
高一英语教案:《Unit 2 English around the world》教学设计(一)

一名优秀负责的教师就要对每一位学生尽职尽责,高中教师要准备好教案,这是高中教师需要精心准备的。教案可以让学生更好的消化课堂内容,帮助高中教师营造一个良好的教学氛围。那么怎么才能写出优秀的高中教案呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“高一英语教案:《Unit 2 English around the world》教学设计(一)”,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

高一英语教案:《Unit 2 English around the world》教学设计(一)

一. 学习目标和要求

1. 掌握以下单词和习惯用语


Nancy; bathroom; towel; landlady; closet; Karen; pronounce; Thompson; broad; repeat; Dave; ketchup; majority; native; total; tongue; equal; government; situation; Pakistan; Nigeria; the Philippines; international; organization; trade; tourism ;global; communicate; communication; exchange; service; signal; movement; peg; commander; tidy; stand independent; fall; expression; tornado; Spanish; southern; statement; president; European; Florida; howl; cookbook


make yourself at home; forget to do sth; in total

2. 功能意念项目


3. 语法

1) 学习直接引语和间接引语(2)。

2) 学习ask/tell sb. to do sth结构。


运用所学语言,围绕英语学习这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的各项任务;阅读课文 “English around the world”并联系生活中的实际进行书写练习。二.学习指导


1)flight n.[C]飞行;航班

Did you have a good flight?


They made a successful flight across the ocean.


a non-stop flight不着陆飞行

a round-the–world flight环球飞行

2) directly adv. 直接地;一直地;直截了当地

He looked directly at us.


He speaks very directly to people.


3) majority n.[C](大)多数

The Liberal Party has a majority in the House.


The company holds a majority of the stock.


The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.


4) native adj.本国的;本土的;n.[C]本国人;本地人;土著人

(1) adj.本国的;本土的

native customs 当地风俗

His native language is German.


Potato is native to America.


Many foreigners have gone native in China.


(2) n.[C]本国人;本地人;土著人

a native of London(Wales/India/Kenya)


5)equal adj. 相等的;同等的;平等的

Women demand equal pay for equal work.


Not all men are equal in ability.


One kilometer is equal to five eighths of a mile.



As an artist, she knows no equal.


Let A be the equal of B.

设 A 等于 B 。

6) situation n.[U]位置,地点;地位;地势;

Measures must be taken to meet the situation.


The country is in a critical situation.


a dangerous situation difficult situation

困难的处境 危险的处境

economic situation sb’s financial situation

经济状况 某人的经济状况

the geographical situation a good situation

地理位置 好的形势

the international situation the domestic situation

国际形势 国内形势

7) international adj.国际的;世界的

They signed an international agreement on nuclear waste.


International bomber international date line

洲际轰炸机 日界线

international law international call

国际公法 国际长途

international conventions


8) organization [C]组织,团体;机构;机制

He had been engaged in the organization of a strike.


build up /establish/form an organization


a charity organization a commercial organization

慈善机构 商业团体

an international organization a religious organization

国际组织 宗教组织

a social organization a woman organization

社会团体 妇女组织

9) tourism n.[U]游览;观光;观光事业

Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.


10) communicate vi. 交流;传递;传送

communication n. [U] 交流;传递

Deaf people communicate by sign language.

聋人用手势交流 。

The two friends haven’t communicated with each other for years.


communicate clearly communicate directly

清楚地表达 直接交流

communicate officially (unofficially)


11) knowledge n. [C]知识;学识

We must broaden and enrich our knowledge.


He has a wide knowledge of history.


absorb knowledge acquire knowledge

吸取知识 获得知识

accumulate knowledge demand knowledge

积累知识 需要知识

spread knowledge actual knowledge

传播知识 实际知识

all branches of knowledge background knowledge

各门学问 背景知识

common knowledge an elementary knowledge

常识 基础知识

extensive knowledge general knowledge

广阔的知识 一般知识

12)make yourself at home


13)forget to do sth.表示忘记要做某事

I forgot to tell her about it.

我忘记告诉他这事了 。

He forgot to buy a newspaper.


forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过某事

I forgot telling her about it .


14)in total 总共;总计

How many people took part in the activity in total ?

15) mother tongue 母语

What is your mother tongue?

Chinese is my mother tongue.



1)You must be very tired.


must +be doing sth. 一定正在做某事

He must be writing a letter to his parents.

She must be waiting for him.

He must be telling lies.

Must have done sth. 对过去的事情的肯定推测

It must have rained last night.

You must have seen this play before.


It must have rained last night, didn’t it?

He must have finished his experiment, haven’t he?

虽然Must 表示肯定推测,但mustn’t 却一定不能表推测。表示不可能的时候我们采用 can’t。

2)In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong.


except for结构:表示对一个人或事物先做一个总体评价,然后就其局部提出一点看法,意为“除去……一点以外”,“只是……”

Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.


The carpet is good except for its price.


Except for John, the whole class passed the test.


3) With so many people communicating in English every day,we can see that it will be more and important to have a good knowledge of English.

with +宾语+形容词/副词

He slept with the window open.


He was working there with only a shirt on .



The teacher came into the classroom with a book In his hand.



With night coming on, we started for home .夜幕降临我们就动身回家了.

The meeting ended with all singing the International.会议以全体高唱国际歌结束。


He went away without a word more spoken. 他没再说一句话就走了。

He stood for an instant with his hand still raised.他站了一会,手依然举着。

With+宾语 +to do

With nothing to do, I went out for a walk.由于没有什么事可做,我便到外面去散步。

With machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops.



(1)祈使句:直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时,在原祈使句前加 to 或否定的加 not to 。


he said , “i like it very much.” 他说:“我非常喜欢它”

he said that he liked it very much. 他说他非常喜欢它。

he said to me , “i’ve left my book in your room.”


he told me that he had left his book in my room.他告诉我他把书放在我的房间了。




种类:人称代词 、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词



my your his her its our your their 一般作定语。


mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs一般作主语宾语和表语。


高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案四

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案四

Reading: The Road to Modem English

Words and Expressions

Learning Aims:



Important Points

because of, come up, at present, be based on, make use of, latter, such as,

Difficult Points

more than, come up, be based on, latter, such as

Teaching Method


Learning Procedures学习过程

Stcp1.Revision Notes

Words Dictation

1.__________2._________3. _________

4. __________5. _________6. _________

StepⅡ. Leading-in

We have known the development of modern English. Today, let's study some useful and important language points.

StepⅢ. Language Points

1. Later in the next century, people from England made voyage to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English begun to be spoken in many other countries.

【知识点1】because of(WB Page29) Yes【】

辨析because与because of的用法

He was late because of the heavy rain.

He was late because it rained.

He walked slowly because of his bad leg.

I didn't go to the party because hadn't finished my homework.

归纳:1)because of是连词短语,后接____________________


即学即练:用because 或 because of填空

1)We sent him to hospital immediately(立刻,马上)he was badly hurt.

2)He had to delaying(推迟)going w Beijing his illness.

2. I'd like to come up to your apartment.

【知识点2】come up为不及物动词短语,意为“走近,上前,(太阳、月亮等)升起,被提及”。

1) She carne up and said, “Glad to meet you.”

I came up to Beijing in2008.

The policeman cane up to us and asked me what had happened.


2) The sun has come up.


3) Many problems have come up at the meeting.


辨析1)The idea came up in their conversation.

2) The subject came up during the dinner.

3) I hope a better plan can come up at the meeting.

come up表示“”,不及物,无被语态,主语为物,如plan,suggestion, idea等。

1) They came up with the idea in their conversation.

2) I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

come up with表示“_________”,及物动词词组,主语为人。


(1)用come up或come up with的适当形式填空。

a. A difficult question the meeting last night.

b. When the question was under discussion, Tom__________ an idea that the prices of cars should be reduced.


A better idea has been come up in our class.





come back 回来come out出来,出版

come from来自come across 偶然遇见

即学即练:用come back, come out,come from和come across填空。

(1)Amy is my friend and she America.

(2)His first book in 1997 and was a great success.

(3)It was based more on German than the English we speak at present


1)We camped(安营扎寨)at the base of the mountain.

Chinese is the base of all other subjects.


2) He based the book on his own life.

This sung is based on an old folk tune(民歌曲调).



(1)My decision ______________on a series of facts.

(2)That company has offices all over the world, but the is in London.

【知识点4】at present

1) The old man is all right at present.

At present意为“___________________”

2) I fell good at present.


1) Every body was present.

The present situation in African countries is terrible, so you'd better bot go there.


2) She thanked me for the present.

This is your present. Happy birthday!


3) This is what I present you in the article.

He presented some pictures to me.



(1)客人都到齐了。The guests are all____________________.

(2)那是件来自汤姆的礼物。It was the wedding___________ from Tom.

(3)我现在不需要这本字典。I don't need the dictionary_________________.

4. So by the 1600's Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.

【知识点5】make use of

Teachers should teach students to make use of referee book.


They began to consider(考虑)how to make use of these book.


make good use of 好好利用make full use of 充分利用

make the best of/make the most of 充分利用


(1)We should(充分利用)every minutes o study all the subjects.

(2)It is very important for you w(好好利用)your time now.

Step V. Practice


come up, because of, be based on, make use of, at present

1) He realized that she was crying_______________ wt he had said.

2) While we were talking ,the young man__________ a better idea.

3) We should train(训练)them to _______________ reference book.

4) No one can help us with our work____________________.

5) This song ____________an old love story.


As we all know, English is widely used all over the world. It is the official language of many countries __________(比如说)USA, British, an, etc.________(由于)voyages of England in the 17"century,LEnglishbegan to be spoken in many countries. English has changed over time from AD 450 to 1150 when cultures meet and communicate each other. Then, Shakespeare was able to_________(使用)a wider vocabulary than before. In the 19 century two big changes in English spelling happened._______(现在),a number of people learn English in China.______(实际上),China may have the largest number of English learners. I’m sure that you can become fluent English speakers if you can work hard.

StepⅥ. Homework

Review what we have learned today.

English the practice paper.

Preview the reading text of page 1.3.

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案二

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案二

1. 教学背景分析


2. 教学目标分析





(5)学习策略目标:由阅读作为信息输入,学生能够经松的完成输出部分;学生通过pair work. discussion, write a poster等活动,学生的学习能力提高了,真正实现了学习目标。

3. 教学重点、难点分析





4. 整体设计思路、指导依据说明


5. 教学过程设计

I. 视频(English learning mania)情景联想,激发思维(导入)(2分钟)

Question: Why do so many people learn English?

T: Good morning, class!

S: (Good morning. teacher!

T: Sit down, please!

T: Nice to meet you! Do you know what the foreign language in China is?

S: English.

T:Don’t you think it is very important, yes?

S: Yes

T: OK, Let’s enjoy a video together. And think about the question: Why do so many people learn English.

T: Tell me, why do so many people learn English now?



A mania for learning English

With the progress and development of society, the importance of English has rapidly increased. English is the most popular language in the world. If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English. English is also used as the official language at international meetings. Today, many great reports, papers, movie lines and books are written in English. So if you want to read them, you must master English well. If you know English, you can also understand people from other countries’ culture better and communicate with them. In (China, English is spoken as an important and useful foreign language nowadays.

How to learn English in effective ways? First, you should listen as often as you can, such as English songs and you needn’t care if you haven’t understood all the words you hear. Secondly, the more you speak, the better you can speak English. So speaking plays an important role in learning English. Meanwhile, it’s a good idea to talk with others in English, especially with foreigners at the English comer. Thirdly, you can spend time writing to your friends in English or keeping an English diary. Last but not least, reading English books, newspaper, magazine, also influences English level.

No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important. So we should try more useful ways to learn English in order to make our country powerful, competitive, and international.

Ⅲ. . Let’s read!(以读带写,合作探究)

T: Read a passage from China Daily, and think about the following questions.

1. What’s the main idea of this passage?

It talks about what’s the_________ of English and some effective_______ to learn English well.

2. What does the title A mania for learning English mean?()

A. People don’t like to learn English at all

B. A heat (热)of learning English

C. The number of learning English is decreasing

D. learning English is not so important.

3. Read the passage again, and work in pairs. Then finish the form.

What’s the ways of learning English?






Let’s write!(联系实际,语言运用)

T: Look at some pictures. What are they?

S: They’re posters!

T: How to make a poster? I’ll show you a sample.

Why should we learn English?(标题)

English is the most popular language in the world(理由或活动内容)

>To read English books, newspapers

>To do world trade business

>To communicate with foreigners

>To watch English TV or movie

>To understand others’ culture

No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important. 遵句)

For more information, please call at 0472-5188888(联系方式)

Students’ union(学生会)

T: Now, it’s your time to design a poster! Look at the screen.

Writing task: design an English poster

最近,你校学生会准备开设英语角(English Corner),请你代表学生会设计一则英语海报,邀请同学加入:



Join Our English Corner!

Come and join us!

Here, you can

talk to. . …

listen to. ……

Looking forward to your coming!

If you want to join us, please call at xxx


V. Summary& Self-assessment (1分钟)

T: Let’s talk about what we have learned in this class?

(E=Excellent G=Great W=Well)

1. Do you know the importance of English?

2. Can you design an English poster?


VI. 目标体现,情感升华(1分钟)

T: At the end of the class, you will answer this question: Why do you want to learn English? Let’s read these sentences as loudly as you can!

I’ll change my life!

I don’t want to let my parents down!

I don’t want to let my country down!

I don’t want to let myself down!


VI. Homework (1分钟) 课外延伸,巩固课堂

Enrich your poster, including four parts and add some pictures on it. Then Email me at 120290479c@qq. com about your poster.


Ⅶ. Teaching Blackboard Design

Unit English around the world

(reading &writing) why how poster

X. Teaching Reflection

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案六

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案六

Learning objectives:

Knowledge aims: 1.To learn the new words and expressions:

standardplay a partrecognize believe it or not

2. To know about standard English and dialects.

Ability aims: 1. To develop the students’ reading skills.

2. To understand more English dialects.

Emotional aims:

Try to use standard English and Chinese Putonghua in their daily life

Learn Procedures

Step1. Lead—in

1) Enjoy a song whose language is written in Chinese dialects.

2) Learn more about Chinese dialects according to a map.

3) Students volunteer to speak or sing a song in certain Chinese dialects.

Step2. Preview

Guide students to read and recite important words and expressions.

1. standard adj. 标准的

2. dialect n. 方言

3. expression n. 词语;表示;表达

4. African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的

5. Spanish adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的;

6. recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认

7. accent n. 口音;腔调;

1. believe it or not 信不信由你

2. from all over the world来自世界各地

3. play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与

4. from one place to another从一个地方到另一个地方

5. There is no such thing as没有像…样的

Step3. Fast reading

Read the passage and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.




Step4. Intensive reading

Ⅰ.To finish (T) or (F) questions on page 25 in the reference book.

1).There is no standard English in the writer’s opinion. (   )

2).The English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English.()

3).American English has many dialects but in the same town people say the same dialect.( )

Ⅱ. Finish multiple choices on page 25 in the reference book.

1.Why do many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English?

A. Because the English spoken on TV and the radio is the same.

B. Because the English spoken on TV and the radio is expected excellent.

C. Because the government tells them what standard English is.

D. Because they can’t speak English well by themselves.

2.Which of the statements about dialects is TRUE?

A. No words and expressions spoken on TV are dialects.

B. In Britain there are more dialects than in the USA.

C. Dialects are widely used in the USA.

D. Dialects are better than standard English.

3. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Geography plays a part in making dialects.

B. Some people live in the mountains.

C. The people who live in different areas can understand each other.

D. Americans like moving from one place to another.

4. As many Americans move all over the country,they__________.

A. change their dialects

B. take their dialects with them

C. don’t speak their dialects

D. can’t understand each other’s dialects

Step5. Language points

1.(教材P13)Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.



believe it or not信不信由你 to tell (you) the truth(跟你)说实话

to be exact准确地说 generally speaking一般说来

judging from/by根据……判断

eg, Judging from his accent,he must be from the North.


2.(教材P13)Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.


There are many such books in the library. 图书馆里有很多这样的书。

there is no such...(as...)是固定句式,表示“没有(像……)这样的……”。句中“no such+单数名词”意为“没有这样的……”

世上没有免费的午餐。There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

3.(教材P13)Geography also plays a part in making dialects.


Who played the role of a shoemaker in Just Call Me Nobody? 谁在《大笑江湖》中扮演小鞋匠这一角色?

play a part in= play a role in


He carrying out the whole plan.

Step6. Mini composition

Brainstorm on the following topic and then make a poster(海报).

Then ask some students to present their poster after discussing with their group members.

Finally, to appreciate a good composition-------Why should we learn English?

Why should we learn English?The reasons are as follows.

To start with, English is recognized as an official language in many countries. Second, a large number of Chinese people are setting up business in foreign countries. Finally, China is developing so fast that more and more students want to study and travel abroad.

All in all, English plays an important part in communication , it is high time that we should learn English well.


Try to imitate a short passage using the points that you have listed.


高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案五

高一英语教案:《English around the world》教案五

1.Listen for the first time

T: Next, let’s enjoy one of the most representative dialects in America--- Southern dialect. (Just listen to the boy’s talking in Listening part on P14)

T: Can you understand what the boy is talking about? What do you think of its pronunciation and intonation?

S: It’s difficult. /The way of speaking sounds strange------

T: It doesn’t matter. It’s really difficult for non-native speakers to understand the English dialects. Luckily, we have another speaker who interprets the dialect into simple and standard English. So please listen to it and grasp the general idea. And answer one question: Who is the second speaker?

S: She is the boy’s teacher Jane.

T: Very good.

2.Listen again and answer the six questions

T: Ok, now please listen to what the boy is talking about and try to find the answers to the following questions.

(Students may be allowed to look at the script of dialect on P14; they should lay more emphasis on the Jane’s talking)

T: Could you find the answers to the six questions?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. What does Buford think of Texas? How do you know it?


T: How large was the catfish?


T: Why did Lester get out of the water fast as lightning?


T: Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh?


T: Can you answer Question 5?


T: Well done! Buford says “Hey, y’all” to greet you. What does the second speaker say to greet you?


3. Listen for the third time, identify the words in dialect and find out their standard English equivalents.

T: You’ve done a good job. I’m sure you have understood the main idea of the story. It contains a lot of words in dialect. Please turn to page 14, listen again and please try to identify them and find out their standard English equivalents according to the third listening and your understanding. Then finish the table.

(Play the tape for the third time with the help of the scrip of the boy’ talking on p14)

Words in dialect Standard English

















Hello, everyone, I am Buford’s teacher, Jane, from Britain. Perhaps you didn’t quite understand everything Buford said. He said that he lives in Houston, a city in Texas. He wants everyone to know that he doesn’t believe Texas is a state in the USA but a different country. Buford says that he would like to tell you a story about him when was a small child . One hot summer’s day he was swimming with Big Billy Bob and Lester. They were jumping into the water, which felt good. Then he says that they saw a catfish almost the size of a house but, he adds, that the catfish was really smaller. Buford says that Lester thought he was going to be eaten by the catfish. He says, goodness, you should have seen Lester! He says that Lester got out of the water faster than lighting and climbed up a tree. Buford and Big Billy Bob just laughed a lot. To this day, he says, Lester won’t visit that place.



