
沪教牛津版1A:Unit 2 Good morning 教案

作为大家敬仰的人民教师,要对每一堂课认真负责。有的老师会在很久之前就精心制作一份教学计划。这样可以有效的提高课堂的教学效率,你们有没有写过一份完整的教学计划?以下是小编收集整理的“沪教牛津版1A:Unit 2 Good morning 教案”,供您参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

课 题:

Unit 2 Good morning




1.会读Learn to say 中的内容,并知道句子的意思。

2.学会说good morning ,good afternoon, good evening, ,准确知道它们的意思,并能够初步学会运用。

3.复习Unit 1 的内容,要求读说流利,应用自如。

4. 能正确演唱本单元的歌曲。


1. 让学生学会说morning, afternoon , evening ,并理解意思

2. 初步学会运用good morning, good afternoon ,good evening 说话。


1. good morning,中字母d要失去爆破;good afternoon ,good evening 中两个单词连读。








1.朗读unit 1中look and learn .


2. 看图片说名字,分组或指名说

二.教学look and learn .

1. 学生看图片,用中文说一说这是什么

2. 激发兴趣,教说单词 morning afternoon evening


3. 跟读磁带,反复练习

4. 指名学生说,教师正音后齐读

5. 带领学生做游戏,让学生观察 morning afternoon evening这三张图片,再认读。

三.教学Listen ,point and learn to say .


2. 他们到底说什么,一起来听磁带


3. 让学生猜一猜,他们说了什么

4. 学生理解意思后,教师领读,特别要注意失去爆破和连读,学生反复练习

5. 跟读磁带,指名学生读,并正音


1. 同桌相互说,相互纠正错误

2. 分组齐读

3. 看火车读,比一比哪组读得最好



要求学生进行情境对话,对话中还要介绍自己,用上unit 1和unit 2中所教内容

表演时,教师先做示范 ,学生自由练习后请学生上来表演

六.完成练习Listen and match(活动用书page 9)





课 题:Unit 2 Good morning 第二课时

教材类型: 所属学科:英语1A(一上)

主备教师:姜金凤 备课时间:2007/9/18 浏览人数:1


Teaching aims and requirements

1:学会歌曲《Good morning to you》,让学生在优美的旋律中理解歌曲的内容,诱发学生学习英语的兴趣,受到美的熏陶。

2:能听懂、会读、会说、会运用日常交际用语Good morning , Good afternoon , Good evening.

3:复习Unit 1的内容,能比较灵活地根据教师提供的各种场景进行正确的回答。

Teaching emphasis:

1、日常交际用语:Good morning

2、歌曲《Good morning to you》

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Greetings.

1.复习Hello/Hi, Im . Goodbye, Bye,注意语音语调;师生互动。

T: Hello, Im Miss Jiang.

S: Hello, Im XX.

复习Hello时与学生握手,挥手问候时说Hi,告别挥右手说Goodbye,挥左手说 Bye。

Step 2 Presentation.

Teaching Good morning


2.教学问候语Good morning , 知道这是熟人或朋友之间见面时的问候语,其答语一般是Good morning, 对学生进行礼貌教育。

Step 3 Presentation.

Teaching Good morning to you .



Step 4 A short break.


Step 5 Consolidation



Step 6 Homework

1. 听录音。

2. 用所学句型和父母打招呼。

Some thoughts after the lesson☆教学调整☆



沪教牛津版1A:Unit 10 What colour? 教案

课 题:Unit 10 What colour?





2、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能根据情况用Its回答,语音语调正确。










一、Warm up / Revision

1、TPR.(Show me your pen/pencil/English book/crayon)

2、Enjoy an English songWho is wearing yellow today?,让学生尝试跟唱,用中文解释Who is wearing yellow today?。




T: Ok,now please look here. What colour?

Ss: Yellow!

T: Yes, its yellow.Please read after me. Yellow.

Ss: Yellow.

T: Who is wearing yellow today?Stand up,please. 带领学生指着说yellow。


T: Who is wearing red today?Oh,Im wearing red today. 带领学生指着说red.

Ss: Red!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,red.

T: Who can show me something red?(中文解释)



T:(师出示英语书) This is my English book. What colour is it?


T: Read one by one,纠正发音。


T: Ok, now please look at the sky. What colour?

Ss: Blue.

T: Read one by one.


T: Who is wearing brown today?Oh,Im wearing brown today. 带领学生指着说brown.

Ss: Brown!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,brown.

T: Who can show me something brown?(中文解释)






课 题:Unit 10 What colour?






1.熟练掌握 blue, green, yellow, red, brown 五个表示颜色的单词。

2.会用句式What colour ? 提问并回答。








(一).Class begins.

(二). Sing together.

T: The first, lets sing a song. OK?

Ss: OK!

Sing follow the tape.

(三). Play cards.

1.Talk with some students.

T: Hello!

S: Hi!

T: ( Take out a card ) What colour is it ?

S: Red./ Yellow./ Blue./ Green./brown .

T: Good!

2.Lets change.

T: Hi!

S: Hello! (Take out a card ) What colour is it?

T: Red./ Yellow./ Blue./ Green./ brown.

S: Thank you!

(四). Practise.

1. A game.

Take out the windmill, and say to each other .

2.Learn to say.

a.Talk with some students.


T: I have a new pen.

S: What colour ?

T: (Take out a pen ) red.

S: Oh. How nice!


T: I have a new pen ./ pencil./.

S: What colour ?

T: Guess!

S: Red and black./ Yellow and white./?

T: (Take out a pen) .No. Green and White!

S: OH. How nice!

b.Read follow the teacher.

c.Say to each other.

d. Act.

(五). Learn to say. (This is  )

1. ( 图片 ) Show a picture with a white cat.

T: Whats this in English?

S: A cat.

T: This is a cat.

Teach this sentence: This is a cat

Read and read.

T: What colour is it?

S: White.

T: Good! This is a white cat.

Teach this sentence: This is a white cat.

Read and read.

2. ( 图片 ) Show a picture with a red peach.

T: Whats this in English?

Ss: A peach.

T: What colour is it ?

Ss: Red.

T: Follow me. This is a red peach.

3.( 图片 ) Show a picture with a yellow banana.

T: (Enlighten the students) This is a .

Ss: This is a yellow banana.

4.( 图片 ) Practise.

Show a picture with a banana: This is a Yellow banana.

a pencil : This is a black pencil.

a ruler : This is a blue ruler.

(六). Draw and colour.


T: Every one . Take out a white piece of paper. Lets draw, OK?


NO.1. Draw an apple. NO.2. Draw a pear. NO.3. Draw a pen.

NO.4 Draw a banana. NO.5. Draw an eraser. NO.6. Draw a mouse.

Praise the best one.


T: Every one is very good. Now , lets colour them,OK?

Colour the apple yellow. Colour the pear green. Colour the banana yellow.

Colour the eraser blue. Colour the pen black. Colour the mouse red.

Praise some students.

3.Say to each other.

For exemplar: This is a yellow apple./ This is a red mouse./

(七)、Introduce the colour of skin. (介绍肤色)

(八)、Learn to sing: Colour song.

1.Read the verses of the song.(读歌词)

2.Sing follow the intrument .(跟琴唱)

(九)、Class over.☆教学调整☆


课 题:Unit 10 What colour?



教学目标 :


2、能用What colour ?并用Its进行对话交流。

3、会说歌谣A cat and a dog.



2、词汇:Yellow Red Blue Green Brown




T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.

Step2: 句型What colour? Its操练。

T: First, Lets play a game, Ok?

1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进学生中问:What colour?请学生回答 Its (三次以上)

2)T: Next, Lets talk。


Step3: 复习单词

T: Lets stop! Now well, look, I have red coat. How nice! again.

Do you like red? What colour? Again.

1) 复习yellow red blue green brown


T: well, Now, Lets play an other game, Ok?


Step4: 复习巩固。

T: Well, This game with colours.

Guess what am I holding?

Its a Magicbox.


T: Open the box, Its a Magicrope.

Guess first what colour?


猜对了就欢呼Yes,猜错了,就说No, sorry。

T: At last, Now look.




Step5: 学习歌谣。

Step6: Homework☆教学调整☆


沪教牛津版1A:Unit1 My classroom Period 1

Unit 1 My classroom

the first period

一、 教学说明

1. 今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。

2. 班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。

二、 教学内容

1. 认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. How do you do? How are you?-Fine, thank you. Hello! 等问候语。

2. 能力要求:学会用-Good morning. How do you do? How are you?-Fine, thank you. Hello! 来问候和交流。

3. 情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了解和友谊。

三、 教学步骤





Pre-task preparation


Enjoy the song of page 6.


While-task procedure

1. Introduction

Good morning.

How do you do?

1. T: I am Frieda. I am your teacher. This is my friend, Cici.(T takes out a puppet.)

2. Use the puppet to elicit the greetings.



Good morning.

How do you do?

1.Teacher greets children with a warm embrace or handshake. Eg.

T: Im Frieda.

P1: Im Lucy.

T: Good morning.(How do you do?)

P1: Good morning. (How do you do?)


2.Encourage the individuals to introduce themselves and greet with the class.

P1: Im Kitty. Good morning.

Ps: Good morning, Kitty.

P2: Im Jack. How do you do?

Ps: How do you do, Jack?





Getting to know you.

T: Ask pupils to greet their groupmates .

Ps: Do the groupwork.



How are you?

Fine, thank you. 5. Imitation

How are you?

Fine, thank you.

1. Enjoy the English song.

2. T: Use the puppet to elicit : Cici, Cici. How are you? Fine. Fine. Thank you.

3. Pupils listen and follow the teacher.

4. Encourage the more able students to practice with the teacher.

5. Practise in pairs.

6. Practise the drill around the class.

P1: How are you?

P2: Fine, thank you.

How are you?

P3: Fine, thank you.

How are you? (to P4)




6. Song

1. Listen to the song.

2.Encourage children to sing together.


Post-task activity

Activity: Make friends.

Encourage the children to make the friends in the class.

e.g. --Good morning. Im Jane.

--Im May. Good morning.

--How are you?

--Fine, thank you.



1. Read page 3 after the tape

2. Listen to the song (P6) and try to follow it.

四、 教学提示

1. 媒体准备:


2. 教学关注点:

本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。

1) 注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶;

2) 在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子;

3) 多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。

3. 资源分享:


4. 设计思路:


2)由于Lets talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。




沪教牛津版1A:Unit3 My abilities Period One

Teaching contents: Lets act ( Page 12 )

Teaching aims:

知识目标:Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.

能力目标:Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.

情感目标:To be discipline in the classroom.

Difficult and key points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.

Teaching aids: Cassette player, tape, etc.

Teaching procedure:





Sing a song

Daily talk



Listen and act:

Listen to the commands and do some actions in a quick response.

e.g: Stand up, please.

Give me

Show me



1. Give students a hint, ask Open your book. Who can act? Raise your hand.

Elicit: Raise your hand.

Say: Raise your hand.

2. Do the action and give the instructions:

Put it down.

Repeat and act: Put it down.

Give the hint and say: Show me your


Repeat and act: Show me your book.




Listen and act

Ask individuals to listen and act

Play the cassette tape

Let some students to act according to the commands.

Divide the class into groups of four, act the commands.

One student gives commands, the others do the actions.

6. Play a match:

Who is the quickest to respond?

Act according to the teachers commands . The quickest student to act will be the winner.







苏教牛津版一上《Good morning》教学设计



Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Understand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.


With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others information by practicing conversations; Know the greetings well by singing English song.


This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and its the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures.


1、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English words.

2、Learn to say hello to people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and their answers.

3、Learn to greet people with How are you? and their answers.


Section A

创设情境,导入新课Create plots and scenes to guide the new lesson

The main content of Section A is to learn to say hello to and greet to people by acting out the conversations and imitating them; Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names. We can adopt the Situation Guiding Method and the Audiovisual Guiding Method: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about greeting) for the teaching, or prepare some cartoons to imitates the different voices of the people in the Cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences are guided Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; And then the teacher communicates with the students; At last get the students to communicate with each other.

自读感知,整体把握Pre-read to apperceive and grasp the whole

Section A is designed by three steps. In 1a-1b, get the students to learn to say hello to and greet others by practicing conversations and know some cartoons well; In 2a-3, get the students to learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa-Hh and pay attention to the orders of strokes and formats, and get them to apperceive the pronouncing characters of letters A and E and conclude their pronouncing rules; In 4a-4c, get them to grasp the familiar English names and consolidate the greetings.

合作交流,解读探究Cooperate and intercourse to unscramble and research

The main content in Section A is to learn the target language:

Hi/Hello, Bob!

Hi/Hello, Eric!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

【Intercourse】The teacher communicates with the students in class first:

(Say hello to the students)Hello, !

(Get the students to answer)Hello, 。!

(Say hello to the students)Hi, !

(Get the students to answer)Hi, 。!

(Say hello to the students)Good morning/afternoon/evening, !

(Get the students to answer)Good morning/afternoon/evening, !

【Experiences】After the students grasp the target sentences, the teacher projects the courseware (about greeting) or shows some cartoons and imitates different voices of the people in the cartoons (or play the tape) to say hello to and greet each other: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; The students listen carefully while watching and grasp the pronunciation of some familiar English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.

【Activities】Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other. Get them to imitate the conversations they hear and say hello to and greet each other, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.

Hi/Hello, Bob!

Hi/Hello, Eric!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

【Demonstration】Learn the pronunciation and writing of English letters AaHh. The teacher can draw four-line grids on the blackboard and teach the students the correct writing orders and structures. The students imitate what the teacher have taught and pay attention to the varieties of capital and small English letters, finish the teaching task of Activities 2a and 2b.

【Experiences】Play the tape of Activity 2c and get the students to listen and distinguish the right letters and mark the orders, finish the teaching task of Activities 2c.

【Practice】Get the students to write the corresponding small letters according to the capital letters, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 2d.

【Discussion】Get the students to observe the abbreviations in Activity 3 and guess their meanings according to the pictures. Tell the students these abbreviations are common in English and also important, finish the teaching task of Activities 3.


1)Play the tape of Activity 4a and get the students to listen and circle the names they hear according to the conversations, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4a.

2)Play the tape of Activity 4a again and get the students to listen and match the conversations they hear with the pictures and mark the orders, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4b.

【Activities】Get the students to drill the conversations in Activity 4b and grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!,finish the teaching task of Activity 4c.

【要点直击】【English notes】

中西方日常交际差异:中国人见面喜欢问:你吃过了吗?老外听了,以为你要请客;你去哪儿?老外认为你是干涉他的隐私。而西方人见面以问候为主,如:Hello!, Hi!, Good morning.等。问候语的使用:Good morning早上好(指早晨、上午);Good afternoon下午好(指午后,黄昏前);Good evening晚上好(指黄昏后,就寝前)。

应用迁移,巩固提高Application and transfer, consolidation and improvement

1. Make letter cards: Get different letters and words by assembling the cards freely. Its helpful to promote the intercourse between the students and bring up their friendship.

2. Identify the character cartoons: Know some familiar boy and girl names.

Section B and Self Check


The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words. So the Audiovisual Guiding Method can still be adopted: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about saying hello and greeting) for teaching, or prepare some cartoons and imitate the different voices of different characters in the cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences can be guided: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!! Hi/Hello, Eric! How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im OK.。


Section B is designed by three steps: In 1-2b, review and consolidate the greetings learnt and learn to greet others by using How are you?;In 3a-4, review the pronunciation and writing of the English letters Aa-Hh, and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words; In 5, use the English song to consolidate the target language and inspire the students interest in English at the same time.


The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words.

Good morning/afternoon, Helen! Hi/Hello, Eric!

How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you?

Im OK.

【Experiences】Project the courseware or play the tape of Activity 1 and get the students to watch or listen and imitate, and make them learn to greet others by using How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK., finish the teaching task of Activity 1.

【Making】Get the students to review the familiar English names learnt and choose one of them as their own English names according to their fancy and write them down in the cards, finish the teaching task of Activity 2a.

【Role-playing】After they make their own name cards, the teacher can get the students to practice conversations to consolidate the target language learnt by using the target sentences and English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 2b.

【Experiences】Playing the tape of Activity 3a and get the students to draw the lines between the letters they hear, finish the hearing teaching task of Activity 3a.

【Activities】Get the students to match the capital letters with the small letter and review and consolidate the pronunciation and writing of the English letter, finish the teaching task of Activity 3b.


1)Play the tape of Activity 4 and get the students to listen and imitate and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E, finish the teaching task of Activity 4.

2)Playing the tape of Activity 5 and teach the students this English song, finish the teaching task of Activity 5.

【要点直击】【English notes】

1、How are you? 也是一句问候语,一般用于熟人之间,意思是你(身体)好吗?,它的答句一般是:Fine/Im fine. Thank you.,而不能用How are you?直接回答。

2、Thank you与Thanks:thank是动词,Thank you是谢谢你,表示感谢对方,Thanks是名词谢谢(复数形式)。

应用迁移,巩固提高Application and transfer, consolidation and improvement

1、Choose an English name: The teacher can organize an activity to get the students to choose an immovable English name for themselves (see the name lists at the last pages of the textbook) in order to boost up the atmosphere of learning English and help them communicate with each other better without the interference of mother tongue. And using the English names in the mutual intercourse can improve the students interest in English.

2、One own voice: Get the students to record the conversations between them and their friends with tapes and play them in class and get other classmates to listen and communicate their tastes. It can practice the students abilities of oral expressing and correct their pronunciation on one hand, and it can improve the their abilities of listening to and telling the sounds on the other hand, and consolidate the target language.

课后小结Summarize after class

【Summary】Learn to say hello to others with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and greet people with How are you? and its answers; Grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!! Hi/Hello, Eric! How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im OK.; Learn the pronunciation and writing of the letters Aa~Hh and the pronunciation of the vowel letters A and E in words; Familiarize the familiar boy and girl names and understand the meanings of some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.

苏教牛津英语1A:Unit 1 Hello 教案

课 题:Unit 1 Hello



Teaching aims and requirement

1. 会说Hi和 Hello,能使用 He、Hello互相问好。

2. 会用Im介绍自己。

3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用。

Teaching aids

Recorder and tape

Teaching procedure:


Step 1 Introduction



Step 2 Presentation

Teaching Hi and Hello

1. 师用Hi、 Hello与学生问好,鼓励学生大胆回答,适当纠正学生的读音。对学生及时给予表扬。

2. 让学生用Hi、 Hello自由问好。

Step 3 Presentation

Teaching Im.

1. 师先用中文介绍自己,再用英文说Im Miss Xu, 放慢语速反复多次。

2. 鼓励学生用Im.介绍自己。(每个学生说完,全班给予掌声鼓励)

Step 4 Practice

1. 师用Hi/Hello, Im Miss Xu. 与学生问好,引导学生用 Hi/Hello, Im 作答。

2. 学生分组用Hi/Hello, Im 互相自我介绍。

3. 唱《找朋友》,让学生下位用Hi/Hello, Im找朋友。

4. 指名上台表演。

5. 引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的生活场景中运用所学语言。

T: Hello ,I am Miss Xu .

S: Hello ,I am Mike .

Step 5 Act

用Hi/Hello,Im. Goodbye /Bye向全班同学介绍自己。

Step 7 Homework


课 题:Unit 1 Hello



1. 能听得懂,会说单词Su Hai, Mike, Helen, Wang Bing .

2. 能正确地运用日常交际用语Hello, I am ,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用

Step 1 Free talk

师生之间互相问好,打招呼,复习句型Hello/Hi, Im .

T: Hello/Hi, Im Miss Jiang. S: Hello/Hi, Im .

Step 2 Presentation

出示头饰,逐个介绍新朋友Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike。用中文讨论图画,他们来自哪儿?会说些什么?

师戴头饰T: Hi, Im Su Hai.S1: Hi, Im S1.

T: Goodbye, S1. S1: Goodbye, Su Hai.


Step 3 Practice.



3、分组操练,四组分别是Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike,学生下位找朋友,最少找五个,巩固本课句型。

Step 4 Act .



间说:Hello/Hi, Im ,然后握手,接着说 Goodbye.

Step 5 Consolidation


Step 6 Homework.


Some thoughts after the lesson:

苏教牛津英语1A:Unit 5 Fruit 教案

作为一位刚入职不久的新任教师,在授课上的经验比较少。每位老师都会提前准备一份教案,以便于提高讲课效率。上课才能够为同学讲更多的,更全面的知识。那么老师怎样写才会喜欢听课呢?下面是小编精心收集整理,为您带来的《苏教牛津英语1A:Unit 5 Fruit 教案》,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

课 题:Unit 5 Fruit




1. Listening: Listen and identify the key words.

2. Speaking: Pronounce the words properly.

3. Communicating: Use nouns to identify objects.


1. Master the pronunciation of the new words.

2. Use the patterns to solute the tasks.

3. Use the fruit words in daily life.



小学英语新课程标准要求,合理地设计教案,在课堂上有计划地组织任务型的教学活动, 让他们有目的地进行学习活动,能调动学生的积极性, 提高学生的学习兴趣。





cassette player, cassette, some fruits, word and picture cards.


real fruits, colour pens, some paper, pencils.


Pre-task preparation:

1. Sing some songs and do some actions.(利用歌曲, 并配上动作,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性,同时复习以前学过的知识。)

a) Good Morning.

b) Read, draw, sing.

2. Play games: (利用游戏等引出新的教学内容)

1) Simon Says. (Listen and act)

2) Touch and guess: Feel the fruit and say out the words.

3. Introduce the fruit:

This is a/an Thats a/an

4. Today well learn Look and learn in Unit 5 (Fruit).

While-task procedure

1. Show the real objects and teach the new words of fruit. (运用实物、图片等,配上动作,教学本课的新单词,。)

1)(Put up a banana.) Whats this? ---- Its a banana. This is a banana.

Banana, banana,香蕉,香蕉apple弯又弯。

2)(Taste the pear.) Whats that? ---Thats a pear.

Pear, pear是梨子,梨子pear甜又香。

3)(Touch the mango.) This is a mango.

Mango, mango是芒果,芒果mango甜又酸。

4)(Point to a peach)Thats a peach.

Peach, peach是桃子,桃子peach大又鲜。

2. Stick on the word and picture cards on the board, and then read the words for several times.

3. Point to the cards, repeat the words in chorus, then in groups.

4. Read one by one.

5. Listen to the tape, follow it and point to each picture as it is being read out.

6. Re-arrange the word and picture cards in random order.

Post-task Activities

1.Play games(Divide the whole class into groups and have a competition): (分组进行游戏、竞赛等,复习和巩固这节课上学过的知识。同时加入竞争机制,增加教学的趣味性,提高学生的竞争意识。)

1)Say some words,ask someone to pick out the correct words and put it on the board.

2)Say the words and point them out.

3)What fruit do you like? (Ask some pupils to answer and pick them out.)

4)Teacher hides some words and the pupils guess the words.

5)Which group is the quickest?

Divide the whole class into six groups. Each group has the name of a fruit. When I say a fruits name, the whole group has to stand up and do the actions.

Apple, apple, show me your book. Pear, pear, touch your arms.

Peach, peach, close your eyes. Mango, mango, open your book.

2. Read the rhyme: (利用朗朗上口的rhyme巩固新知,提高学生的学习兴趣。)

banana,banana香蕉,香蕉banana 弯又弯,




3. Listen and draw the fruit. Then show me your drawings and stick some better pictures on the blackboard. (利用小学生爱画画的特点,锻炼和提高学生的听力和绘画能力,同时展示一些优秀的作品,使学生有成就感。)

4. Count the stars to see which group is winner. (实施评价,展示结果,及时对教学情况进行反馈,让学生树立自信,培养合作精神。)


1. Write down the words under your drawings.

2. Say out the fruit words in English when you see some fruit.

课 题:Unit 5 Fruit




1. 通过第一教时的学习,学生已经学会说四种水果的名称,并能表达自己喜欢吃什么水果,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。

2. 本课是继续学习让学生用一些简单句式,如Smell the Fell the 或Taste the 来表述自己的意愿。用Is this a/an ? 句式进行提问。



a.) 会听说单词banana, pear, mango, peach.

b.)能听懂指令: Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach. 并能做出反应。

c.)能用Is this a/an? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。


a) 能用所学水果单词结合句式Smell the, Feel the, Taste the给出指令。

b) 在学习和生活中能用所学句型表述自己的意愿。

c) 能用Is this a/an? 句式对身边的物品进行提问。





1.Pre-task preparation


Sing a song


Teacher and students greet each other.


1)Students review the words by reading the cards.

2) Game: Whats the missing?通过玩记忆游戏来复习所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。

While-task procedure

1.Show some fruit to students.

2.Teacher repeat several times.

3.Have students listen and act according to your commands. Smell the banana. Fell the pear Taste the peach.

4.Listen to the tape several times and repeat several times.

5.Divide the class into groups of three to practice acting the commands. In each group, one student gives commands and the others do the actions. Then let them change roles.

Select groups to act the commands to the class.

Play a game: Who is the quickest student to respond?

(Ask every student to act according to your commands.)通过小组活动,听口令,做动作,进一步熟悉口令,并能发口令。通过游戏活动谁的反应快?进一步巩固口令,使学生在游戏活动中巩固所学知识。

Teaching:Is this a/an?Yes, it is.No, it is not.

1.Hold up a banana and ask Is this a banana? Yes, it is.

Repeat several times in English. Students follow and repeat.

2.Listen to the tape.

Students listen carefully. 用实物引出肯定回答,让学生模仿跟读。 通过听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。

Post-task activity

1.Pair work

2.Let students work in pairs.(Provide them with some pictures of fruit)通过对话,提高语言表达能力。

3. Group work

4. Use stationery to let students practice the language. ( Four students make a group)通过小组活动,操练句型,进一步提高学生的语言运用能力。

Play a game

Use plastic or real fruit to let students practice the language. Get one student come up to the front and ask Is this a ? and the whole class is to say Yes, it is or No, it is not.通过游戏活动,进一步巩固操练句型,使群体与个体有机结合,使每个学生都参与活动,让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学习语言。


1. Listen to the tape on page22-23.

2.Read page 22-23 after the tape.

3.Tell the words to their family.


课 题:Unit 5 Fruit


主备教师: 备课时间:




1) 学会用peach, banana, mango, pear来表述单词。

2) 能够辨认所学单词,并能把图片和单词进行配对。

3) 能用Is this a .? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。





1.Pre-task preparationWarmer

Sing a song

Talk:Good morning. What fruit do you like? Why?

T: Ask pupils to answer the questions.

Encourage the children to tell the reason .在师生之间问答交流中,完成了对上节课知识的复习。


1)Guess the fruit (apple, pear, banana,mango)

1.Play a guessing game.(Guess the fruit)

e.g. Its red and round. Its sweet and juice. What is it?

(S: Guess)(apple, pear, orangelemon)让学生在听的基础上进行猜谜,通过猜谜,使学生了解了各种水果的特征和色味,既训练了学生的听力,又丰富了学生的词汇。

2)While-task procedure


2.Students follow and repeat.

3. Ask pupils to describe the peach.

3). Game

Play a guessing game. What is this?It is a/an(Students touch the bag and guess)让学生运用触觉摸一摸,并猜一猜包里是什么水果,让学生通过视觉和触觉来辨别其形状,诱发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在游戏活动中复习巩固单词。

3.Post-task activity

1). Make new rhymes

1.Listen to the rhyme.

2.Make new rhymes using peach, banana, pear.

3.Encourage students to act outrhymes in pairs by using the new words.

4.Read the word cards.(Multi-media)

5. Playing a watching game.通过编儿歌和表演儿歌,学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到提高,同时也为学生提供了充分展示自己才华的机会, 同时也复习了单词、句子。巩固操练了新旧知识,也进一步强化了语言训练。


1.Listen to the tape on page24

2.Read page 24 after the tape.

3. Present the new rhyme to their family.



M2U3 (1)


Oxford English 1A My friends



1. To motivate pupils the interests of learning English.

2. To let the pupils perceive the feeling of English.

3. To learn the new words:fat thin tall short.

4. To use the new words describe the people around us.


To bring up students good habits of listening and speaking English


1. To motivate pupils to be interested in English

2. To bring up good habits of listening and speaking English


multimedia, word cards, etc.



Teachers activity

Students activity


Pre-task preparation


Sing a song.

Sing and enjoy the song.

Establish a happy and relaxed learning surrounding.

2. Greetings.

T: Hello. Im Miss Huang.

P: Hello, Miss Huang.


Establish the pupils good oral English

3. Say a chant.

Pupils try to say the chant

Make a new chant.

By the new chant, to introduce the main person.

While-task procedure

1. Song Postman policeman

2. To teach tall short.

1) Look, children. What is he? He is a postman.

Listen this song and enjoy it.

2. To learn tall short.

1) Listen to the teacher and think.

By Observing the different place of the two postmen, let the students to keep the view about tall and short

2) Point to the tall postman and

short postman.

3) Let the students to make a chant.

4) Show some pictures and introduce them.

Who is tall\short in my classroom?

5) Who is tall \short in my classroom?

Who is tall\short in my classroom?

2)Observe the different place of the two postmen.

Imitate to say tall and short with the actions.

3) Look at the pictures

And say

Yao Ming, Yao Ming

Hello, Hello, Hello

Yao Ming

Tall, Tall, Tall,

Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang.

Hi, Hi, Hi,

Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang.

Short, short, short.

4) To use tall and short to describe Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.

This is Yao Ming.

He is tall.

This is Liu Xiang.

He is short.

5) The students will make some examples.

The students are familiar with the great stars and like them very much.

We can stimulate the students desire of speaking.

Stimulate the learning interests of the students.

Apply the new knowledge to the students daily life.

3. To learn fat thin

1) Show a cartoon fenddy.

2) How is the Fenddy?

He is fat.

3) Thin

4) Compare fat Fenddy and thin Fenddy.

5) To educate the students not be fastidious about food.


Look at the slide with strong interest.

To learn fat.

To learn thin.


Dont be fastidious about food.

The cartoon character has been deeply like by students.

And the student will be active to learn the new words and act out.

To educate the students not be fastidious about food.

Post-task activity

Do some exercises

Match the picture and words.

Play a game.

Examine the students circumstance of the studying.

1.My feeling

2. Assignment

To use the adjectives to describe the different people.


1. Follow the tape

2. Try to describe a person





This is ---.

He\She is ---.

M2U3 (2)


Oxford English 1A My friends



1. To motivate pupils the interests of learning English.

2. To let the pupils perceive the feeling of English.

3. To learn the new words: classmate friend

4. To apply the new words to the daily life.

5. To be friendly with your friends and classmates.


To bring up students good habits of listening and speaking English.


1. To motivate pupils to be interested in English

2. To bring up good habits of listening and speaking English


multimedia, masks, word cards, etc.



Teachers activity

Students activities


Pre-task preparation

1. Sing a song.

Sing and enjoy the song.

Establish a happy and relaxed learning surrounding.

2. Say a chant.

Pupils try to say the chant.

Review the content of last term with tall short fat and thin.

3. Show some pictures of the stars and the cartoons.

Students try to say something with the pictures.

This is Yao Ming.

He is tall.


Examine the students circumstance of the studying.

While-task procedure

1. Show a picture of the whole class.

2. Point some students.

T: Good. And he is your classmate.

3.To teach classmate

1) classmate

2) Say something more.

3) Who is your classmate?

4) Make a chant.

4. To teach friend

1) Show a picture of the teachers friend.

2) To teach: friend

3) Show some cartoon friends.

Who is your friend?

And introduce


4) Make a dialogue.

How is your friend?

1. Look at the picture and find themselves.

2. Say something about their classmates.

3.To learn classmate

1) classmate

2) classmate classmate

He is my classmate.

She is my classmate.

3) Look at the pictures

And say

----is my classmate.

4) classmate classmate

One and two.

You and me.

4. To learn: friend

Look at the picture carefully.

To learn :friend

To know more friends.

He is---.

He is my friend.

Who is he?

He is ----.

He is my friend.

He is short.

Students are happy to see themselves and their classmates on the slide.

They are active to say something with the knowledge theyve learnt.

Rhymes and chants are always

favorite with the students.

And it is also easy for them to say and remember it.

Let the students to say something about their friends.

Post-task activity

Make a dialogue.

How is your friend?

Act out the dialogue.

Who is he? He is ----

He is my friend. He is fat.

My feeling


To introduce one classmate and one friend to your parents.

To be friendly with your classmates and friends.


1. Listen to the tape

2. Make a dialogue and try to say



He is my---.

He is---.

沪教牛津版1A:Unit8 Playtime 第三课时

老师讲课学生爱听,还愿意自学的情况下,往往少不了一份教案。因此,老师会想尽一切方法编写一份学生易接受的教案。这样可以让同学们很容易的听懂所讲的内容,那有什么样的教案适合新手教师吗?下面是小编精心整理的“沪教牛津版1A:Unit8 Playtime 第三课时”,仅供参考,希望可以帮助到您。

一、 教学说明:

1.学生在第一、二教时中已经能听、说、读下列单词slide, doll, bicycle, balloon, ball, swing,并能用What have you got? I have got He/ She has got 句型进行操练。

2.这节课的句型是What has he/ she got? He/ She has got 而老师在上节课的回家作业中已经布置了采访老师和父母的作业。为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

3.这节课教的绕口令中的2个难点在Unit 2: Show me your book. Unit 3: Lets enjoy的歌曲中:I can read a little book. I can draw a little tree. I can sing a little song. 中已经出现过了,为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

二、 教学内容:

1) 认知内容:

a. 能听懂会说并会用句型:What has he /she got? He / She has got

b. 能听懂会说绕口令:The boy shows the ball to the doll. The little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

2) 能力要求:


3) 情感态度:


三、 教学过程:





Pre-task preparation


1. Enjoy the song. P16


2. Quick Response.

Eg. Show me your book. Show four. Etc.



While-task procedure

Tongue twister.

1. Quick response:

Show a ball to me. Show the ball to the doll. To elicit the sentence: The boy shows the ball to the doll. The little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

2. Encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

The boy shows the ball to the doll. The little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

3. Listen and read after the tape.

4. Say the tongue twister together while doing the actions..

从Quick Response用旧句型引出新句型,难度不大,学生很容易上口。


2. A new pattern:

What has he/she got? He/ She has got

1. Teacher shows the survey and asks the questions.

E.g.: What has your father got?

P1: He has got

To elicit the sentences: What has he/she got?

2. Encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

What has he/she got? He/ She has got

3. Ask and answer in small groups.

E.g.: What has *** got?

He/ She has got



Post-task activity

1. P40

1. Listen and read after the tape. P40

2. Look and say. P38 P40

3. Read.


Guessing game.

4. Teacher asks the students to play a guessing game what he/she has got.

E.g.: ------Has he got?

------Yes, he has got /No.

------What has he got?

------He has got



Read Page 40 after the tape

Play a guessing game with your parents.





1) 关注课堂中学生的小组活动,有针对性地进行个别辅导。

2) 关注绕口令时音近字的读音。同时注意学生在绕口令时的语音语调。

3) 学会调查报告后的一个口头汇报。


在While-task Activity的环节,可以让学生通过口头汇报调查报告的形式操练,He has got 然后通过你想了解某人拥有的形式,自由发问:What has *** got? 并请同学来回答。在Post-task Activity这个环节,采用让学生猜猜好朋友书包里有什么,来巩固句型:------Has he got? ------Yes, he has got /No. -------What has he got? He has got,利用学生的好奇心里,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。



2) 绕口令的学习训练儿童口齿伶俐,说话清晰,避免口吃,帮助儿童辨别音近词的读音及清楚地发音。

苏教牛津英语1A:Unit 10 What colour?教案

老师要承担起对每一位同学的教学责任,在开展教学工作之前。这时就需要自己去精心研究如何做一份学生爱听老师爱讲的教案。让同学听的快乐,老师自己也讲的轻松。你知道怎样才制作一份学生爱听的教案吗?以下是小编收集整理的“苏教牛津英语1A:Unit 10 What colour?教案”,希望对您的工作和生活有所帮助。

课 题:Unit 10 What colour? 第一课时




2、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能根据情况用Its回答,语音语调正确。










一.Warm up / Revision

1、TPR.(Show me your pen/pencil/English book/crayon)

2、Enjoy an English songWho is wearing yellow today?,让学生尝试跟唱,用中文解释Who is wearing yellow today?。




T: Ok,now please look here. What colour?

Ss: Yellow!

T: Yes, its yellow.Please read after me. Yellow.

Ss: Yellow.

T: Who is wearing yellow today?Stand up,please. 带领学生指着说yellow。


T: Who is wearing red today?Oh,Im wearing red today. 带领学生指着说red.

Ss: Red!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,red.

T: Who can show me something red?(中文解释)



T:(师出示英语书) This is my English book. What colour is it?


T: Read one by one,纠正发音。


T: Ok, now please look at the sky. What colour?

Ss: Blue.

T: Read one by one.


T: Who is wearing brown today?Oh,Im wearing brown today. 带领学生指着说brown.

Ss: Brown!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,brown.

T: Who can show me something brown?(中文解释)





课 题:Unit 10 What colour? 第二课时





1.熟练掌握 blue, green, yellow, red, brown 五个表示颜色的单词。

2.会用句式What colour ? 提问并回答。








(一).Class begins.

(二). Sing together.

T: The first, lets sing a song. OK?

Ss: OK!

Sing follow the tape.

(三). Play cards.

1.Talk with some students.

T: Hello!

S: Hi!

T: ( Take out a card ) What colour is it ?

S: Red./ Yellow./ Blue./ Green./brown .

T: Good!

2.Lets change.

T: Hi!

S: Hello! (Take out a card ) What colour is it?

T: Red./ Yellow./ Blue./ Green./ brown.

S: Thank you!

(四). Practise.

1. A game.

Take out the windmill, and say to each other .

2.Learn to say.

a.Talk with some students.


T: I have a new pen.

S: What colour ?

T: (Take out a pen ) red.

S: Oh. How nice!


T: I have a new pen ./ pencil./.

S: What colour ?

T: Guess!

S: Red and black./ Yellow and white./?

T: (Take out a pen) .No. Green and White!

S: OH. How nice!

b.Read follow the teacher.

c.Say to each other.

d. Act.

(五). Learn to say. (This is )

1. ( 图片 ) Show a picture with a white cat.

T: Whats this in English?

S: A cat.

T: This is a cat.

Teach this sentence: This is a cat

Read and read.

T: What colour is it?

S: White.

T: Good! This is a white cat.

Teach this sentence: This is a white cat.

Read and read.

2. ( 图片 ) Show a picture with a red peach.

T: Whats this in English?

Ss: A peach.

T: What colour is it ?

Ss: Red.

T: Follow me. This is a red peach.

3.( 图片 ) Show a picture with a yellow banana.

T: (Enlighten the students) This is a .

Ss: This is a yellow banana.

4.( 图片 ) Practise.

Show a picture with a banana: This is a Yellow banana.

a pencil : This is a black pencil.

a ruler : This is a blue ruler.

(六). Draw and colour.


T: Every one . Take out a white piece of paper. Lets draw, OK?


NO.1. Draw an apple. NO.2. Draw a pear. NO.3. Draw a pen.

NO.4 Draw a banana. NO.5. Draw an eraser. NO.6. Draw a mouse.

Praise the best one.


T: Every one is very good. Now , lets colour them,OK?

Colour the apple yellow. Colour the pear green. Colour the banana


Colour the eraser blue. Colour the pen black. Colour the mouse red.

Praise some students.

3.Say to each other.

For exemplar: This is a yellow apple./ This is a red mouse./

(七)、Introduce the colour of skin. (介绍肤色)

(八)、Learn to sing: Colour song.

1.Read the verses of the song.(读歌词)

2.Sing follow the intrument .(跟琴唱)

(九)、Class over.

课 题:Unit 10 What colour? 第三课时


教学目标 :


2、能用What colour ?并用Its进行对话交流。

3、会说歌谣A cat and a dog.



2、词汇:Yellow Red Blue Green Brown




T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.

Step2: 句型What colour? Its操练。

T: First, Lets play a game, Ok?

1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进学生中问:What colour?请学生回答 Its (三次以上)

2)T: Next, Lets talk。


Step3: 复习单词

T: Lets stop! Now well, look, I have red coat. How nice! again.

Do you like red? What colour? Again.

1) 复习yellow red blue green brown


T: well, Now, Lets play an other game, Ok?


Step4: 复习巩固。

T: Well, This game with colours.

Guess what am I holding?

Its a Magicbox.


T: Open the box, Its a Magicrope.

Guess first what colour?


猜对了就欢呼Yes,猜错了,就说No, sorry。

T: At last, Now look.




Step5: 学习歌谣。

Step6: Homework

沪教版小学英语(1A)M3 U2教案

老师在上课时经常会遇到难解决的问题而耗费半节课的时间吧,就必须编写一份较为完整的教案,这样有利于我们准确的把握教材中的重难点。从而以举一反三的方式学会其他的知识点,那怎样写才能有一份高质量教案呢?下面是由小编为大家整理的沪教版小学英语(1A)M3 U2教案,希望对您的工作和生活有所帮助。

M3 U2 (1)


M3U2 Period One Look and learn \ Play a game


1. To use nouns to identify fruit.

2. To Use numerals to describe things.

3. To ask questions to find out quantity.

4. To Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation.

5. To Respond to simple instruction.

6. To eat more fruit to be good for health.

Language focus

1. To use nouns to identify fruit.

2. To ask questions to find out quantity.

Teaching aids

some fruit picture and cards, multimedia, etc






Pre-task preparation

1. Warming-up

2. Daily talk

3. Review

Sing a song

1. Count the numbers from one to ten.

2. How many?

(books / rabbits.)



While-task procedure

Show some fruit and introduce their names.

1. Learn to say: apple, orange

2.Learn to say: pear , peach

3.Learn to say: banana , lemon

1. Listen to the song:

T: Look, this is an apple. Its red.

1). Read the word.

2).Say a rhyme.

2. Is this an apple?

1).Say: orange, orange,

I see an orange.

2). Say some sentences with the new words.


What is it? Is it a\an..?

It is a pear.(Put the fruit in the box)

T: How many pears?

S1: Six pears.

S2: Five pears.

2. Is this a pear? No, it is a peach.

(peach, peach, peach, I see a peach.)

S1: Im a peach.

S2: Hi. Peach. Im orange.

S1: Hello, orange. How are you?

S2: Fine. Thanks.

S1: Goodbye.

S2; Goodbye.

3. Say some sentences with peach and pear.

The same to 2








Post-task activity

1. Do some exercise

2. Say and act

1. Listen and number.

2. Listen and draw.

Make new dialogues:

How many?



1. Read after the tape.

2. Say and act with your parents.

My feeling(我的感受)

My attitude


M3 U2(2)


M2U2 Period Two Look and say \ Say and act


1. To understand the key pattern:

e.g. , please.

2. To use formulaic expressions to reply to requests.

3. To use formulaic expression to express thanks.

4. To be polite in the shop.

Language focus

1. To use formulaic expressions to request something.

2. To use formulaic expressions to reply to requests.

3. To use formulaic expression to express thanks.

Teaching aids

Some fruit, multimedia, two puppets, etc






Pre-task preparation

1. Look listen and say:

, please.

2. Review and act out the dialogue.

Show the wall picture to the students and then have them listen to the dialogue.

S1: Apples, please.

S2: How many apples?

S1: Four.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you.

1. Act out the dialogue P 31

T: Apples, please.

S: How many apples?

T: Four.

S: Here you are.

T: Thank you.



While-task procedure

1. Listen and act.

2. Repeat the dialogue using different voices.

3. Learn: At the supermarket

4. Act out the dialogue.

5. Show three pictures with dialogues to the students.

1. Repeat after the recording.

2. Divide the class into groups.

Use the puppet to act out the dialogue.

Show the wall picture, prompt the students to retell the dialogue.

Show some fruit to the students and let them choose one.

Work in pairs

S1: Oranges, please.

S2: How many oranges.

S1: Three.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you.

Choose and act.





Post-task activity

1. Play a game: Shopping

2. Making a shopping list for Kitty.

3. Listen and say

S1: Apples, please.

S2: How many apples?

S1: Four.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you.

Discuss in groups and make a dialogue about shopping for fruit.

Workbook P32.



1. Read and act.

2. Make a dialogue about shopping.

3. Sing a song.


My feeling


My attitude



M3 U1(1)


In the classroom


!. To use numerals to describe things.

2. To Pronounce words, phrases and sentences correctly.

3. To learn the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation.

4. To hear specific information in response to simple instructions and try to say: eleven, twelve.

5. To keep the classroom clean and nice.

Language focus

1. To use numerals to count from one to six.

2. To use numerals to show quantity.

Teaching aids

Flash cards, some common classroom items such as pencils and rubbers.



Teachers activity

Students activities


Pre-task preparation

1. Show the song Ten little paper rabbits

2. Show the flash cards to the students and say one, two, three and so on.

3. Count the common classroom items and make sentences.


One, two, three, three rulers.

One, two, two pens.

Sing the song.

Follow the teacher.

Count .



While-task procedure

1. Ask the students to say and act according to your instructions.

e.g. T: Show me one.

Ss: (Show one finger) One.

2. Ask all the students to stand up and walk around the classroom. Say a number, for example, three. Students should make a group of three and stand hand in hand as quickly as possible. The students who are not part of a group of this number are the losers.

e.g. T: Three.

Ss: (From groups of three)

Ask the students to repeat this chant after you.


One, one, one pencil.

Two, two, two rulers.

Three, three, three pens.

Four, four, four rubbers

Five, five, five books.

Six, six, six bags.

4. Show common classroom items to the students and ask them to tell how many there are as quickly as possible.

The students say and

Act it out.

Do the action.

Let the students count and say the numbers.




Post-task activity

1.Ask the students to do Part A Listen and tick on Workbook page 26 and choose several students to check the answers.

2.Ask the students to do Part B Listen and write on Workbook page 27. Then choose several students to check it.

3.Ask the students to count in pairs common classroom items.

Do the listening exercises.



1. Listen to the tape

2. look, count and say

M3 U1(2)


In the classroom


1. To Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation.

2. To Hear specific information in response to simple instructions.

3. To use numerals to describe things.

4. To ask questions to find out quantity.

5. To try to make the new dialogue.

6. To help with the classmates.

Language focus

1. To use numerals to count from one to six.

2. To use numerals to show quantity.

3. To ask questions to find out quantity.

Teaching aids

Cassette, some common classroom items such as pencils, rubbers, Etc



Teachers activity

Students activities


Pre-task preparation

1. Show the song Ten little paper rabbits

Elicit the new sentences pattern How many?


T: Give me two pencils.

S1: Here you are.

T: How many pencils are there?

S: Ten.

2. Play the recording and to teach the students to sing the song Ten little paper rabbits. Then ask the students some questions about the song.

e.g. T: How many rabbits are there?

Ss: Two.

3. Show some fingers to the students. Have them count how many fingers they see.


T: (Show two) How many fingers?

Ss: Two.

T: (Show eight) How many fingers?

Ss: Eight.

Listen to the song.

Do the action.

Try to master the song.

Say and act.





While-task procedure

1. Show some common classroom items to the students and ask them to repeat after you in different voices.


T: Grandma says, How many pencils are there?

Ss: How many pencils are there?

2. Show the flash cards to the students and have them say the numbers from seven to ten after you.


T: (Show seven) Seven.

Ss: Seven.

3. Have students learn this chant.

How many, how many, how many rulers?

Three, three, three, three rulers.

How many, how many, how many pencils?

Two, two, two, two pencils.

4. Have the students practise the dialogue of Look and say on Students Book page 28 in groups. Then ask them to act it out.


S1: How many books are there?

S2: Three.

S3: Four.

5. Ask a student to come to the front of the classroom and close his/her eyes. Put some common classroom items in a box and shake it. Have the other students ask how many items are in the box. Have the students in the front of the classroom listen and guess.

e.g.S1: (Turns around)

T(Puts four pencils in a box and shakes it)

Ss: How many pencils are there?

S1: Four pencils.

Ss: Yes, four pencils.

Count and say.

Try to master the words of the numbers.

Say the chant.

Make the dialogue.

Play the game.



Post-task activity

1. Ask the students to do Part D Look, count and circle and Part E Listen and check on Workbook page 28. Ask some students to act out the dialogue.

2. Divide the class into pairs. Have them instruct each other on drawing on a piece of paper.

3. Ask the students to do Part C Look, listen and answer on Workbook page 27. Then have the students ask and answer in pairs.

4. Have the students do Task Count the things in your pencils case on Workbook page 29 in pairs. The students can substitute the words in the exercise with other words.

Do the exercises.


冀教版(一起)一上《Good morning》片断赏析

Step 1:Introduction

Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!

Now,introduce the words teacher and class.by using gestures.Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you.Students Can answer as a whole group.As rows and as individuals.Repeat I am your teacher and you are the class several times.

Now,introduce the class to the instructions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gestures.

They can practice this several times.

Step 2:Leadin

You may want t0 leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routine.

Say Good morning class.

Help students respond with Good morning.

Point to yourself and say Im Miss/,Mr.Have them repeat.Explain the terms Miss and Mr.in Chinese.

Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a back-chain drill

Miss,Mr. (Ss repeat)

Morning,Miss/M r. (Ss repeat)

Good morning,Miss,Mr. (Ss repeat)

Step 3:Practice

Say:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up)

Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond with Good morning,Miss/,Mr.Say Sit down,please.Now lets start the lesson.

Step 4:Presentation and activity

Now point to yourself and say My name is Miss/Mr. I am your teacher.

Find a student you know and say your name is(Beth).

Then ask What is your name? Help them respond with My name is . When the student answers, respond with HelloNice to meet you! Repeat this activity several times,first with students you know and then with others.Help them to respond with Nice to meet you,too.Explain the Word too in Chinese.

Step 5:Practice

Get the students to practice the f0llowing dialogue in pairs.

S1:Good morning.

S2:Good morning.Im (Ben).

Whats your name? Sl:My name is (Dale).

Nice to meet you! S2:Nice to meet you.too.

Call out several pairs of students to give their performance.

Praise their efforts as much as possible.

Help the slower students with patience.

Step 6:Presentation

Do activity 1a:Look at the picture.

Find the small letters for these big letters.

First present letters a-h,and get the students to repeat these letters.Call the students to attention the letter C/si:/not/sei:/.H /e/ not /e/

Step 7:Listening and writing

Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the book.Make sure all the students know what they should do.

Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercisebooks.Let the students know the diffences between the big letters and the small letters.

Step 8:Games time

Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction.


Step 9: Homework

Copy the conversation and letters. (Do entering famous school)

陕旅版英语三上《Lesson 1 Good morning!》教学设计

老师讲课学生爱听,还愿意自学的情况下,往往少不了一份教案。即使每天晚上一两点都要坚持制定出一份最详细的教学计划。对教学过程进行预测和推演,从而更好地实现教学目标,那么一份优秀的教案应该怎样写呢?请您阅读小编辑为您编辑整理的《陕旅版英语三上《Lesson 1 Good morning!》教学设计》,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有所帮助。





(2)做字母卡片Aa Bb Cc。

(3)学唱歌曲Good morning to you。





Ⅰ。listen and circle.听录音,圈出字母。


No.1 Aa No.2 Cc No.3 Bb

Ⅱ。 listen and tick or cross.听录音,判断对()错()。


No.1 B C No.2 A A No.3 B A

Ⅲ。listen and write.听录音,写字母。


No.1 Capital letter c.

No.2 Capital letter a.

No.3 Capital letter b.

No.4 Capital letter b.

No.5 Capital letter a.

No.6 Capital letter c.

(2)做字母卡片。让学生在准备好的空白卡片上用书写体写上字母Aa Bb Cc,可以大写一张,小写一张,也可以正面大写,反面小写。做好后与同桌两人用自己的卡片让对方认读。也可以老实说字母让学生找卡片。

(3)将做好的A、B、C卡片,发到学生手中,学生们寻找于自己持有相同字母卡片的朋友,相互打招呼Good morning!

(4)学唱歌曲:Good morning to you。先让学生听录音几遍,然后解释歌词为:早上好。早上好。早上好,亲爱的老师。早上好,亲爱的同学们。教学生读歌词中的生词to you,dear teacher,让学生跟录音机学唱。可以分组进行比赛,也可以老师和学生对唱(老师将dear teacher改为dear boys and girls)。

(5)总结本节课复习的内容及学生表现,唱Good morning to you与学生告别,结束本课。(教学提示:建议每一节课结束前都应快速复习本课所学的新单词及其他内容,并以唱歌、游戏的方式结束,在向学生挥手的同时说 Good-bye! See you later! See you tomorrow!之类的日常用语)

(6)歌曲Good morning to you英汉对照表

Good morning to you


Good morning to you. Good morning to you.


Good morning, dear teacher.


Good morning to you


Good morning to you. Good morning to you


Good morning dear boys and girls


Good morning to you.



《沪教牛津版1A:Unit 2 Good morning 教案》一文就此结束,希望能帮助您在小学教学中起到作用,如还需更多,请关注我们的“闽教版小学英语教案”专题。



