



初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇1









A:Good morning evrybody!

B:Good morning Miss zheng 。


Long lizard long ,lying on a log .

look at the lizard ,lying on a log.

3、教师声情并茂的讲红绿灯的`故事,幼儿初步复习Red、Yellow、green、go等颜色的词并初步感知Stop 、wait.




4、幼儿学习动词Stop 、wait

(1)幼儿与师边念歌谣边作动作。停一停StopStopStop.等一等wait wait wait.





7、师,新课结束Good evry one,see you agian.

初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇2


(1)There are lots of bicycles in China.

(2)There is a famous river




(1)There are lots of bicycles in China.

(2)There is a famous river.


用“There is/ There are”介绍事物







随音乐传递物品,音乐停该同学用there be句型说句子








5、重音的学习:请学生听SB unit 2活动3的录音,之后让学生试着跟读一遍。要求他们注意重读的地方。请学生把书翻到SB unit 2活动3,仔细看书上的.句子以及每句话中用黑体标出的地方,比较一下自己刚才跟读时重读的位置与书上的标注是否一致。老师再放录音,学生边听边看书,认真体会。




完成SB unit 2活动4,请学生欣赏并学习一首歌曲。放录音前,请学生们先试着通过文字和图片猜测歌曲的内容。




初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇3








单词:Bike, car, bus, motorbike,taxi.








T:这是大街。This is a street.


T&C: street.




T: what is this? This is a car.


T:look at this car...





T:where do you want to go?

T: I want to go to middle class five

T: Let us go to middle class five

T&C: let us go.

初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇4

上了一段时间下来,发现学生的课上表现不错,但是回家作业不能保质保量完成,口头作业的反馈情况也不好。由此,我在考虑一方面提高课堂教学效率,尽量把部分作业在课上完成。另一方面,加强口头作业的抽查力度,以不同形式抽查学生的背诵及阅读反馈。从教学方面,我的每个单元的教学流程一般都是从学习新单词以及C部分句型操练。上课之前我先通过Free talk来复习一下已学过的句型和单词,接着通过一个情境创设或猜谜的游戏引出新学单词,学生一下就能准确地猜出我要的东西,从而提高了他们的学习氛围,在巩固单词时我从听、看两个方面着手,通过高、低声说单词,看老师嘴型说单词两个小游戏帮助学生巩固单词,接着我出现了一些物品的部分形状,让学生结合句型来巩固单词,效果很好,只是由于隐藏的部分并不多,学生一下就看出了是什么物品,缺少难度,最后还做了听力练习,通过练习来检测学生单词的掌握情况。

After a period of time, I found that the students did well in class, but the homework at home could not be completed with good quality and quantity, and the feedback of oral homework was not good. Therefore, I am considering improving the efficiency of classroom teaching on the one hand and trying to finish some homework in class as much as possible. On the other hand, strengthen the spot check of oral homework and spot check students recitation and reading feedback in different forms. From the teaching aspect, the teaching process of each unit of mine is generally from learning new words and practicing part C sentence patterns. Before class, I review the sentence patterns and words I have learned through Free talk, and then introduce new words through a situational creation or guessing game, so that students can guess what I want accurately at once, thus improving their learning atmosphere. When consolidating words, I start from listening and watching, and help students consolidate words through two small games: speaking words in a high voice and watching the teachers mouth say words. Then I showed some shapes of objects, which made students combine sentence patterns to consolidate words. The effect was very good, but because there were not many hidden parts, students saw what objects were and lacked difficulty. Finally, they did listening exercises to test students mastery of words through practice.

在复习C部分句型时,我先让学生看图来编对话,并进行适时地指导,由于在操练对话时会遇到了人称代词,我在Free talk时就作铺垫,学生出错的并不多。最后巩固运用部分,我让学生拿出自己身边的物品进行编写类似的`对话,由于之前操练、铺垫的比较牢固,学生都掌握了句型,最后一个环节学生编的都不错,充分调动了他们的积极性。

When reviewing the sentence patterns in Part C, I first ask the students to make up the dialogue with pictures and give timely guidance. Because I will encounter personal pronouns when practicing the dialogue, I will pave the way in Free talk, and there are not many mistakes made by the students. Finally, in the part of consolidating the application, I asked the students to take out their belongings and write similar dialogues. Because of the firm practice and preparation before, the students all mastered the sentence patterns, and the last link was well compiled by the students, which fully mobilized their enthusiasm.


However, there are also some problems in the process of teaching each word. For example, because part of the time spent in word teaching is too long, the sentence pattern drills in the back are a little compressed, which gives people the feeling that the front is loose and the back is tight. Another example is that students are given too many parts when they guess the picture, which makes it easy for students to guess what it is, and it needs to be improved in future teaching.

小学英语英文教学反思 1


Ye Lan, a famous educator, said: A teacher may not become a famous teacher if he writes a lesson plan for a lifetime, but he may become a famous teacher if he writes a reflection for three years. This sentence is meaningful to emphasize the importance of teaching reflection.


When I teach this class, according to the physiological and psychological characteristics of primary school students, closely around the teaching objectives, I make full use of various lively teaching forms, such as situational maps, word cards, courseware and audio-visual resources to integrate the knowledge I have learned with my life. Let students be willing to use their brains and dare to speak in the process of listening, speaking, reading and playing, so as to achieve the purpose of flexible use of language.


In the whole teaching process, teachers are no longer indoctrinating and teaching speakers, but guides and organizers, guiding students to use language flexibly and cultivating students innovative ability and cooperative inquiry ability. Teachers should strive to create a relaxed and pleasant classroom, so that students can gain considerable initiative, improve teaching quality and guide students to the palace of new knowledge.


In this class, I also found my own shortcomings in teaching and the direction I should work hard in teaching in the future.


1. The process of vocabulary teaching is still not fully grasped. The form of word practice is single and the practice is not enough. In the future teaching, in order to enable students to master words better, on the one hand, we should demonstrate ourselves in place and standardize pronunciation, on the other hand, we should do large-scale exercises for students, and use a variety of lively teaching methods, such as reading in the whole class, reading for boys and girls, reading in groups, reading vertically and reading horizontally, to practice words, so as to avoid the monotony of vocabulary teaching.


2. Failing to face all students in the classroom. In the future teaching, I will respect students individual differences, follow students cognitive rules, face all students, awaken students theme consciousness, and mobilize students initiative and enthusiasm in all directions, so that students can listen, speak, read, recite and perform in relaxed and pleasant situations, so that the whole classroom can present a harmonious and orderly scene.

3. 在教授新知识时,有些单词没有结合相应的情景来教授。在任何词汇教学中,教师都应该遵循“词不离句,句不离景”的教学规律,单词是构成语言的三大要素。如果单词仅仅局限于单词,会让课堂无趣,简介扼杀孩子学习英语的兴趣。在今后的教学中,我会在特定的语境中引出新单词,并且加上妙趣横生的例句,这样既利于学生的理解,又印象深刻。另外学生置身于一种真实的语言环境中,能让他们自然的使用所学习的词汇来表达自己的思想感情,从而达到学以致用的效果。

3. When teaching new knowledge, some words are not taught in combination with the corresponding situations. In any vocabulary teaching, teachers should follow the teaching law of "words are inseparable from sentences and sentences are inseparable from the scene", and words are the three major elements of a language. If words are limited to words, it will make the classroom boring, and the introduction will stifle childrens interest in learning English. In the future teaching, I will introduce new words in a specific context and add interesting examples, which will not only help students understand, but also impress them. In addition, students are exposed to a real language environment, which allows them to naturally use the words they have learned to express their thoughts and feelings, so as to achieve the effect of applying what they have learned.


Even if there are omissions and mistakes in a successful classroom page, I will review and sort out my own classroom, and make a profound reflection, exploration and analysis on it. After long-term accumulation, there will be a harvest of "every ounce makes a mickle."

初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇5



本节课的主要内容是新目标英语八年级上册第2单元第一课时,教材是以What’s the matter?为中心话题,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学习和运用“What’s the matter?”和“What should…do?”让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议,本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学习活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。

第一课时主要学习的内容是学习有关身体部位的单词,学习“What’s the matter?”和“What should …do?”句型。














Step 1 Greeting

T:How are you?

Ss:I’m fine。 Thank you。 How are you?

T:I’m OK。 But I have a cold。(我感冒了)What should I do?(我该怎么做)

学生提建议:看医生(see a doctor)休息(have a rest),吃药(take some medicines)等,教学以上词汇,为以下对话做铺垫。

Step 2 Lead—in直接导入新课,引出课题。

Today we’re going to talk about the matters。 Let’s learn Unit 2 What’s the matter?(板书并教学课题)

Step 3 New words

1、 Now let’s look at the picture。 This is a body。 We’re going to learn the part of the body。(利用图片、单词卡片进行教学)

2、 Game。(叫几个学生上讲台,其余的学生在下面通过卡片抽读,上面的学生迅速指出身体部位)通过游戏让学生更好地掌握单词,这样可以加强对单词的巩固。

3、通过老师的表情,动作让学生用“What’s the matter?”询问,引出疾病的单词,如:sore throat,sore back=backache,toothache,stomachache等,并利用卡片进行教学。同时让学生用You should…提出建议。

Step 4 Practice(利用图片问答)


A:What’s the matter?

B:I have a cold。/ a stomachache/ backache…

A:You should see a doctor。/ have a rest/ take some medicine…

2、A:What’s the matter?

B:She/He has a cold。 /a stomachache/ backache…

A:what should she do?

B:She/He should see a doctor。/ have a rest/ take some medicine…

Step 5 pair work(让学生和同伴练习对话,抽查几对学生对话)

A:What’s the matter?

B:I have a cold。 /a stomachache/ backache…

A:You should see a doctor。/ have a rest/ take some medicine…

Step6 listening


Step 7 小结(这节课主要学习掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。)

Step 8 Homework记单词和用所学单词句型跟同学进行对话练习


Unit 2 What’s the matter?

①A:What’s the matter?

B:I have a cold。/ a stomachache/ backache…

A:You should see a doctor。/ have a rest/ take some medicine…

② A:What’s the matter?

B:She/He has a cold/ sore throat /stomachache…

A:She/He should see a doctor。/ have a rest/ take some medicine…


初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇6





1)Good morning!


3)Nice to meet you!

4) How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?


1)What’s your name? 2)My name is…



1.本单元中重点是能初步掌握从A到 N 14个英文字母,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小字母的大小写形式;书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔划)合乎规格。



B: It is B. (Its B)这是B。


Whats your name? My name is Wei Hua.

此句用于询问对方的姓名。Whats 是What is 的缩写形式。回答时用"My name is …"


—Whats your name? —Ann Read.

此例中完整的答句应为"My name is Ann Read."。

中国人的姓名按汉语拼音写,姓与名分开,姓在前,名字在后,首字母都分别大写。若名字是两个字,则将两个字的汉语拼写在一起。如:Li Lei李雷,Han Meimei韩梅梅。而英语国家的人士的姓名则恰好相反,名字在前,姓在后。如:Jim Green. 其中Jim是名,Green是姓。


Hello! 喂!


可以使用Hi! 向对方问候。另外,还可以用于打电话,相当于汉语中的“喂”。回答时也用“Hello!”


(1)hello 与hi可以互用。都表示“喂,你好。”但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近。尤其美国年轻人所使用。打电话时不用hi用而hello。熟人、朋友见面时,彼此仅仅说声Hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能"Hello, hello, hello!"这样反复使用。

(2)要注意的是Hello/ Hi一般不用于同师长、上级、年长者以及有地位的人打招呼,这样显得不够尊重。

关于How are you的讲解

How are you? 你(身体)好吗?

此句是熟人彼此见面时,询问对方身体状况的礼貌用语。其答语:“Fine, thanks (thank you). And you ?”(很好,谢谢。你呢?)此答语既用来表达了对别人的谢意,又表示了自己对别人的关心。这时对方的回答可以是:"Im OK. (或) Very well"(我很好。)

初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇7

The quality of human life has been improving, and science and technology are becoming more and more advanced. What would life be like in the 25th century?

In the 25th century, every family has at least one computer. Because computers are a necessary tool for every family. There were many computer functions, and they were all three-dimensional, so long as they were touched in the air, the page would show up and be very convenient. There may be more than a hundred computer functions now, but there are hundreds of computers in the future, and as long as you write down the features you want to use, the page will jump out and let you use it. You can play more games on the computer; Do more work; Find more information...

Future is not just because of the computer, there is no school, school lesson is rich in the future: when you are in the class discipline, the teacher will take you together, go to the outdoor experience to experience the beauty of nature; When you are in math class, the teacher will put aside the rigid textbooks and take you to the classroom to learn the wonders of mathematics. When you are in Chinese class, the teacher will not be lecturing all the time, but sometimes there will be some interesting little games, let you learn in the game...

The future of housework will not be done by humans. Just tell the robot at home and it will automatically do it for you. But it is not lazy sitting on the sofa waiting for somebody else to serve, in the future is made up of the gym, in the gym have special robots will teach you to make every action correctly, let you do exercise correctly.

In the future, everything is beautiful and everyone is civilized. In the future, there are many things waiting for us to discover. Are you ready?






初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇8







teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police


1.What does your mother do? She is a teacher.

What does your father do? He is an engineer.

2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.

What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.




Step One Warming activity

Have some free talks.Ask students these


How many people are there in your family?

Who are they?

Do you love your family?

Where’s your home?

Step Two Presentation

Show the picture of Pan Changjiang’s family. They are a happy family,learn the word “actor”.Actor is a job,do you know other jobs?

Show the PPT, learn other new words ,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,waiter

Reporter,hospital ,bank clerk and so on.

Do 1a as quickly as you can. Check the answers.

Step Three New drills

T: I’m a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer I’m a student. Then ask several students.

T: What do you do?

S1: I’m a student.

(Point to another boy)

T: What does he do?

S1: He is a student.

T: What do you do?(Ask a girl)

S2:I’m a student.

(Point to this girl,ask another student)

T:What does she do?

S3:She is a student.

T:What does your mother do?

S4:She is a farmer.

T:What does your father do?

S4:He is a worker.

Ask some Ss to answer the questions.

Open your books,do 1b.Play the tape.

Step 4 Task 1

Make a survey and report about your group.

Name Mother’s job Father’s job

Step 5 Task 2

Play a guessing game.

Step 6 Exercises

1.I want to be a d_____ like Hua Tuo.

2.My sister is a nurse,she works in a


3.Cheng Long is a famous a____,Gong Li is a

famous a_______.

4.The two boys want to be __________(policeman)

when they grow up.

5.--What ___ you ___(do)? --I am a teacher.

6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)

____ ____ he ____?

Step 7 Summary and Homework

Make a survey ,ask your parents or three of your friends using the question” What do you want to be?” and fill in the chart.




初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇9







Step 1 Revision

复习Whats he/she doing? He/She’s making a cake.叫三名学生到讲台上。A表演动作,B问Is he reading/playing. ..? C答Yes, he is./No, he isnt.让学生三人一组做类似的练习。

Step 2 Presentation

教师通过具体的动作教一些单词,如 talk, talk with, open, close, take photos等。然后用这些单词或词组造句子,反复练习。也可以让几个学生到讲台上表演,然后问同学Whats he/she doing? Is he/she opening the door? What’s he/she doing? He/She is closing the window. What are they doing? They are taking photos.

Step 3 Practice

* 打开书23页第一部分, 让学生边听录音边找正确的图片。

* 第二部分,让学生看彩图三,两人一组进行对话练习

Step 4 Consolidation


1.We clean our classroom in the afternoon. But we don’t do it now. It’s still early in the morning. (画线部分改为现在进行时)

We______ ______our classroom now. It’s dirty. It needs cleaning.

2. They are playing football at school. (画线部分改为否定句)

They ______ ______football at school. They’re playing football somewhere else.

3. Im doing my homework now. (画线部分改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

______ ______doing ______homework now? ______, ____________.

4. Speak in English. (画线部分改为否定句)

______ ______in English now. These old men don’t understand English.

5. The twins are singing in the room. (对画线部分提问)

______are the twins ______in the room?

Answers:1.are cleaning 2.aren’t playing 3. Are you, your. No, I’m not 4. Don’t speak 5. What, doing

Blackboard Handwriting

Blackboard Handwriting

Lesson 83

You arent talking.

He/She isn’t writing.

Is he/she opening the door?

Yes, he/she is.

No, he/she isn’t.

初中英语教案大全模板范文 篇10


This year, as a math teacher, I became a member of the teaching team in climbing english. For me, a person who only has junior high school English level and hasnt used English for more than ten years, I really feel difficult and stressed, and some of them are confused.


Although I did a lot of preparatory work before class, the first class still made me encounter a lot of embarrassment. In order to organize the class and better complete the teaching task, I have repeatedly violated the principle of "NoChinese", forgotten the classroom organization terms memorized by heart, and spoken only a few simple questions in English, which is inconsistent with the requirements of climbing englishs experiment. Moreover, in class, I just play it according to the contents of the CD-ROM. The classroom atmosphere is not very good and the students classroom discipline is very chaotic. I think this may be related to my improper teaching methods.


At first, I thought that climbing english class was an English class taught by CD-ROM, and the teacher was only responsible for organizing discipline or correcting childrens pronunciation. However, after the climbing english group of our school trained our new teachers and listened to a demonstration class in climbing english, I realized my mistake. It turned out that climbing english only created a real, rich and multi-channel English environment for children with the help of multimedia, giving full play to the organizational role of non-English teachers, creating a new model of teacher-student relationship and designing learning activities that meet childrens psychological characteristics.


Every class in climbing english is presented to students by CD-ROM, which I think is attractive and interesting for children aged six or seven. Therefore, I must organize the classroom teaching well, and dont kill the childrens interest in the bud because of the teachers boring classroom organization.


Now, a weeks study has passed unconsciously. Through the experiment during this period, I seem to understand that teachers should make double or even multiple efforts to do well in each class, so as to organize classroom teaching well and let children feel that teachers are learning with them and making progress together!





