
高二英语教案:《Unit 2 Cloning. 克隆》教学设计(一)

一名合格的教师要充分考虑学习的趣味性,高中教师要准备好教案,这是高中教师的任务之一。教案可以让学生们能够在上课时充分理解所教内容,使高中教师有一个简单易懂的教学思路。关于好的高中教案要怎么样去写呢?急您所急,小编为朋友们了收集和编辑了“高二英语教案:《Unit 2 Cloning. 克隆》教学设计(一)”,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

高二英语教案:《Unit 2 Cloning. 克隆》教学设计(一)

I. 单元教学目标


talk about cloning

practice expressing and supporting an opinion

use the appositive clause

write a composition about cloning


功 能 句 式

expressing and supporting an opinion

i’m happy to accept …. but….

i would never accept….

i’m not bothered about…..

i don’t mind but….

i hope you’ll carry on….

are you sure you want to….

i agree with you that….

is it fair to….?

do you think it is wise to….?

i think you should….

well done to you for….

i don’t understand why you don’t….

i can’t help thinking….

i could never agree to….

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元以Cloning为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解克隆技术的优缺点,学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关Cloning的词汇去表述自己对这一新技术的观点和看法。 1.1 Warming Up 提供了四幅有关Dolly the sheep(多莉羊) A strawberry plant(草莓植物) Twins(双胞胎婴儿) Identical dogs(克隆狗)的图片,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论对克隆技术的看法与观点。

1.2 Listening是关于人类克隆的听力材料,难度中等。

1.3 Speaking 根据材料,四人小组合作,要求把自己对克隆婴儿的态度和感觉用相关的语言表达出来。语言要得体,锻炼语段表达能力。

1.4 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。它要求采用与同学讨论交流的方式谈论有关克隆的相关知识。

1.5 Reading是一篇介绍克隆技术的说明文。

1.6 Comprehending第一题所给出的表格让学生根据课文内容列举克隆技术的优缺点。第二题让学生根据所拥有的知识来评价作者的观点。第三题要求学生用自己的语言阐述对克隆技术的观点并给出理由。

1.7 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分,其中Discovering useful words and expressions 是根据语境在运用中掌握词汇。Discovering useful structures 是通过阅读和补全句子来练习。

1.8 Using Language中的Reading,Discussing and writing要求学生先读, 然后完成四个任务型的作业。即 1. 讨论并回答三个问题。回答这些问题,2. 讨论几种已经灭绝的动物,并且讨论哪种动物应该被恢复到这个世界上,并且给出理由。3. listening and speaking 让学生根据所听到的内容选择并列出文中人物观点。

2. 教材重组

2.1 从话题内容上分析,Warming Up 与Reading相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将Warming Up和Reading整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“阅读课(一)(精读课)”。

2.2 将Listening 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节 "听力课"。

2.3 将Using Language 与Workbook中的TALKING和SPEAKING TASK 结合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”

2.4将Learning about Language 与Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSION整合在一起上一节“语法课”。

2.5将Workbook中的READING TASK 和PROJECT以及WRITING TASK整合成一节“泛读与写作课”。

3. 课型设计与课时分配

1st period Reading

2nd period Listening

3rd period Speaking

4th period Grammar

5th period Extensive reading and writing

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Reading

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

clone,commercial,producer,undertake,arbitrary,object,forbid,accumulate,cast down,object to,the media,in favour of

b. 重点句子

It is a way of….

The fact is that….

The question that occurred is….

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to describe cloning: What is the advantages of cloning? What is the problems or dangers of cloning?What is your opinion of cloning?

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to describe cloning.

Teaching important points 教学重点

How to describe cloning.

Teaching difficult point 教学难点

Help the students analyze the writing techniques of the article.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Skimming, task-based method and debate method.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A recorder, a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式


高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(一)

高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(一)

Teaching aims and demands

1.Let the Ss know the harm of smoking through this dialogue.

2. Learn the daily expressions “ask permission, give permission, refuse permission ”

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

A free talk with the students to review the ways of asking for permission.

1) Can I use your pen/textbook, please?

2) May I close/open the door?

3) Could I have a look at your homework?

4) Yes, of course.

5) Sure. Go ahead.

Step 2 Dialogue

Close your books, please. We are going to listen to a dialogue between Wang Bing and Hank. They are in Hank’s office.

I. The first listening:

Listening to this dialogue once, then answer the questions

1. What two things does Wang Bing want to do?

(smoke in the office, use the phone)B

2. Can Wang Bing smoke in the office?

(No. It is not allowed)

3. Can he use the phone?

(Yes, of course.)

II. The second listening:

Listening to this dialogue twice, then answer the questions

1. How does Wang Bing ask for permission?

Do you mind if I do…?

Would you mind if did…?

I wonder if could/can…?

2. How does Hank give permission or refuse to give permission?

I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed.

I’m afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices.

Sure. Go ahead.

Step 3 Dialogue Practice


If you want some money for a football ticket, you may ask your parents for permission as well as for money.

--- Hi, mum. There will be a wonderful football match in our city this weekend.

---You know, I’m not interested in it at all.

---Yes. But I mean, would you mind if I went to watch it?


---Thanks, mum. Would you give me some money for a ticket?

---How much do you need?

---One hundred and fifty.

---That’s too much. I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Step 4. Practice

Ex.1: Read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

Ex.2; Discuss the answers in pairs then check with the whole class. The students are encouraged to give different answers.

Ex:3: Get two students to read the model dialogue, then ask the students to make dialogues about the same picture in pairs, using different expressions. Finally ask several pairs to perform their dialogues.

Step 5. Homework

1. Practice the phrases of permission .

2. Preparation Lesson 6.









高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(二)

高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(二)

1.Learn about the disadvantages of cigarette smoking.

2.Know about the basic facts of cigarette smoking in China and Britain.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework exercises, especially WB Lesson 5. Ex. 3.

Ask the students to read and act out the dialogue.

Practise the drilling in the asking for permission phrases.

Step 2 Lead-in

1.Draw a No smoking sign on the blackboard ask some questions:

What does this mean?

Where can you find this sign?

Why is smoking not allowed?

Who smoke more in China: men or women?

Do you think it is good or bad smoking?

2.Make a note of the students’ answers on the Bb. Teach some key vocabulary, such as a packet of cigarettes, tobacco, habit.

Step 3 Listening

Listen to this passage carefully ,then answer the questions.

1. How many Chinese people smoke according to the passage?

2. How many British people die from smoking each year?

Key: 1 About 38% of the Chinese population smoke.

2.About 110,000 people die from smoking each year in Britain.

Step 4 Reading

Let the students read the passage carefully and note the answers.

1.Are most of the smokers in China male or female?

2. Why does cigarette smoking cost the Chinese government more money?

3. How many packets of cigarettes are smoked each day by Chinese?

4. What about the problem of cigarette smoking in Britain?

5.Are sales of cigarettes rising or falling? Why?



2.There are two reasons: First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. Second, many fires are caused by smokers.

3.About 220 million.

4.The problem is that 3000 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.

5.Falling. Because in Britain, sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in last ten years.

Step 5 Further reading

Read this passage carefully, then write these questions. Smoking in China

Step 6 Language Practice

Complete the sentences according to the text.

1 At present there are about_______ cigarette smokers in China.

2 In China the government has to spend _______looking after the people with illnesses caused by smoking.

3 Smoking is dangerous because it causes_______, deaths and_______.

4 Smoking is good for tobacco companies, but bad for____.

5 Tobacco companies must _______new people to _______because more and more old smokers begin to_______.

6 Every year millions of people die _______in the world.

7 The population of the UK is about_______.


1.450 million

2.about 28 billion yuan

3.illnesses, fires

4.the health of our nation

5.persuade, start smoking, die from smoking

6.from smoking

7.58 million

Step 7 Talking and Speaking

Pair work, ask and answer the questions.

1.What do you think of the ban on smoking in public places?

2.Do you know any people who smoke? What is their opinion?

3.How is the smoking ban carried out in your city town?

Step 8 Practice

Join the pairs of sentences, using who/whom/which/that.

1.The packet of cigarettes cost 5.20 yuan. My uncle bought it.

2.The doctor told David to stop smoking. David saw her at the hospital.

3. One habit is smoking. He can’t give it up.

4. People have to smoke outside. They want to smoke.

5. The government receives lots of money from sales of tobacco. Cigarettes are made of tobacco.

6. People may not live long. They smoke too much.


1.The packet of cigarettes which/that my uncle bought cost 5.20 yuan.

2.The doctor who/whom David saw at the hospital told him to stop smoking.

3. One habit is smoking. He can’t give it up.

4. People have to smoke outside. They want to smoke.

5.The government receives lots of money from sales of tobacco which /that cigarettes are made of.

6.People who smoke too much may not live long.

Step 9Discussion

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

1.Is smoking a bad habit? If so, give your reasons and offer some advice on how to stop it . If not, why?

2. Do you like smoking? Why or why not?

Step 10 Homework

1.Finish off Workbook exercises.

2. Preparation Lesson 7.








高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(四)

高二英语教案:《Unit 2 No smoking, please!》教学设计(四)

Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Have a brief revision of the unit.

2. Listening practice in part 1.

3. Do some exercises.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.

2.Discuss the following questions.

What have you learnt from this unit?

Step 2 Listening

1.Listening Cassette Lesson 8. Play the tape for Ex. 1, then let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Do Exx. 2 and 3 in the same way. Finally, discuss the answers with the whole class. Replay the tape to check the answers if necessary.

2. As a few pairs to report their answers and then check with the whole dclass.

Step 3 Word study

SB Page 12, Part 2. Go through the words in the box and make sure the Ss know what they are going to do. Teach the new word club in Sentence 5. Get them to do this exercise individually. Then check the answers in pairs. Answers:

1 share 2 habit 3 remains 4 chances 5 permission 6 persuaded 7 compare

Step 4 Writing

SB Page 12, Part 3. Group work. You may like to collect ideas on the Bb before the Ss start to work on their sentences. Go round the class and look at the sentences prepared by each group. Help the Ss with language points as necessary.

Step 5 Grammar

Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative

Go through the Checkpoint 2 with the whole class. More examples may be offered on a slide show to cover the most frequently used sentence patterns.

Step 6Homework

1.Complete the Workbook exercises.

2.Preparation Lesson 9.







高二英语教案:《Unit2 The Olympic Games》教学设计

每个老师为了上好课需要写教案课件,大家应该开始写教案课件了。教案课件工作计划写好了之后,才能够使以后的工作更有目标性!有没有好的范文是适合教案课件?小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“高二英语教案:《Unit2 The Olympic Games》教学设计”,大家不妨来参考。希望您能喜欢!

高二英语教案:《Unit2 The Olympic Games》教学设计

A Teaching Plan for Module2 Unit2 Olympic Games

Reading An Interview

Designed by Xu Wenlu

No.1 Middle School of Danzhou City

Teaching Aims

a. To know some basic information about the ancient and modern Olympics

b. To catch the key words or phrases in the reading

c. To enhance the skills fast-reading and careful-reading

Teaching Keys Points

a. To bear some new and important words and phrases in minds, such as ancient, take part in, stand for, Greece, magical, volunteer, athlete, slave, host, olive wreath.

b. To improve the reading and speaking skills

Teaching Difficult Points

a. To summarize the similarities and difference between the earlier and latest Olympics through the long dialogues.

b. To arouse the students' interests of English-speaking.

Teaching Aids

Blackboard, Multi-media, and other normal teaching tools.

Teaching Methods

Students-centered approach and Task-based teaching and learing.

Teaching periods

Period 1 Warming up(3')

1. Enjoy a video which is to celebrate that Beijing win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games.

2. Guessing game: Which ring is concerned with the Olympic Games?

five rings flag

five continents

The five interlocking rings stand for friendship of five continents.

Blue =Europe Black =Africa Red =America Yellow =Asia Green =Oceania

3. Show the pictures to Students about the Olympic motto: Swifter, Higher, Stronger

4.Introduce three medals to students; gold, silver, bronze.

Period 2 Reading

Step1 Pre-reading(6')

A. Let us have a competition to check who know the most knowledge about the Olympic Games

1. When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start?

A. 776BC; in Greece B. 776 AD.; in Greece

2. Who was China's first gold medal winner and for what event?

A.Xu Haifeng; shooting B. Xie Jun running

3. Who got the golden medal in 110-metre hurdle in 2004 Olympic Games?

A Liu Xiang B. Li Xiaopeng C. Fu Mingxia

4. Which one is the mascot of Beijing Olympics?


5 What is the motto of Beijing Olympic Games?

A Welcome to Beijing B. One world one dream C New Beijing New Olympics

B. Before reading, teacher teaches students to read the new words.

ancient, take part in, stand for, Greece, magical, volunteer, athlete, slave, host, olive wreath.

Step2 While-reading(19')

1. Fast reading : True or False.

( )1. Women and slaves were allowed to take part in the ancient Olympic Games.

( )2. The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in China.

( )3. In the modern Olympics, the winner will be given olive wreath.

( )4. A special village is built for competitors to live in.

( )5. The modern Olympics are held every four years.

2. Careful reading

Tell the difference between ancient and modern Olympics according to the reading passage.

What do they mainly talk about?

A. History about the Olympic Games

B. The differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games

C. 2008 Olympic GamesNameThe ancient Olympics

The modern OlympicsTimeevery four yearsPlacein GreecePeoplemen and womenGamesonly summer gamesPrizesOlympic medals

Step3: Post-reading


Imagine if the Olympic Games will be held in Hainan, what can we do for it? (Teacher will give some hints to Ss , such as behavior, language, environment, culture.)

1.Encourage the public to plant more trees and grass.

2.Have good manners in public so as to leave a good impression on foreigners.

3.Have a good knowledge of English and encourage the public speak English widely.

4.Be Volunteers to be guides for foreigners

5.Learn the spirit of the Olympic Games and regard its motto as life and studymotto.6.Spread our local culture to other people,especially foreigners.

Period3 Revision (3')

1.What words have we learnt?

athlete运动员 take part in 参与 stand for代表...2.What useful structures have we learnt?

Passive voice(被动语态):

sth be done/ sth will be done...

3.What information do we get from thetext?The similarities and difference between

the ancient and modern Olympics.

Period4 Homework (1')

1.Surf the Internet to learn more information about Olympic Games

2.Find out and underline the important language points in this unit.

3.Prepare for the next period.



