



小学六年级英语教案 篇1

【课 时】第3课时


1. 能够读懂介绍国家、城市及景点等内容的小短文。

2. 能够就所读内容与他人展开对话交流。

3. 能够仿照阅读文段,并按相应提示或要求独立书写几个意义连贯的句子。


A. Let s read.

1. 热身、导入

(1) 头脑风暴。学生小组活动,复习国家、城市、语言及景物词汇。可以采取一人说单词或短语,其他人说出与其相关的其他单词或短语的方式进行,如:Canada -Toronto -English -the CN Tower / maple leaves; UK -London -English -Big Ben / the British Museum; the USA -Washington D.C. -English -the White House; Australia -Sydney -koala / kangaroo / the Opera House等等。


【课题】Unit 1 What are these? Lesson 4 New Stamps




3、拼写朗读单词have、like,以及These are Chinese/English/American/stamps.句子的认读和运用。









一 Warm-up/Revision


2、教师播放歌曲《Head,shoulders,knees and toes 》, 和学生一起演唱,边唱边做动作。

二 Presentation

1、Guessing game教师将一张邮票握在手中让学生猜。What’s this? It’s a…。引出单词stamp在适时引导学生摸仿学习stamp之后,教师又拿出一个已装有几张邮票的小盒,晃一晃让学生感受到盒里不只有一件东西。教师又问What are these? 引导学生说出These are stamps。并反复练习。

2、教师将一张邮票和盒中的几张邮票分别放在手中,引导学生描述This is a stamp. These are stamps. This is a new stamp. These are old stamps. These are Chinese stamps.

3、教师从陈列的邮票中选出一张,借助体态语表达出I like Chinese stamps. 在学生初步理解后问学生And you? 引导出对Me too.的学习。


①Are Peter’s stamps new?

②Are Peter’s stamps beautiful?

③Are Peter’s stamps Japanese?






三 Practice

1、悄悄话。教师将These are hens/pens. Those are pencils/apples.等句子悄悄地告诉每组的第一个学生。每组告诉一句,当教师说开始后,同时间后传,看哪组传得又快又准确。

2、教师将画有Let’s practise中物品图的一张放在面前,另一张放在较远处,引导学生,看图说话。These are ……Those are ……。

四 Add activities

教师为学生提供一些不同国家生产的物品。如Chinese bags, American books, Japanese pencils(或画出相应的图片陈列),引导学生描述这些物品,并用上I like……表达个人喜好。如:These are American ships. These are Chinese ships. I like Chinese ships.

五 Workbook and homework

1 听录音圈答案

2 听音标号

3 Read and copy.

4 仿照例子造句。


小学六年级英语教案 篇2


《PEP小学英语》六年级下册 Unit 1 Part A. Let’s try / Let’s talk / Group work


1.能听、说、读、写四会句型How tall are you? I'm 164 cm tall. You're

shorter than me. You're 4 cm taller than me.并能在真实的情景中进行交流。


3.能听懂会说Let's chant。

4.能听懂并完成Let’s try 部分的练习。

5. 能完成Group work中的调查表。


1.掌握句型:How tall are you? I'm 164 cm tall. You're shorter than me. You're 4 cm taller than me.



1.录音机和磁带 2.多媒体课件 3.体检称 4.作业卷


一、热身与复习(Warming-up and revision )

1.播放Let's sing(P12)的录音,让学生听一听,营造英语课堂的氛围。

2.播放Let's chant(P2)的录音,先让学生感受歌谣的韵律,然后再学唱歌谣。

Mike is taller than Lee. Lee is taller than Sue.

Sue is taller than Amy. How tall are you?

Amy is smaller than Sue. Sue is smaller rhan Lee.

Lee is smaller than Mike. Are you smaller tnan me ?

(设计目的: 本部分主要是让学生听、唱英语歌曲、说唱chant等方式进行复习和热身。热身活动的目的是营造英语学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,以旧带新,为新课学习做铺垫。因此选用的歌曲、chant等内容最好与新授内容有关。)




T: Hello. Boys and girls .I' m happy to see you again. By the way, how old are you now?

T: Yes .We are one year older than before. How old are you?

Sl: I' m 12 years old.

T: What about you ?

S2: 1'm 12, too.

T: Oh, I' m 32. 1' m twenty years older than you.



Hello, Liu Xiang. How old are you? How tall are you?

How heavy are you? What's your hobby?


(1)图片出示潘长江和刘翔的画面,问:Who is taller?再点一下鼠标边说边出示句子:Liu Xiang is 50 cm taller than Pan Changjiang.教师示范说。


T:I’m 164 cm tall . How tall are you ?

S1:I’m 160 cm tall .

T:Mmm…I’m 4 cm taller than you . You’re shoter than me.

板书:How tall are you?

I'm 164 cm tall.

You're shorter than me.

You're 4 cm taller than me.

(3) Pair work. 同桌学生运用以上句型练说。

4 ) 称一称,说一说。

老师站在称上称一称说:I'm 50 kg.

然后要求学生也站在称上称一称,并回答老师的提问:How heavy are you?要求学生用I'm…kg.来回答,接着由这位学生问下一位比自己小的同学,以此类推。

最后老师说:I'm bigger and stronger than you. 跟读并操练该句型。


2. Let’s try 放Let’s try部分的录音,学生听录音,圈出录音材料中所描述的大象。


三、对话的呈现与操练(Presentation and practice )

教学Let's talk

1. 听课本对话录音,回答老师提出的问题。

T: I'm 160 cm tall. How about Wu Yifan? How tall is John? Now listen to a talk and try to find out the answers to these two questions.


Ql: How tall is Wu Yifan? Q2:How tall is John?

Q3:Who is taller ?


Sl: Wu Yifan is 164 cm tall.

S2: John is 160 cm tall.

S3: Wu Yifan is taller.

引导学生看课件164cm - 160cm= 4cm,然后说出Wu Yifan is 4 cm taller than John.

2. 学生打开书本跟录音和教师读对话。

Now read the dialogue after the tape.…Now read after me, please.

3. Pair work.学生两人一组朗读对话。(教师巡视辅导)

4. Acting out. 请若干组学生上台表演对话,鼓励学生表演时不要看课本或“Look and say”。

5. Pair work. 学生利用两组替换图所提供的信息替换句型中的关键词练习、自编对话,鼓励学生尽量联系旧知识表达自己的思想。3~5分钟后请几组学生上台表演自编对话。

(设计目的:学生理解、熟悉了Let’s talk 中的重点句型后,学生学习了Let’s talk的内容难度就小得多。同时,充分利用课本中替换图让学生运用所学语言练说,并结合实际自由表达,给学生提供灵活运用语言的机会。)

6. Group work

l)小组指派一名学生对组上的同学进行调查“What's your name? How old are you? How tall are you?”并将结果记录下来,然后对他们的年龄与身高做比较,最后完成表格。

小学六年级英语教案 篇3










(1)本单元的口语训练主要围绕“Greeting”展开教学,教师应引导学生运用“Hello! What‘s your name? My name is...”进行会话。

(2)教师以身示范,亲切地向学生打招呼,尽量给学生创造英语情景,如:Hello!或Good morning, My mane is Lin Lina. What’s your name? How are you?等,通过语言交流方式,培养学生的语言表达能力。

(3)运用“TPR”(Total Physical Response)培养学生反应能力和语言感知能力。如:

Stand up! sit down, please. Listen to me. Open your books. Close your books等课堂用语,教师可用手势表明其含义。学生听懂后,会迅速做出正确反应。

(4)使用pair work培养学生自我展示能力。










(1)Good morning:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good morning!例如:

A: Good morning, Miss Zhao.早晨好,赵老师。

B: Good morning, Mr. Wang.早晨好,王校长。



A:Hello, Kate.你好,凯特。

B:Hello, Li Lei.你好,李雷。

A:How are you?你好吗?

B:Fine, thank you.是的,很好。谢谢你。


小学六年级英语教案 篇4

1.知识技能目标 a.能听、说、认读 friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和 词组。 b.能听懂、会说 I have a friend.He/She is ....He/She has ....并 能在实际情景中运用。 c.学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。 2.情感文化目标 a.帮助学生熟练学习自信心,养成良好的学习习惯。 b.培养学生的合作能力,积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结 友爱,与人融洽相处。 重点难点 1.学习、掌握词汇、词组,并能熟练运用。 2.借助图片、体态语等帮助学生理解词句。 板书设计 Friends He/She has a\\\\two ....long He/She has short He/She is strong\\\\thin.此论文为四年级上三单元 Part A 和 B 的综合教学,利用自然的活动链将 词汇和句型教学融合在一堂课内进行, 充分利用了任务型活动和趣味活动来记忆 和强化语言点。 此教案设计比较适合学生能力较强,教师控制能力较高的地区借鉴,并在此 基础上自主创新发挥任务型语言教学的优势。 教学步骤和说明: 课前 Sing a song.T: Do you want to be my friend? (在歌声中进入英语课堂学习,轻松愉快。) Revision/Warm armStep 1.Revision/Warm-up 1.Greetings! T: Hello, everyone! I'm your new teacher, Mi Yan.Let's be good friends, OK? Boys and girls, follow me.Friends, friends, good friends!(拍手并 与学生击掌) (通过教师的自我介绍和 Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的距离。带 领全部挥挥手, 拍拍手, 活跃气氛, 调动学生学习的积极性。 同时教学了 friends, hair.blackboard drawing 明确了主题。) 2.(Blackboard drawing) T: Your new friend, Mi Yan likes drawing.What's this? Gue please.(eyes nose mouth) I have a big mouth.I have two big eyes.What about you? 3.T: Oh, you have a round face.Me too! I have a round face.I have two big eyes.Please chant with me.T: I have a round face.Ss: Round, round, round.T: I have two big eyes.Ss: Big, big, big.T: I have a small nose.Ss: Small, small, small.T: I have a big mouth.Ss: Big, big, big.Let's chant together.(教师一笔一笔地画,学生猜。设置有信息差的 Gueing game,鼓励学生 发散思维,让学生根据已有语言知识自由发挥。在游戏中滚动复习了有关五官的 单词。引出“I have ....”句型,让学生简单讲讲自己的五官。再就老师为例 合作完成 chant,换种形式复习已有语言知识,为下面的新授奠定基础,形式多 样有实效。) Step 2.Presentation 1.Presentation of the new words (1) T: Oh, she\\\\he has a\\\\two....板书:He\\\\She has a\\\\two....(2) (Point to a girl's hair.) She has long hair.(Point to a boy's hair.) He has short hair.Let the students repeat: long /short hair 板书:He/She has long/short hair.(看教师, 看周围的同学, 运用最简单、最直观的教学资源引出新授内容。 ) 2.Practice (1) T: Look at your clamates.What about his or her hair? He/She has….(2) My friend T: She has long hair.He has short hair.How about my friend? He has short hair.How about his face.A round face or a long face? Can you gue? (CAI) A round face, a long face, a small mouth, a big mouth, a long nose, a big nose, two big eyes, two small eyes, short hair, long hair....He has....(Ss gue—He has....) 最

后拼成: A long face, a small mouth, a long nose, two big eyes and short hair.(引导学生自由发言, 练习句型。 通过反复说此类句子帮助学生明白 He/She 要用 has。CAI 呈现各种各样有特征的器官图,先请学生来形容这些有特征的器 官。再请学生用“He has....” 句型来描述。根据同学们说的把各个部位拼完 整。通过拼图游戏,使操练不枯燥,培养了学生说的能力。既达到教学效果又刺 激学生的学习兴趣。) of 3.Presentation of the new words (1) T: Is he funny? He is my funny friend, Peter.He has long neck, long arms, long body and long legs.He is very thin.Teach: thin 板书:thin (2) Thin, thin, Peter is thin.Thin, thin, He is thin.Thin, thin, she is thin.Thin, thin, who is thin? (3) T: You are too thin.Please eat more and make yourself strong.Teach: strong Act: I'm strong.(CAI 逐一出现身体的部位,最后拼凑成一个完整的瘦瘦的男孩形象,教学 新单词。将单词与句型相结合,放到具体的语境中进行练习。通过动作表演学习 单词,生动有效。) 4.We are strong now.But I am short.I want to make myself tall.Tall, tall, tall....Let's do together.Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall.Short, short, short! Make yourself short.Big, big, big! Make your eyes big.Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.Long, long, long! Make your arms long.Short, short, short! Make your arms short.Thin, thin, thin! Make yourself thin.Strong, strong, strong! Make yourself strong.(重组三年级时学的 do,整合新学的单词,用 TPR 的形式边说边做。让学生 在说说、做做中操练巩固新知。TPR 活动备受学生欢迎,强烈地刺激着学生,激 励着学生积极去说、去做。) Step 3.Practice 1.Friends show

(1) T: OK, friends.Make ourselves strong and happy everyday.So does Peter.He is a boy.He is thin.He has short hair.He has a long face.He has two big eyes.He has a long nose.He has a small mouth.(教师做示范, 用所学语言知识介绍 Peter。 再带领学生一起来描述 Peter。 由简单的句子过渡到一小段话,词不离句,句不离篇,由易及难,层层递近。) 板书:strong

(2) T: This is my funny friend.I like him.Do you like him? Do you want a funny friend? OK, please come and make a funny face.Then tell us your funny friend.This is my friend.He\\\\She is a girl\\\\boy.He \\\\She has_____ hair.He \\\\She has a _____ face.He \\\\She has two _____ eyes.He \\\\She has a _____ nose.He \\\\She has a ______ mouth.(教师准备一些形态各异的脸、眼、鼻、嘴图片,请学生任意挑选拼成一张 funny face,再用所学的句型向全班进行介绍。拼一拼,说一说,趣味十足,牢 牢吸引了学生的注意力,再次进行操练,更加强了学习的实用性。) Step nsolidation & Extension 1.Animal friend T: Oh, you have some funny friends.And I have another funny friend.Who's he? Let's find out.He is strong and fat.He has two big eyes.He has a big tail.He likes eating.He’s very lazy(懒惰).Garfield.He's Garfield.(CAI 呈现一段话和几只猫(机器猫、加菲猫、Kitty 猫、Tom 猫),让学 生通过阅读来找一找,培养了学生读的能力。再次巩固新知,同时设置小小的悬 念活跃课堂气氛。) 2.Story time T: This is my animal friend, Garfield.But he is crying.What's wrong? He can't find his friend.Some animals are coming to help him.Let's watch.(揭开谜底, 顺势引到讲故事板块。 又一次吸引学生, 激发他们学习的欲望, 使课堂更具趣味性。) (CAI)Story show Mouse: Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He is big and strong.Panda: I’m big and strong.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has small eyes.Rabbit: I have small eyes.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has big ears.Monkey: I have big ears.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a short tail.Pig: I have a short tail.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a long nose.Mouse, Panda, Rabbit, Monkey, Pig: Who’s he? Elephant Watch the story→Read the story(follow the CAI) →act with T(分角 色)→Group work→Act it out (看故事,讲故事,演故事,让学生将新授的语言知识内化后,在拓展巩固 中输出。鼓励学生大胆尝试,参与表演。同时关注学生的小组合作,遵循小组活 动的层次分组原则,帮助每个学生找到适当的位置。) 3.Song“ Friends” CAI T:Wow, lovely animals! Do you like them? We should love animals and make friends with them.Let's be good friends forever.

Thank you.Bye! (在歌声中感受大家一起学习的快乐,体会朋友间的情谊。)

小学六年级英语教案 篇5

●Teaching aims


sleep, look for, cook

What’s she/he doing?

She/He’s singing.


Are you looking after the child?

Are you making dumplings?

●Key points

Whats he/she doing?

Is he/she reading? Yes, he/she is.

No, he/she isnt.

●Difficult points


●Tcaching methods



●Tcaching aids

录音机、投影仪、图片、微机、课件Lesson 82教学演示.ppt。

●Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Revise: What’re you doing? I’m making the bed.

Step 2 Presentation

利用媒体资料引出第一部分句型。[见媒体资料Is he doing.swf 片头]

教师做一些词语、句型的讲解,如:put on/wear/in,解释一般疑问、肯定回答、否定回答等。

展示一些动作图片[见课件Lesson 82教学演示.ppt]

Step 3 Practice

通过微机或投影仪展示的图片场景,然后问学生 What’s the man in the picture doing? 或What’s the woman in the picture doing?让学生答出He/She is drawing a picture/…

再让学生两人一组进行问答练习:Is he doing…? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. What’s he doing? 让同学们将所看到的动作一一写下来,并将句子改为一般疑问句,作出回答。

Step 4 Listen and read

* 展示媒体资料Is he doing.swf 中的song, 让学生听后跟着读。反复练习本课的句型。

* 先让学生看一遍本课第二部分课后习题,然后听录音。可根据学生的实际情况听2-3遍。学生做题,然后老师给出答案。

Listening text

A: Hi, Bill! Can you come out and play football with me?

B: Sorry, I cant.

A: What’re you doing?

B: Look, I’m doing my homework.

A: Is Jim in?

B: Yes.

A: Whats he doing? Is he doing his homework, too?

B: Let me see. No, he’s making a plane.

Answers: 1. is doing his homework

2. is making a plane

3. No, they cant

Step 5 Game


Step 6 Summary



× I working near the house.


× She is stand near a tree.


× He is siting in a boat.

Step 7 Exercises

I. 句型转换

1.I’m putting on my clothes. (变为一般疑问句)

________ ________ ________ on ________ clothes?

2.We are listening to the radio. (变为否定句)

We ________ ________ to the radio.

3.Fim is reading. (用write改为选择疑问句)

________ Fim ________ ________ ________?

4.My sister is doing her homework. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ your sister ________?

Key: 1. Are you putting, your 2. aren’t listening

3. Is, reading or writing 4. What is, doing


I have a picture here. Look at it! This is my sister. She and Lily are seeing books. Lin Tao and LiLei are writting. The boys are puting on their clothes. In the picture you can see a girl. She is siting under the tree. This one in me. They are listenning to me.


1. seeing → reading 2. writting → writing 3. puting → putting 4. siting → sitting 5. listenning → listening

Step 8 Homework

1.Do Workbook exercises.


小学六年级英语教案 篇6



To learn the past tense of be.

To learn new words and sentence pattern.

To practice pronunciation by chant.


To ask the students to inquire or introduce one’s holiday.


1. To arose the students interest of English learning.

2. To teach them to love our motherland.


How was your holiday?

It was wonderful /exciting.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.



Word cards.

A song: Today & Yesterday.

To prepare some pictures of different cities.


I. Greeting.

II. Warming-up

1. Sing a song “Today & Yesterday”.

2. Free talk.

3. To review some words:

interesting, fantastic, exciting

III. Presentation.

1. To teach them the new words: wonderful, exciting.

2. To have a competition: Who can read it faster?

(interesting, fantastic, exciting, wonderful)

3. To learn the new sentence pattern:

How was your holiday?

It was wonderful.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.

IV. Practice

1. To look at the words and pictures on the screen and ask the students to practice the new sentence pattern

2. Chant.

3. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern (with their own photos or the pictures).

4. Time to sing. (Happy song) V. Summary


I. Greeting.

II. Warming-up

1. To review the words: was, were.

2. To review the knowledge they’ve learned before.

III. Presentation.

1. To teach them the new words.

2. The students master the new words.

3. To learn the new sentence pattern.

IV. Practice

1. To master the new words and sentence pattern.

2. To practice pronunciation.

3. The students can use the new sentence pattern and new words freely by making up new dialogues.

V. Summary


1. To write the new words and sentences.

2. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern.


Lesson 2

How was your holiday?

It was wonderful /exciting.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.

小学六年级英语教案 篇7

一、教学内容:Let’s chant Main scene Let’s try Let’s find out



2、掌握句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.


To master the following sentence structures:

Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.


To master the following sentence structures:

Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.







(1) Hang-man game

( went to a park, went swimming ,went fishing, went hiking, read books)

(2) 游戏Bingo

(3) Let’s try听对话,选择图片

2、Presentation and practice



(在课件上出现几幅图片NIGHT PARK JUNE等,然后在YES的地方出现一个人)



B.Let’s talk

(1) Listen and do

(2) Look and answer

(3)Listen and read


Activity 1.Let’s find out

Activity 2 The story of Zoom

Activity 3 Guessing

4、Consolidation and extension

1. 听录音,做活动手册。

2. 根据情景编对话。


Did you read books?

Yes, I did.\ No, I didn’t.








