.they B.where C.what D.that

⒎ 定语从句中不要重复了关系代词或关系副词所替代的部分。

误:Thi s is the place that I have visited it.


应去掉it, 因that 代替先行词the place 在定语从句中作visit的宾语,再加it就是多余的了。

⒏ 定语从句中不要加多余的关系副词或介词。

误:The house where he lives in needs repairing.

应删去关系副词where, 因为where在这里的意思是in which, 否则介词in就重复了。或保留where, 删去从句里的in.


1. 由“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句主要用于正式文体,在非正式文体中通常将介词放至句末。如:This is the man to whom I referred. 我指的就是这个人。This is the man (whom) I referred to. 我指的就是这个人。

2. 直接用于介词后作宾语的关系代词which不能换成that,直接用于介词后作宾语的关系代词whom不能换成who。但若介词用于句末,则用作宾语的which, whom也可换成that, who,或者省略不同。如:这是一个我们讨论了许多的问题。(which不能换成that,也不能省略)This is a subject which we have talked about a lot. 这是一个我们讨论了许多的问题。(which可以换成that,也可以省略)

3. 关系副词when, where, why根据情况有时可换成“介词+关系代词which”。如: That is the day when [=on which] he was born. 那就是他出生的日子。That is the house where [=in which] he lived. 那就是他住过的房子。That is the reason why [=for which] he must apologize. 那就是他必须道歉的原因。4. 在很正式的文体中,“介词

4. +关系代词”引导的定语从句可紧缩成“介词+关系代词+不定式”结构。如:在那儿孩子们有个玩耍的花园。正:There the children had a garden in which to play. (很正式)正:There the children had a garden in which they could play. (较正式)正:There the children had a garden to play in. (较口语化)注:这类“介词+关系代词++不定式”结构中的介词不能没有,也不能放在句末。如不能说There the children had a garden which to play in.



一、关系代词作宾语时的省略当关系代词who, whom, which和that在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末时的介词宾语时,可以省略。如:在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末时的介词宾语时,可以省略。如:Is there anything (which) you wanted? 想要什么东西吗? Who is the man (that / who / whom) you were talking to? 刚才和你讲话的人是谁?

二、关系代词作表语时的省略当关系代词that在定语从句中用作表语时,可以省略。如:China is not the country (that) it was. 中国已不是过去的中国了。(that作表语)

三、关系代词作宾补时的省略当关系代词that在定语从句中用作宾语补足时,可以省略。如:I’m not the madman (that) you thought me. 我并不是你所认为的那个疯子。(that作宾语补语)

四、关系副词when的省略用作时间状语的关系副词when通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于day, year, time等少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that)也可换成。如:That was the year (that) I first went abroad. 就是那一年我第一次出国了。I’ll never forget the day (that) we met. 我永远也忘不了我们见面的那一天。

五、关系副词where的省略用作地点状语的关系副词where通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于place, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that)。如:This is the place (where) they met yesterday. 这就是他们昨天碰头的地方。Have you somewhere (that) I can lie down for an hour? 你有没有一个什么地方可以让我躺一个小时?

六、关系副词why的省略关系副词why通常只用于the reason后引导定语从句,且通常可换成that或for which,均可省略。如:That’s the reason (why, for which, that) he came.


Give me one reason (why) we should help you. 给我举出一个我们应当帮助你的理由。 absent, nothing couldn’t be done. 由于他缺席,什么事也干不成。



1. Is this the farm ________ you visited last week?

A. whereB. the one C. on whichD. /



2. We came to a place, ________ stood a big tower.

A. whichB. thatC. /D. where


三、 拆分词组和固定搭配

3. The second is connected with the use ________ the body makes of food.

A. of whichB. whereC. to doD. that

4. Why can’t you realize the part ________ they have played in our life?

A. whichB. on whichC. whenD. where

【解析】正确答案分别是D和A。一些词组和搭配被拆开后,句子的含义就变得难以理解。首先把拆开的词组复原是理解此类定语从句的关键。上述句子中包含以下词组:make use of, play a part (in)。


5. The scientist has made another discovery, _______ I belie ve is of great importance.

A. thatB. /C. whichD. why

【解析】应选择C。这类句子主要利用插入语或状语的添加来增加试题的难度。常见的插入语有:I think (suppose, expect, believe, imagine), in my opinion, to tell you the truth等。做这类题目时,最佳的办法是先删去插入语或状语,这样句子的主干部分就一目了然了。


6. Is this the man ________ you want to have ________

the radio for me?

A. who;repairedB. that;repaired

C. whom;repairing D. that;repair

【解析】D项正确。非谓语动词是英语中难度较大的语法项目之一,因而在定语从句中加入非谓语动词就成了学生最易失分的题目。对付这类题目最有效的办法就是将句子还原。如:我们可以把几个句子中的定语从句进行还原,还原后的句子应是:You want to have the man repair the radio for me.


1. The factory was built in a secret place, around ______ high mountains.

A. which was B. it was C. which were D. them were

【陷阱】容易误选A或B,将A 、B中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。

【分析】最佳答案是C,around which were high mountains 是一 个由"介词+which"引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是 high mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数were,而不是用单数 was.请做以下类例题目(答案均为C):

(1) Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _______ some fruit shops.

A. which is B. it is C. which are D. them are

(2) The murder happened in an old building, beside ______ the city police station.

A. which are B. it is C. which is D. them are

(3) Next month we'll move to a new building, next to _______ a nice restaurant where we can have Chinese food.

A. which are B. it is C. which is D. them are

2. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, "Is there a hospital around ______ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?"

A. that B. which C. where D. what

【陷阱】容易误选 B,认为 around 是介词,选 which 用以代替前面的名词 hospital,在此用作介词 around 的宾语。

【分析】最佳答案为C。以上语法分析并不算错,但问题是,照此分析,此句的意思即为:有没有这样一个医院,我在它的附近可以买药治我的手伤?这样的语境显然有点不合情理,因为人们通常是在医院里面治伤,而不是在医院附近治伤。此题选 C 的理由是:句中的 around 不是介词,而是副词,意为"在附近";其后的 where 引导定语从句用以修饰其前的地点名词 hospital,句意为:附近有没有一家医院,我可以去治我的手伤?

3. _____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

【陷阱】容易误选 A,认为此处应填一个形式主语。

【分析】最佳答案是 B。as 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。比较下面一题:

_______ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

此题答案选 A,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that 从句。

再比较下面一组题,其中第(1)题选 B,第(2)题选 D:

(1) ______ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior school is increasing.

A. Which B. As C. That D. It

(2) ______ is mentioned above that the number of the students in senior school is increasing.

A. Which B. As C. That D. It

4. David is such a good boy _______ all the teachers like.

A. that B. who C. as D. whom

【陷阱】此题容易误选A,许多同学一看到题干中的such,再联系到选项中的 that,便认为这是考查such ... that ...句式。况且,这样理解意思也还通顺。

【分析】最佳答案为C,不是A,因为在such ... that ... (如此......以至......)结构中,that 引导的是结果状语从句,并且 that 在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入 such ... that ...,句末的动词 like 缺宾语。选C的理由如下:as 用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词 boy,同时 as 在定语从句中用作动词 like 的宾语,句意为"所有老师都喜欢的一位好男孩"。有的同学可能还会问,假若选A,能否将其后的 that 视为引导定语从句的关系代词呢?不能,因为当先行词受到 such 的修饰时,其后的定语从句应用关系代词 as 来引导,而不用that.比较下面一题,答案为A,因为 like 后有自己的宾语 him:

David is such a good boy _______ all the teachers like him.

A. that B. who C. as D. whom


It was not such a good dinner _______ she had promised us.

A. like B. that C. which D. as

5. The buses, most of _______ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.

A. that B. it C. them D. which

【陷阱】容易误选 C,用 them 代指 the buses.

【分析】最佳答案是D。most of which were already full 为非限制性定语从句,修饰 the buses.类似地,以下各题也选D:

(1) His house, for _______ he paid $10, 000, is now worth $50, 000.

A. that B. it C. them D. which

(2) Ashdown forest, through _______ we'll be driving, isn't a forest any longer.

A. that B. it C. them D. which

(3) This I did at nine o'clock, after _______ I sat reading the paper.

A. that B. it C. them D. which

类似地,以下各题选 whom,不选 them:

(4) George, with _______ I played tennis on Sundays, was a warm-hearted person.

A. that B. him C. them D. whom

(5) Her sons, both of ______ work abroad, will come back home this summer.

A. that B. who C. them D. whom

(6) I met the fruit-pickers, several of _______ were still university students.

A. that B. who C. them D. whom

6. He had thousands of students, many of ______ gained great success in their own field.

A. whom B. them C. which D. who

【陷阱】容易误选 B,用 them 代指 students.

【分析】最佳答案是A,many of whom gained great success in their own field 为非限制性定语从句。假若在many of... 的前面加上连词and,则选答案B。比较以下各题(答案均选A):

(1) He asked a lot of questions, none of ______ was easy to answer.

A. which B. them C. what D. that

(2) He asked a lot of questions, and none of ______ was easy to answer.

A. them B. which C. what D. that

(3) He told me that he had two girl-friends, neither of _______ knew anything about the other.

A. whom B. them C. which D. who

(4) He told me that he had two girl-friends, and neither of _______ knew anything about the other.

A. them B. whom C. which D. who

7. He had a lot of friends, only a few of ______ invited to his wedding.

A. whom B. them C. which D. who

【陷阱】容易误选 A,认为这是非限制性定语从句。

【分析】最佳答案是B,这不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 invited 并不是一个完整的谓语,而是一个过去分词。当然,假若在 invited 前加上助动词 were,则是一个非限制性定语从句,答案便应选A.比较:

(1) They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _______ carried out in their work.

A. which B. them C. what D. that

答案选B,none of them carried out in their work 是独立主格结构,其中的 carried out 为过去分词。

(2) They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _______ were carried out in their work.

A. which B. them C. what D. that

答案选A,none of them were carried out in their work 是非限制性定语从句,注意与上例比较句中多了一个助动词were.

(3) They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, but none of _______ were carried out in their work.

A. which B. them C. what D. that


8. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents seated together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that


【分析】最佳答案是A.与上面一题相似,their parents seated together joking 不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 seated 不是谓语,而是一个过去分词,因为 seat 作动词用时,是及物动词。比较以下相似题:

(1) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents were seated together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that

选B. whose parents were seated together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为其后有完整的谓语 were seated.

(2) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, and _______ parents were seated together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that


(3) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents sitting together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that

选A. their parents sitting together joking 为独立主格结构。

(4) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents sat together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that

选B. whose parents sat together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 sat.

(5) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents were sitting together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. that

选B. whose parents were sitting together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 were sitting.

9. If the man is only interested in your looks, _____ just shows how shallow he is.

A. as B. which C. what D. that


【分析】正确答案为D,注意逗号前是一个条件状语从句,逗号后是该状语从句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的情况,用作主句的主语。类似地,下面几道题也选 that,而不选 which:

(1) If you promise to go with us, _____ will be OK.

A. as B. which C. and it D. that

(2) If you want a double room, _____ will cost another £15.

A. as B. which C. what D. that

(3) Whether you go or not, _______ is quite all right with me.

A. that B. which C. and it D. so

(4) When I say two hours, _____ includes time for eating.

A. as B. which C. what D. that

10. She says that she'll never forget the time ________ she's spent working as a secretary in our company.

A. which B. when C. how D. where

【陷阱】容易误选B,机械地认为时间名词后必须用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词 where.

【分析】正确答案为A.在时间名词和地点名词后是否用关系副词要看它在定语从句中充当什么句子成分。一般说来,若用作主语或宾语,用关系代词;若用作状语,则用关系副词。上面一题中的动词 spent 缺宾语,故应用关系代词 which或that.比较下面一题,由于空格后的句子不缺少主语或宾语,所以选关系副词when:

She says that she'll never forget the time ________ she works as a secretary in our company.

A. which B. when C. how D. where


(1) Our company will move to a tall building _______ we bought last month.

A. which B. when C. how D. where

选A,which 在定语从句中用作动词 bought 的宾语。

(2) Our company will move to a tall building _______ has just been complete.

A. which B. when C. how D. where

选A,which 在定语从句中用作主语。

(3) Our company will move to a tall building _______ we worked two years ago.

A. where B. when C. that D. which

选A,where 在定语从句中用作状语。


(2011?江苏卷)24.Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _____ the audience can buy ice-cream.

A.When B.Where C.that D.which

答案【A】考查定语从句。非限定性定语从句____ the audience can buy ice-cream.中不缺少成分,先行词an interval表时间,所以选择A。

(2011?浙江卷)8.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures ,each of____ uses it somewhat differently .

A.which B.what C.them D.those

答案【A】考查定语从句。非限定性定语从句each of____ uses it somewhat differently .中介词of后缺少宾语。所以选择A。

(2010重庆)28. In china, the number of cities is increa sing ________development is recognized across the world.

A. where B. which C. whose D. that


(10福建)24. Stephen Hawking believes that earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has developed gradually.

A. that B. where C. which D. whose24. 答案:B



(10湖南) 28. I've become good friends with several of the students in my school I met in the English speech contest last year.

A. who B. where C. when D. which

28. 答案:A


解析:该空引导定语从句修饰表示人的先行词the students,且在从句中作met的宾语,故选关系代词who,即A项。

(10江西) 31 The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister ______ she would stay for an hour.

A where B who C which D what



解析:先行词为centre, she would stay for an hour 不缺宾语或主语, 故要填状语, 表地点用where。

(10山东)24. That’s the new machine ______ parts are too small to be seen.

A. that B. which C. whose D. What




38. Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the near future.

A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which



解析:考察介词+which的用法。=Wind power is an ancient source of energy whichthat

we may return to in the near future.

(10天津)8. Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?

You should try the barber’s I go. It’s only 15.

A. as B. which C. where D. that




解析:句中the barber’s 是先行词,从句中go 是不及物动词,所选关系代词在从句中作状语,所以要用where。

(10四川)10.After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling, turned out to be a wise decision.

A.that B.which C.when D.where




(10全国Ⅰ)24. As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,_____ is named after his grandfather.

A. which B. where C. what D. that

24题 答案:A

句意:还是孩子的时候,Jack 在以他祖父命名的乡村学校学习。


(10江苏)32. The newly built café, the walls of_______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.

A. that B. it C. what D. which


(陕西)11. The old temple _______ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.

A. where B. which C. its D . Whose

11. 答案:D.


解析:所填词引导定语从句,先行词是the old temple,关系词在从句中做roof的定语,用关系代词whose,选D。其余选项与题意不符。

(10全国Ⅱ)16. I refuse to accept the blame for something ________was someone else’s fault.

A. who B. that C. as D. what[来源:Zxxk.Com]




(10湖北)77. My mother was so proud of all ________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)

77. 答案:that I had done


解析:先行词是 “all”的时候,定语从句只能由 “that”引导,又因为主句是一般过去时,“我”所做的事情是过去已经完成的事情,所以要用过去完成时。

80. ________(正如我们强调的那样)many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. (stress)

80. 答案:As we have stressed


解析:当句子以整个主句作为先行词,又放在主句前的非限定性定语从句只能由 “as”来引导,主句的内容作定语从句谓语动词的宾语

(北京)27. Children who are not active or diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.

A. what B. whose C. which D. that

27. 答案:B

考点: 本题考查定语从句关系副词的选择。

解析:不爱运动或者饮食热量偏高的孩子们会很快发胖。较简单。本定语从句不缺成分,为主系表结构,因此只能在考虑填关系副词。A中的What不能引导定语从句。选B. whose谁的,符合题意。

(重庆)28. In china, the number of cities is increasing ________development is recognized across the world.

A. where B. which C. whose D. that

28. 答案C


解析: development与先行词cities之间是所属关系,所以选whose。句意是:在中国,城市的数量在增加,城市的发展被全世界意识到。

(10浙江)3.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of left their village home s for a better life in the city.

A.whom B.which C.them D.those



解析:由many之后的逗号和选项特征,此处是主从句关系,排除C、D项。由于先行词是“1,000 people”,表示人,故用whom。句意为:这里居住着将近1000人,他们中的许多人都背井离乡去城市追求更好的生活。


(09安徽)1. A good friend of mine from I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing.

A. how B. whom

C. when D. which


(09安徽)2. Many children, parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village.

A. their B. whose

C. of them D. with whom


(09北京)3. —What do you think of teacher ,Bob?

—I find it fun and challenging. It is a job ___ you are doing something serious but interesting .

A. where B. which C. when D. that


(09福建)4. It’s helpful to put children in a situation they can see themselves differently.

A. that B. when C. which D. where

【答案】D 考查定语从句。先行词是situation,指物,亦可指地点,关系词在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词where,选D。

(09湖南)5.I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.

A. which B. of which C. that D. whose

【答案】D 考查定语从句。先行词在定语从句中充当定语,意思为这个城市的名字。

(09江西)6. The house I grew up ________ has been taken down and replaced by an office building.

A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which

【答案】B 考查定语从句。The house ( which / that I grew up in ) , 主语后面紧跟的是定语从句。

(09海南)7. She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.

A. them B. who

C. whom D. these

【答案】C。 考查定语从句中的非限制性定语从句。句意为:她带着她的三个朋友,他们三个中没有一个人我曾见过。表示“部分的词语+of+关系代词” 在非限制性定语从句指人只能用whom。

(09山东)8. Whenever I met her, _________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.

A. who B. which C. when D. that


(09陕西)9. Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time.

A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which

【答案】C 考查定语从句,先行词是Gun control,指物,关系词在从句中做介词的宾语,介词前置,介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth,选C。

(09四川)10. She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.

A. that B. which C. where D. when

【答案】D 考查定语从句的用法。her stay为先行词,可以理解为抽象的一段时间(她呆在那里期间),when指代her stay在定语从句中做时间状语。

(09天津)11. A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]


(09天津)12 I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, _____ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.

A. as B. which C. when D. though


(09浙江)13.I have reached a point in my life ______ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.

A. which B. where C. how D. why


(09重庆)14. Life is like a long race _____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.

A. why B. what

C. that D. where


(09全国2 )15. My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him.

A. which B. that C. where D. it

【答案】A 考查非限制性定语从句(这儿的which指代前面整句话内容。

(2011全国卷I) 31.The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.

A.that B.which C.whose D.what

(2011全国卷II)7.Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ____ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.

A.this B.that C.what D.which

(2011北京卷)26.Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _________, of course, make all the others upset.

A.who B.which C.what D.that

(2011上海卷) 39.You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ____ you can hire to reach your host family.

A.which B.where C.when D.as

(2011山东卷)32.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____are built close to each other.

A.they B.where C.what D.that

(2011江西卷)34.She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _____had taken more than three years.

A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which

(2011江苏卷)24.Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______ the audience can buy ice-cream.

A.when B.where C.that D.which

(2011安徽卷)28.Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _____ it will keep for two or three weeks.

A.when B.which C.where D.while

(2011浙江卷)8.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of ____ uses it somewhat differently.

A.which B.what C.them D.those

(2011浙江卷)10.A bank is the place ______ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.

A.when B.that C.where D.there

(2011福建卷)24.She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ____ allows them to communicate freely with each other.

A.whic h B.where C.what D.who

(2011四川卷)17.The school shop, ________ customers are mainly students, is closed few the holidays.

A.which B.whose C.when D.where

(2011天津卷)10.The days are gone ________ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.

A.when B.that C.where D.which

(2011陕西卷)11.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, __________ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.

A.which B.where C.who D.that

(2011湖南卷)25.Julie was good at German, French and Russian , all of _________ she spoke fluently.

A.who B.whom C.which D.that


1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure.

A. which B. what

C. as D. those

2.Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day?

A. that B. where

C. in which D. the one

3.Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday?

A. that B. where

C. which D. the one

4.Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?

A. that B. where

C. which D. the one

5.The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found.

A. that B. where

C. in which D. in that

6.The freezing point is the temperature __________ water changes into


A. at which B. on that

C. in which D. of what

7.This book will show you __________ can be used in other contexts..

A. how you have observed B. what you have observed

C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed

8. The reason is __________ he is unable to operate the machine.

A. because B. why

C. that D. whether

9. I’ll tell you __________ he told me last week.

A. all which B. that

C. all that D. which

10. That tree, __________ branches are almost bare, is very old.

A. whose B. of which

C. in which D. on which

11. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing.

A. as B. that

C. which D. what

12. He failed in the examination, __________ made his father very angry.

A. which B. it

C. that D. what

13. We’re talking about the piano and the pianist __________ were in the concert we attended last night.

A. which B. whom

C. who D. that

14. The girl __________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.

A. who is singing B. is singing

C. sang D. was singing

15. Those __________ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.

A. learn B. who

C. that learns D. who learn

16. Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out.

A. that against B. that against

C. who is against D. who are against

17. Didn’t you see the man __________?

A. I nodded just now B. whom I nodded just now

C. I nodded to him just now D. I nodded to just now

18. Can you lend me the novel __________ the other day?

A. that you talked B. you talked about it

C. which you talked with D. you talked about

19. Is there anything __________ to you?

A. that is belonged B. that belongs

C. that belong D. which belongs

20. ---- “How do you like the book?”

---- “It’s quite different from __________ I read last month.”

A. that B. which

C. the one D. the one what

21. Mr. Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except __________ who had already taken them.

A. the ones B. ones

C. some D. the others

22. The train __________ she was travelling was late.

A. which B. where

C. on which D. in that

23. He has lost the key to the drawer __________ the papers are kept.

A. where B. in which

C. under which D. which

24. Antarctic __________ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.

A. which B. where

C. that D. about which

25. It’s the third time __________ late this month.

A. that you arrived B. when you arrived

C. that you’ve arrived D. when you’ve arrived

26. It was in 1969 __________ the American astronaut succeeded in

landing on the moon.

A. that B. which

C. when D. in which

27. May the fourth is the day __________ we Chinese people will never


A. which B. when

C. on which D. about which

28. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, __________ live my grandparents and some relatives.

A. which B. that

C. who D. where

29. The hotel __________ during our holidays stands by the seaside.

A. we stayed at B. where we stayed at

C. we stayed D. in that we stayed

30. Is it in that factory __________ “Red Flag” cars are produced?

A. in which B. where

C. which D. that

31. It is the Suez Canal __________ separates Asia __________ Africa.

A. which, to B. where, from

C. that, from D. that, with

32. Under the bridge, however, almost directly below, __________ was a small canoe, with a boy in it.

A. there B. where

C. it D. which

33. He is not __________ a fool __________.

A. such, as he is looked B. such, as he looks

C. as, as he is looked D. so, as he looks

34. Is that the reason __________ you are in favour of the proposal?

A. which B. what

C. why D. for that

35. He must be from Africa, __________ can be seen from his skin.

A. that B. as

C. who D. what

36. He has two sons, __________ work as chemists.

A. two of whom B. both of whom

C. both of which D. all of whom

37. I, __________ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.

A. who is B. who am

C. that is D. what is

38. He is a man of great experience, __________ much can be learned.

A. who B. that

C. from which D. from whom

39. ---- Do you know the town at all?

---- No, this is the first time I __________ here.

A. was B. have been

C. came D. am coming

40. I don’t like __________ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that

C. the way which D. the way of which

41. The two things __________ they felt very proud are Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.

A. about which B. of which

C. in which D. for which

42. The dinner was the most expensive meal we __________.

A. would have B. have had

C. had never had D. had ever had

43. Do you know which hotel __________?

A. she is staying B. she is staying in

C. is she staying D. is she staying in

44. There is only one thing __________ I can do.

A. what B. that

C. all D. which

45. Who can think of a situation __________ this idiom can be used?

A. which B. that

C. where D. in that

46. I have many books, some of __________ are on chemistry.

A. them B. that

C. which D. those

47. They were interested __________ you told them.

A. in which B. in that

C. all that D. in everything

48. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, __________ much help for knowing space.

A. which we think it is B. which we think are of

C. of which we think is D. I think which is of

49. The great day we looked forward to __________ at last.

A. come B. came

C. coming D. comes

50. I like the second football match __________ was held last week.

A. which B. who

C. that D. /


1—5 AADBA 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 AADAD

16—20 CDDBC 21—25 ACBDC 26—30 AADAD

31—35 CABCB 36—40 BBDBA 41—45 BDBBC

46—50 CDBBC

高三英语教案:《the way》教学设计

在the way+从句中, the way 是先行词, 其后是定语从句.它有三种表达形式:1) the way+that 2)the way+ in which 3)the way + 从句(省略了that或in which),在通常情况下, 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式,用that的次之,而省略了关系代词that 或 in which 的, 反而显得更自然,最为常用.如下面三句话所示,其意义相同.

I like the way in which he talks.

I like the way that he talks.

I like the way he talks.

另外,在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,"the way+从句"实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰全句. 关键是看引导词在从句中做什么成分:如果作主语或宾语,那就是定语从句;如果作状语,就是方式状语从句

1. the way=as

I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own.


He did not do it the way his friend did.


2. the way=according to the way/judging from the way

The way you answer the questions, you must be an excellent student.


3. the way=how/how much

I know where you are from by the way you pronounce my name.


4. the way=because

No wonder that girl looks down upon me, the way you encourage her.

难怪那姑娘看不起我, 原来是你怂恿的

5. the way =while/when(表示对比)

From that day on, they walked into the classroom carrying defeat on their shoulders the way other students carried textbooks under their arms.


6."the way+从句"还常用作主语,宾语,表语,或宾语补足语

Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings.


7. the way=the manner in which 在句中作主语

That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China.


8. the way=how 在句中做表语

I hate the way she stared at me .


9. the way=the manner in which在句中作宾语

what made him the way he was?


10. the way =that which/those which在句中作宾语补足语

"the way+从句"也常作为状语,相当与"in any way(that or in which)+从句或in any manner in which +从句", 其含义是"不管/不论用什么方式".

Do it anyway you like .


Unit One

1. It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.

2. As tome goes on we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affaires. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.

3. We are proud of our accomplishment, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.

4. Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of a small library.

5. That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatres.

6. These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers.

7. The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized unless the quality of our people’s lives is really improved.

8. Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, and ponds; and a lot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields.

9. Give absolute power to any individuals or any particular group of people, and that person or group is sure to abuse that power because, just as Lord Acton says, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

10. Traditionally in our country, school education was always said to be more important and useful compared with all other pursuits.

Unit 2

1.You know what? All things considered, it’s not a bad idea to be a teacher. As a matter of fact, I think it is an excellent idea.

2.I don’t like it when you take a sarcastic tone the way you just did. You seem to be implying all the time I am a good-for-nothing.

3.It is really considerate of my father to leave the final decision to me. I must say I am very luck. Not many people have such a terrific father.

4.You said you do not want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don’t see what’s wrong with students earning some money during their spare time.

5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song.

6.Besides the usual weekend housework, I also have a whole pile of homework to do tomorrow. It is really terrible.

7.To demonstrate our unhappiness over the recent dispute, we put off our Foreign Minister’s visit indefinitely.

8.It’s getting dark. The next town is still two hours’ drive away. We might as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build a fire, and have a good sleep before we continue our journey tomorrow.

9.I am really shocked to hear people say they do not consider cheating at exams shameful. Isn’t that the most shameful thing that we have been incapable of feeling ashamed?




1、favour n.


(1)Thanks for looking after all my things— I will return the favour sometime.

(2)The idea may find favour with older people.


A. 支持;赞许 B. 恩惠;善意的行为

(1)B (2)A

ask a favour of sb. 求某人帮一个忙,求某人做某事

do sb. a favour / do sth. as a favour 帮某人一个忙,给某人做件事

be in / out of favour (with)受宠/失宠;得到/不受偏爱

find / gain / win favour 受到赞许/得到赞同

lose favour 不再受支持,失去支持

owe sb. a favour 欠某人一个人情

in favour of赞成;主张 in one's favour对某人有利

favourable adj. 有利的 unfavourable adj. 不利的


(1)May I ask a favour of (求……帮个忙)you?

(2)Was he in favour of (赞成)the death penalty?

(3)Do me a favour (劳驾)and turn the radio down while I'm on the phone,will you?

2、affair n.


(1)They were accused of interfering in China's internal affairs.

(2)I am not prepared to discuss my financial affairs with the press.

(3)He had an affair with his boss that lasted six years.

(4)What I do in my time is my affair and nobody else's.

根据语义找匹配:A. (公共或政治的)事务  B. 暧昧关系 C. (个人的)事务

(1)A (2)C  (3)B (4)C

current affairs时事 state affairs国事

family affairs家事 foreign affairs外交事务

public affairs公共事务 private affairs私事

affair / accident / incident / event / matter / business





matter指“事情;问题”, 常常需要考虑和处理的事情。



(1)He was badly hurt in a traffic accident.

(2)A strange incident happened in the ceremony.

(3)One of the chief event of 2010 was that the 16th Asian Games was held in Guangzhou, China.

(4)What's the matter with the machine?

(5)He is away on business.

(6)It's none of your business / affairs.

3、declare v.


(1)A state of emergency has been declared.

(2)When they asked him for his opinion, he declared strongly against the policy.

(3)All tips are counted as part of your earnings and must be declared.

根据语义找匹配:A. 申报(收入、财产) B. 声称;宣称 C. 宣布;声明

(1)C (2)B (3)A

3、declare v.

declare sb. / sth. to be宣布某人或某事是

declare for / against声明赞成 / 反对……

declare war (on / against)(向……)宣战

declare oneself发表意见;表明态度 declare off取消

declaration n. 宣布;声明;宣言

declare / announce


The government declared war on the drug dealers.


A government spokesman announced that the hostages had been released.


(1)Severe flooding prompted the governor to declare a state of emergency (宣布进入紧急状态)Tuesday.

(2)Hillary Clinton publicly declared herself as a candidate for president (宣布自己是总统候选人).

(3)She declared herself extremely hurt (声称自己非常伤心)by her lack of support.

4、envy vt. & n.


(1)What a sweet victory to be envied by those women!

(2)We are in the midst of an economic recovery that is the envy of the world.


A. v. 羡慕;妒忌 B. n. 羡慕(或妒忌)的对象

(1)A (2)B

feel envy at…对……忌妒 out of envy出于忌妒

envy sb. sth. 忌妒或羡慕某人……

become the envy of…成为……忌妒(或羡慕)的目标

envious adj. 羡慕的,忌妒的

近义词:jealous adj. 忌妒的


()(1)The Smiths bought a new house, which was the __________ of the neighbours.

A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride

()(2)Words spoken __________ should not be taken __________ seriously.

A. in envy; fairly B. for envy; farther

C. with envy; too D. of envy; quite

5、set aside


(1)Try to set_aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.

(2)Congress ought to set_aside its political differences to pass a health care bill.

根据语义找匹配:A. 为……节省 / 保留时间或金钱 B. 将……搁置一边

(1)A (2)B

5、set aside

set down 记下;放下 set back 把(钟、表指针)往回拨

set about 动身,开始 set fire to 纵火;放火

set an example to 为……树立榜样 set a goal 确立目标

set a time for 为……定时间


(1)Do you know how to set about going on this work?

(2)He set aside his book and lit a cigarette.

(3)Why don't you set down your idea on the paper?

(4)Do be careful with these fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.

(5)The police set up roadblocks on routes leading out of the city.

() 1. (2010?陕西)John opened the door. There ______ he had never seen before.

A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl

D 考查特殊句式(倒装句中的完全倒装)。here, there, now, then, in, out, away, off等副词位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装。

As she turned around, there_stood_Gladys_Claffern. (P11)

() 2. (2010?江西)There were many talented actors out there just waiting __________.

A. to discover B. to be discovered

C. discovered D. being discovered

B 考查非谓语动词不定式的被动形式。演员等待被发现, 用被动, “发现”(to be discovered)发生在“等待”(wait)之后, 所以用不定式。

How awful to_be_discovered by her, Claire thought. (P11)

() 3. (2010?山东)I have a lot of readings ______ before the end of this term.

A. completing B. to complete

C. completed D. being completed

B 本题考查have 的复合结构及have something to do的使用。句意应为“这个学期结束前,我有很多阅读练习要做。”由于时间状语before the end of this term表达未来的时间,所以空格处使用动词不定式表示将来,充当readings的定语。

But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt— you cannot have women falling in love with machines. (P12)

() 4. (2008?山东)Einstein liked Bose's paper so much that he ______ his own work and translated it into German.

A. gave off B. turned down

C. took over D. set aside

D 考查动词短语辨析。give off发出(光、热等);turn down调低;拒绝;take over掌管,负责;set aside把……放在一边。由句意可知D项正确。

He felt happy when his boss stated that he could set_aside some time for exercise.(P13)




Unit 15 The necklace 项链


1.Time is so ____________(宝贵的)that we can’t afford to waste it.

2.After years of hard work,the couple paid off all their ____________(债务)at last.

3.It’s ____________(傻的)of you to make the same mistake again.

4.Slowly but ____________(无疑地),the company is becoming successful again.

5.If he ____________(继续)stealing,he’ll end up in prison sooner or later.

6.I don’t like the colour of the coat;____________(此外),it’s too expensive.

7.Everyone can greatly improve the ______________(质量)of life in modern times.

8.The meeting will be ______________(参加)by finance ministers from many countries.


(1)It was a small book ____________ how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

(2)They hope that they can find an ____________ for the attacks.


(1)I decided to send my invention to the patent office to get ____________ for my successful idea.

(2)Even when they wore sunglasses or beards people __________ them.


1.________________ 访问;号召;邀请

2.________________ 拿回来;使恢复

3.________________ 还清(债务等);付清

4.________________ 把……表演出来;把……付诸行动

5.________________ 充当;担任

6.________________ 日日夜夜地

7.________________ 至多

8.________________ 试穿

9.________________ 在……中扮演角色(起作用)

10.________________ 提出/想出(计划、办法等)

1.call on 2.bring back 3.pay off 4.act out 5.act as 6.day and night 7.at most 8.try on 9.play a role in 10.come up with


1.Pierre and I ____________ a very good time at the ball.


2.I’m sorry,but I ____________ I know you.


3.Years of hard work,very little food,only a small cold room ____________ and never,never a moment’s rest.


4.I was ____________ in my office who ____________.I’ve written to accept the invitation.


1.did have 2.don’t think 3.to live in 4.the only person;was invited


1recognise(recognize) vt. 识别;认出;承认

【教材原句】(P17)Sorry,I didn’t recognise you.



①(朗文P1705)We hadn’t seen each other in thirty years,but I recognized her right away.


②(朗文P1705)Our record shows that we recognize how important safety is.


③They recognised him to be a great leader.


④After the accident,he recognised that he was not fit for the work.


recognition n. 认出,识别;理睬beyond recognition 认不出


⑤The girl has changed beyond recognition.





⑥Alice glanced at the envelope and recognized her father’s handwriting.



⑦I want to know how to get in touch with him.



⑧He began to realize just how serious the whole situation was.



1.(2010年高考安徽卷)I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond ________.

A.hearing  B.strength

C.recognition D.measure

解析:选C。句意:自从Sara还是孩子的时候,我就一直没见过她。她现在已经变得(让人)认不出来了。beyond recognition:impossible to recognize无法辨认。

2explain vt. 解释;说明

【教材原句】 (P17)Could you please explain?


①(朗文P708)He was obviously drunk,which explains why he was acting strangely.


②(朗文P708)Marta explained that the bus had broken down,which was why she was late.


③(朗文P708)John doesn’t make excuses or explain himself to anybody.






Please ________________________ where to begin and how to do it.


She ________________ she had been ill and in hospital for two months.

答案:(1)explain to me (2)explained that

3continue vt.& vi. 继续,持续

【教材原句】(P17)In the park,Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.



①They continued their journey after the rain,hoping to see him soon.雨后,他们继续旅行,希望尽快见到他。


②I hope that this kind of activity will continue in the future.我希望这种活动以后继续办下法。

③(朗文P434)Despite his illness,he plans to continue with his normal work schedule.


(3)continue to do/doing sth.继续做某事

④He continued working/to work as if nothing had happened.


(4)continue后可接“to be+adj.”,意为“继续处于某种状态”,此时to be可省略。

⑤My father continues healthy.



3.According to the weather report,the weather will______fine.

A.go on B.keep on

C.carry on D.continue




________________________,so we could not go out to play.

答案:The rain continued for days

4attend vt.& vi. 出席;参加;照顾;护理;专心;留意

【教材原句】(P19)Attending a ball can be exciting.



attend a meeting/lecture出席会议/听演讲、听课

attend a wedding/a funeral参加婚礼/葬礼

attend school/church上学/做礼拜


①I have to get up early to attend the meeting tomorrow.


②(朗文P108)After attending church,the family would go home for dinner.


(2)attend (on/upon)服侍,照料,陪伴

③His mother was ill,so he had to attend (on/upon) her.


(3)attend to倾听,注意,留心;关心,照顾;办理

④(朗文P108)I have a few other things to attend to first.



5.I’m sorry,but I cannot go to the concert with you because I have to ________my sick classmate.

A.appeal to B.lead to

C.attend to D.stick to

解析:选C。attend to my sick classmate.照顾生病的同学。

6.—Would you like to________my birthday party this Saturday?

—Sorry,I have an important meeting to________.

A.attend;join B.take part in;attend

C.join;take part in D.attend;attend

解析:选D。join后要接团体、集体、组织等与人有关的名词;take part in与政治活动或体育、文娱活动有关;attend侧重于指上(课),参加(晚会),照顾病人等意义。

5call on 访问;号召;邀请

【教材原句】(P17)So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.


①I’ll take a walk then call on some friends.


②The government has called on the graduates to work in the west.政府已号召毕业生到西部工作。


call at 参观,拜访某地

call for 要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物

call up 打电话;使想起;使回忆起

call in 召集;请;要求退回,收回

call off 决定取消;下令停止

call back 叫回;回电话

③It is announced that the sports meeting has been called off.


④That picture calls up memories of a holiday I had when I was a child.那张照片使我回忆起儿时假期的情景。

⑤Your mother is very ill.Call in a doctor at once.


⑥This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.



7.(2009年高考福建卷)The Somali robbers’ frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to ________ all nations to take immediate action.

A.fight for B.apply for

C.call on D.wait on

解析:选C。句意:索马里海盗经常在海上袭击(轮船)使联合国号召所有国家立即采取行动。fight for为……而战;apply for申请;call on号召;wait on服侍,招待,拜访。call on/upon sb.to do sth.号召某人做某事;call on sb.拜访某人。

6pay off 还清(债务等);付清;取得成功;得到回报

【教材原句】(P18)Well,after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts.


①(朗文P1503)Ed was driving a taxi on the weekends to pay off all his debts.


②Since there was a rapid increase in his business,his efforts paid off.



③That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.


④He had to work part?time so as to pay for his education.


⑤More attention should be paid to protecting the enviroment.



8.He________ a lot of time on the Internet,which ________ him his happiness in the future.

A.took;cost  B.spent;costed

C.paid;took D.spent;cost

解析:选D。句意:他将大量时间消磨在网络上,这是以葬送他未来的幸福为代价的。spend...on...花费……在……上;cost使付出,以……为代价;take后跟时间:take sb.+时间to do sth.结合句意,故此题选D。

9.Ling Feng won the first prize in the national English competition and I’m glad that her efforts at last ________.

A.worked out B.got back

C.paid off D.turned out

解析:选C。后半句句意:我很高兴她的努力最后成功了。pay off (指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果,成功,行得通。

7after all 毕竟;终究;到底

【教材原句】(P18)Well,after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts.


①It’s not surprising you’re tired.After all,you were up until eleven last night!


②I don’t know why you’re so concerned.It isn’t your problem after all.



③Above all,I’d like to thank my family.


④All in all,we had a good time.





You shouldn’t have scolded the boy ______________,he is a child ________________;________________,he made only two mistakes ________________.

答案:at all;after all;above all;in all


Why is he not allowed to stay here?________,it’s his home.

答案:After all


1【教材原句】 (P16)I’m_sorry,but I_don’t_think I know you.


【句法分析】 (1)I’m sorry,but...此句式常用来拒绝或否定别人的看法;有时也用来有礼貌地提出自己的看法。

①—Would you mind opening the window?


—I’m sorry,but I have caught a cold.


(2)句中I don’t think是否定转移。当think表示“认为、猜想”等含义,且主语是第一人称,用来引导一个否定概念时,通常把否定词not移到主句的谓语部分中,形成否定转移,带有婉转、客气的语气。类似的动词还有believe,suppose,imagine,expect,guess等。如:

②I like him but I don’t think he is the right person for the job.


③I don’t think it was an accident.He did it on purpose.



【温馨提示】 当这类句子变反意疑问句时,其变化形式与宾语从句保持一致,且用肯定形式;但如果主句的主语不是第一人称时,则简短问句的主语与主句的主语一致。

④I don’t think he will come today,will he?


⑤You don’t think he will come today,do you?



11.You see,there is no light in their room.I don’t think they have returned home,________?

A.haven’t they B.did they

C.have they D.didn’t they

解析:选C。应该把not移回宾语从句再进行反意疑问,即have they。

12.Mrs.Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,________?

A.is he B.isn’t he

C.doesn’t she D.does she


2【教材原句】 (P18)Pierre and I did_have a very good time at the ball.


【句法分析】 这是一个强调谓语的特殊句式。强调词通常是do的某种形式与谓语动词的组合。这种用法常符合以下两个条件:



①Do be careful next time.下次一定要细心。

②He did tell me about it yesterday.


③He does speak English well.他英语讲得的确很好。




________________________ e?mails immediately you arrive at Beijing.

答案:Do send me



