


老师在开学前需要把教案课件准备好,每个人都要计划自己的教案课件了。 教案和课件的科学编写能够满足学生的学习需要。小编为您搜罗了“九年级英语上册教案”的相关内容希望对您有所启示,本文力求为您的工作和生活提供更多的帮助!


新目标英语八年级上册教案Unit 4 How do you go to school?

Unit 4How do you go to school? Teaching aims: 1、技能目标:学生能听懂本课录音;能听懂师生之间就本课内容而展开的一切形式的问答;会和别人展开对话,了解和传递信息;能将本课重难点理解透彻,灵活恰当运用;无大的语言错误;就类似话题创造性地自编对话,掌握比较级的用法。 2、知识目标:掌握下面的短语take subway train 和句子How do you get to school?的用法。 3、情感目标:让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习;让学生感受到他们是英语学习活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新,使学生爱学英语,爱说英语,想说口语。 4.学习策略目标:改变传统的死记硬背,积极主动的投入到语言的`实践中去,用英语去思考问题,在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆,学会使用brains storing 。 5、文化意识目标:中外交通规则差异 Difficult and important points: How do you get to school? I take the …/ride …/ walk… 、Teaching method 1 交际法和情景法教学。 2 以学生为中心和任务型教学,并辅助于TPR全身反应教学法及猜谜活动,调动各层次学生的自主能动性。 3 阅读文段的practice方法是: ①表层分析---复述应答:要求学生机械重复文段中的内容,使课文信息再现(是非题,课后问答题,图表填空题等)  ②深层剖析---推断应答:要求学生利用信息凭借经验理解读物的“弦外之音”(指导性问题和细节性问题) ③整体评价---自由交际:要求学生用所学知识,对新情景进行交际(教师选恰当的与课文相关和有关社会热点Topics) Teaching tools:卡片、录音机、多媒体 注:1、课前已分好组,已形成合作竞争探究的教学模式。 2、多媒体辅助:用flash软件将本课所要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制成课件,使抽象变得直观,实现生生互动,师生互动,人机互动多向交流。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up 1. Enjoy an English song. 《Over The Mountains》 2.Ask them”Do you remember? what transportations are in the song?” Show the words: ride a horse, take a ship, take the train, take a car. (通过看flash短片,听英语歌曲,来引入一些交通工具,让学生积极主动的思考总结,多媒体增加趣味性,效果事半功倍) Step 2 Guessing game: (进一步学习交通工具) T:What kind of transportation is it?  ①--- It is very useful. You may ride it to school . --- A bike. ②--- Many people take it to work and home in the city. It’s just like a big box. --- A bus. ③--- It is a car, and you can take it to many places. But you should pay the money.--- A taxi. ④--- It is like a train but goes under the ground. --- A subway. 通过有趣的猜词活动,让学生在热闹的课堂气氛中学会并掌握新词。 Step3Presentation 1.T:There are some transportations. How do you get to school?(板书) Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi to school 2.Look at some pictures and have the students learn some more words and expressions about some transportations such as“take a car,by car ,ride a bike,by bike... Step 4 Game  the pictures of film or sing stars and get to guess how they get to work. T: How does Yaoming / Liuyifei / Zhoujielun...get to work? S1: Yaoming rides the bike to work every day. 2.Get to ask and answer in pairs by using the pictures below How does …get to …? She/He gets to …by… 通过给学生展示喜闻乐见的明星图片,激发学生猜的兴趣,从而无形的让学生将所学的知识脱口而出,不但操练了句型和词汇,也增加学生的语言熟练程度,同时浓厚了课堂的气氛。 Step 5 Practice 1.Listen and mark of 1a in books, after that , get to ask and answer in pairs from the picture. 2.Listen and write the number of 1b in the book,get to say the answers  3. Watch a short movie and choose the right order they hear the transportations. 通过看电影短片,学生又进一步牢固地掌握了所学交通工具。利用多媒体复习所学单词,是网络与英语的经典整合。 Step 6 Make a survey Ask the classmates : “How do you get to school?” Then fill in the form.   classmates How do you get to school?             2. Make a report  Bob takes the bus to school and Yang Lan rides her bike to school. But I get to school on foot. 在调查环节,学生尽情的参与活动,将本节课推向高潮。 Step 7 General training Ⅰ.Phrases  乘公共汽车步行 ____________________ 乘飞机 乘地铁________________________ 骑车  乘火车________________________  Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words give already. ridetake get to by 1) How do you ________ school in the morning? 2) When it rains,I _______ a taxi. 3) I like to ______ my bike on the weekend. 4) Mary’s mother gets to work car. 5)My math teacher   the bus to work. Step 8 Homework 1) Collect more pictures oftransportations. (收集交通工具的照片) 2) Make a survey--- How do your family members get to school or work?And give a report. 3)Write a composition:  Where are you going for vacation? How are you getting there? Who are you going with? What are you doing there? How long are you staying?   教学感悟与反思: 本节课词汇较多,但由于词汇均涉及学生的生活实际,而且在课堂中,我采用图文并貌,突出真实性,同时,我在教学中采用了任务型教学,设计了有层次和一定剃度且有启发性的问题,让他们在富有情趣的交际中愉快地主动地接受信息、加工信息、交流信息。而且和谐、融洽的课堂气氛,有利于激发他们的学习兴趣,在有兴趣的前提下使他们的想象力得到了充分发挥,他们把学习变成了自己主动、渴望的一种行为。因此本课的教学目标在愉悦的课堂气氛中得到落实和巩固。 同伴评价: a.多媒体教学使课堂生动活泼,增加了教学容量,使老师更好的利用课堂45分钟。 b.基本按照新课标的要求让学生成为课堂的主体,让他们多说多练,教学效果较好。 c.随堂的几道习题帮助学生更好的掌握了所学。 d.由于学生较多,所以设计的活动有些进行得很仓促. e.对于基础较差的学生来说,课堂容量较大,很难进行完。



主要围绕着“ What would you do if you had a million dollars? ”的





1. Language goals

(1)掌握虚拟条件句,注意动词的形式 。

(2)重要短语:buy snacks; buy a big house; put it in a bank; give it to charity;

give it to the zoo; give it to medical research

(3)熟练句型:If I had a million dollars, I’d give it to charity.


A:What would you do it you had a million dollars?

B:I would give it to medical research.

2.Ability goals

Enable the students to understand and talk about imaginary situations.

3.Emotion & attitude goals

What is the others’ attitude toward money?

How do they deal with worries /problems?


Talk about imaginary situations,worries/problems.


The structure: I would/I’d do





教学准备: 多媒体



Use a song“If you are happy.”to ask students discuss:“If you are happy, what will you do ?”

Step 2.Lead-in

用一幅“钱”的图片导入,引发学生讨论:“What will you do if you have one hundred dollars?”

T: What will you do if you have one hundred dollars?

S1: I will buy some beautiful clothes.

S2: I will buy a dictionary.

Step 3. Presentation

用比尔盖茨引出新句型 What would you do if you had a million dollars?

A:What would you do it you had a million dollars?

B:I would give it to charity.(让学生讨论)

Exercise : (给出图片,并练习句型。这个环节学生的答案更加丰富多彩。)

If I had a million dollars, I would __________________________________.

Step 4. Consolidation]

1. Conclusion the grammar.

Show 2 sentences. Let them compare and conclude the grammar.

What will you do if you have one yuan ? If I have one yuan, I will…

What would you do if you had a million dollars? If I had a million dollars, I would…

2.Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)

(1).通过让学生找出自己造的if条件句与以前所学if条件句的不同引出虚拟语气。(我真的有一百万吗?没有。 所以虚拟语气表示与事实相反。主句用would+动词原形,从句用一般过去时。而以前的if条件句用“主将从现”)


(2).出示名人图片,引出 If I were you, I would ______________.

Step 5. Listening practice

Teacher: Now open your books, and turn to page26. number the orders.Ask students to complete 1a 、 1b、 2a、2b.

Step6. Pairwork


Step 7. Summary

(1) Phrases

把钱捐给慈善机构 give it to charity

把钱捐给动物园give it to the zoo

把钱用于医学研究 give it to medical research

把钱存入银行 put it in a bank

给家里买个大房子 buy a big house for my family

(2) Sentence structures : I would…if I had…虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反。


Step 8.Do some exercise

( )1. If I _______ a teacher, I would be strict with my students。

A. amB. was C. wereD. will be

( ) 2. I will go to meet you , if I ______free then .

A. would be B. will beC. am was

( ) 3. I don’t know if he _______ tomorrow . If he ______, I’ll tell you .

A. will come ; comes B. comes ; comes C. comes ; will D. is coming ; is coming

( ) 4. If I _____a lot of money , I ______a big house at once .

A. have ; buy B. had ; would buy C. had ; bought D. have ; am buying

( ) 5. The school is very big , there are two ______teachers there , and it has ______students.

A. hundreds ; thousands B hundred ; thousands of C. hundreds ; thousands of D. hundred;thousand

( )6. I don’t think it _______snow tomorrow .

A. does B. is going C. will D. would

( )7. He asked me if I ______help him.

A. can B. will C. am going to D. could

Step 9:homework.

If you were the headmaster in your school, what would you do? Write four sentences or an article in 80 words .


1. 学生对真实条件和非真实条件的区分并没有预想的那样难,比较轻松的进入了虚拟语气的学习。

2. 整节课都能顺利的按计划实施,但在谈论有很多钱要做什么时,大部分学生想做的事都是物质方面的享受,比较少对社会和他人的关注。这表明现在的学生虚荣心强,奉献意识弱,在教学中我特意强调有钱了也不能只顾自己,还要帮助他人和社会。

3. 通过使用语言与他人进行讨论和交流,从而对涉及的语法知识进行归纳和总结,这一教学方法比枯燥的讲语法理论的效果要好,学生学得也比较轻松。



Unit 4 What would you do?

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: Second conditional, Should for advice

Target language:

What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I’d give it to medical research.

I can’t sleep the night before an exam. What should I do?

If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.

Vocabulary: million, charity, pimple, confident, shirt, tie, medical research

Learning strategies: Matching, Listening for key words



●To learn to use Second conditional and Should for advice

●To listen and talk about imagined life


Warming up by learning about Second conditional and Should for advice

The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use it.

The structure of a second conditional sentence

Like a first conditional, a second conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an “if” clause and a main clause:

if clause main clause

If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.

If the “if” clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the “if” clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:

main clause if clause

I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.

We use different verb forms in each part of a second conditional:

if clause if + subject + simple past verb*

main clause subject + would + verb

1a Talking about imaginary situations

What would you do if you had a lot of money?

If I had a lot of money, I would give it to charity.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy snacks.

If I had a lot of money, I would give it to Hope Project.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy books for the poor.

1b Listening and numbering

Now you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them.


Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity.

Boy1: Wow, what a nice man!

Girl1: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Boy1: If I had a million dollars, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas.

Girl1: That’s a gook idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family.

Girl2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow!

Boy2: Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people.

Now listen again and write down the sentences with Second conditional and Should for advice

1c Doing pairwork

Let’s pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars.

Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity.

Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I’d give it to medical research.

I’d take a chance to achieve my dream of flying to the moon.

If I won a million dollars, I’d stop working and become a professional runner.

I’d go to an old people’s home to help them.

I’d volunteer at the hospital twice every week.

2a Listening and circling

Listen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous.


Girl1: Where are you going, Larry?

Boy1: To Tom’s party.

Girl1: Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party!

Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear.

Girl1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

Boy1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present?

Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a small present-a pen or

something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present,

you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.

Boy1: OK. But what if I don’t know anyone?

Girl1: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.

Boy1: I guess I can do that.

Girl1: Look! You’re sure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave.

Now listen again and write down all the expressions onto your phrase book.

go to that party, a little nervous, wear a shirt and tie, have a present, bring a present, take a small present, keep…in your pocket, know anyone, talk to…, introduce… to …, have fun

2b Listening and checking

Listen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larry’s sister says to him.

2c Doing pairwork

Xu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Larry’s sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice.

X: I don’t know what to wear. M: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

X: I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, I’d take a small present-a pen or something.

X: What if I don’t know anyone? M: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.

… …

3a Reading and matching

Go to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice.

And now write down all the expressions into your phrase book.

be really shy, enjoy parties, get nervous before big parties, get pimples, look terrible, the night before…, take a big exam, do well, help with…, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water, take a long walk, go to bed, look friendly, feel shy

3b Thinking and role playing

Next you are going to think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. Role play conversations with your partner.

A: I am really shy. I don’t enjoy parties. B: If I were you, I’d go and shout in the street. I’d set up parties and invite all my classmates to come and sing and dance.

A: I get nervous before big parties and I get pimples. B: Pimples look good to me. They are not terrible at all. If I were you, the night before the big exam I’d lie in bed counting the cows, the sheep, the cattle and the horses. Then I’d have a nice sleep. If you count as many cows as possible you’d do well in the exam.

A: I can’t lose my weight. B: If I were you, I’d eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water and take a long walk before going to bed every evening.

4. Doing group work

You are put into pairs and find out each other’s problems at school and at home. Then give each other advice.

I really want to go to the mall with my parents, but I don’t have the time. Finish your homework at school and stop going to Sunday classes. You’ll find time that way.

I failed the driver’s exam and cannot get my driver’s license. Go practicing driving more often and go over the textbook three more times. You won’t fail next time.

My father does not want me to get my ears pierced. If I were you, I’d go to my mother for support. Or you can ask your mother to have her ears pierced first.

I have to go to school on foot. I want to take the bus. Going to school on foot is good for your health. Go on going to school, to any places nearby on foot. It save money, too.

I like to choose my own clothes, but my mother doesn’t allow me to do that. Wear your school uniforms while you are still a student. Wait till you are a big man and you’d have the right to choose your own clothes.

… …

Closing down by taking a test on Second conditional

Match up the parts of the sentence

1. If I lost my job,

a) we'd both benefit.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.

d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

2. If I were in your position,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.

d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

3. If I spoke Japanese as well as you do,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

c) we'd both benefit.

d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

4. If we spent more on Research and Development,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

5. If you spoke less and listened more,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

d) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.

6. If you spent more time on your own problems and a bit less on mine,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) we'd both benefit.

d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

7. If we controlled our expenses a bit better,

a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) we'd save a lot of money.

d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

8. If you invested some time into learning how the Internet works,

a) you'd find that it could really help you in your job.

b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.

c) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.

9. If we opened an office in Tokyo,

a) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

b) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.

c) I'd be interested in working there.

d) we'd both benefit.

10. If you didn't take the job,

a) you'd regret it later.

b) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.

c) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.

d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.


Unit 4 what would you do? 教案示例(1)

I. Analysis of the Teaching Material

1. Status and Function

In this unit students learn to talk about imaginary situations. Such topic enables students to activate their imagination and raises learning interest of students.

All the students are active in such activities.

(1) The first period introduces the key vocabulary words and the target language in this unit. The topic, what would you do if you had a lot of money, makes the introduction easier.

(2) In the second period, students will learn to give advice to someone who is in an embarrasing situation by listening and pairwork activities with the target language.

(3)All the activities in the third period are designed to give students a rein forced practice in the use of the target language.

(4)In the fourth period, the first part is a vocabulary expansion activity. The other activities provide students with much integrating practice using the old and new target language.

(5) The fifth period provides students with much reading and writing practice. So it’s helpful to improve students’ reading and writing skills.

(6)The Self check in the sixth period shows students what they have learned. The making sentences and writing an e-mail activities are used to train students’ ability of reading and writing.

2. Teaching Aims and Demands

(1)Knowledge Objects

To make students grasp how to talk about imaginary situations.

To make students grasp how to give advice using the target language.

(2) Ability Objects

To train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

To train students’ communicative competence.

(3) Moral Objects

Imaginary situations are unreal. Do remember: it’s really cool to realize your dream through great efforts.

Two heads are better than one. Be ready to help others.

In the United States, teenagers get their pocket money by helping parents with housework. It is a little different from that in China.

3. Teaching Key Points

To learn the key vocabulary words and the target language.

To make students use the target language to give advice.

4. Teaching Difficult Point

To train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by many different kinds of activities.

5. Studying Ways

Teach students how to communicate with others.

Teach students how to give advice when someone is in trouble.

Ⅱ. Language Function

Talk about imaginary situations.

Ⅲ. Target Language

1. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I’d give it to medical research.

2.I can’t sleep the night before an exam.

What should I do?

If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.


1. Second conditional

2. Should for advice

Ⅴ. Vocabulary

lottery, million, pimple, energetic, confident, shirt, tie, medical research

Ⅵ. Recycling

charity, present, fruit, vegetable, snack, shy, creative, outgoing, nervous, relax,

late, tired

Ⅶ. Learning Strategies

1. Matching

9. Listening for key words

Ⅷ. Teaching Time

Seven periods

The First Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Object

(1) Key Vocabulary

lottery, million, medical, research

(2) Target Language

Look. This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.

Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I’d give it to medical research.


I would/I’d do

2. Ability Objects

(1) Train students’ listening skill.

(2) Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

If you won a million dollars, you’d buy a big house, buy a car and so forth. However do remember it’s really being cool to realize your dream through great efforts.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

1. Target language

2. The structure: I would/I’d do

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

The structure: I would/I’d do

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Scene teaching Method

2. Teaching by induction

3. Pairwork

Ⅴ. Teaching Aid

A tape recorder

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Revision

Review the structure “should be allowed to” by asking students to make sentences about school rules.

Step Ⅱ 1a

This activity focuses on vocabulary and structures introduced in the unit.

Read the instructions to the class.

Call students’ attention to the words in the box. Ask a student to read them to the class.

Say, What would you do if you had a lot of money? Add more ideas to the list.

Then share your answers with other students.

Get students to complete the task. First individually, then in groups.

As they work, walk around the room checking progress and offering any help they may need.

Collect answers from students on the blackboard.

Answers will vary but should include a mixture of ideas for helping themselves and others.

Step Ⅲ 1b

This activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Read the instructions to the class.

Read the question in the speech bubble.

Explain the word lottery to students.

Say, You will hear teenagers talking about what they would do if they won the lottery.

Point to the pictures. Ask students to describe them one by one.

For example, for Picture One, a student might say, “If I won the lottery, I’d buy a big house.”

Point out the sample answer. Say, The first picture you will hear about has the number one on it.

Play the recording for the first time.

Students only listen.

Play the recording again. This time students listen and number the pictures in the order they hear them.

Check the answers.




Girl 1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? A girl won a million dollars in the lottery. She was only 14.

Boy 1: Wow, how luck!

Girl 1: What would you do if you won the lottery?

Boy 1:If I won the lottery, I’d give the money to the 200. I want to help the pandas.

Girl 1:That’s a good idea! I know what I’d do. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a big house for my family.

Girl 2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow!

Boy 2: Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people.

Step Ⅳ 1c

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the class.

Call students’ attention to the conversation in the box. Explain the vocabulary words million and medical research. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

SA :Look! This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.

SB: Wow ! What would you do if you won a million dollars?

SA: I’d give it to medical research.

Write it on the blackboard.

Say, Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you won a million dollars.

Get students to work in pairs. As they work in pairs together, walk around the room offering language support as needed.

After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.

Step Ⅴ Summary

In this class, we’ve learned some vocabulary words and the target language what would you do if you won the lottery? I’d give it to medical research.

Step Ⅵ Homework

If you had a large amount of money, e, g. ¥100,000 what would you buy? Please write down each item and its cost to see when you will spend the full amount. And bring your lists to class tomorrow.

Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design

Unit 4 What would you do?

Section A

The First Period

Target language:

A: Look. This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.

B: Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?

A: I’d give it to medical research.

Unit 4 what would you do 教案示例(2)

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary tie

(2) Target Language

What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I’d give it to charities.

If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

If I were you, I’d take an umbrella.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening skill.

(2) Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Two heads are better than one. Give some direction to those who are in trouble.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1.Listening Practice

2.Target language

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Train students’ ability to use the target language.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1.Listening to cassettes


3.Teaching by induction

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

1.A tape recorder

2.A picture of a person in a lion’s cage

3.A projector

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework. Students talk about how to spend a large amount of money.

Invite a student to come to the front of The class and ask, if you had 100,000 yuan, what would you buy? Students take turns answering his/her question.

Step Ⅱ 2a

This activity provides practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to describe it. Help students say that the boy is going to somewhere, but he doesn’t know what to wear. The girl is helping him to pick out clothes.

Point to the list of reasons. Invite a student to read them to the class.

Say, You are to listen to a conversation between Larry and the girl and circle the reasons. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and circle the reasons.

Check the answers.


Circle items:2,3,5


Girl 1:Where are you going, Larry?

Boy 1:To Tom’s party.

Girl 1:Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party !

Boy 1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear.

Girl 1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

Boy 1: What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?

Girl 1: Oh, you shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing.

Boy 1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present?

Girl 1: If I were you, I’d take a small present-a pen or something.

Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.

Boy 1:OK. But what if I don’t know anyone?

Girl 1: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.

Boy 1 : I guess I can do that.

Girl 1: Look! You’re sure to have fun.

But if you’re still nervous, you can leave.

Step Ⅲ 2b

This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the class.

Point to the list of sentences. Invite a student to read them to the class.

Say, You will listen to the same conversation again. This time you are to check the four things Larry’s sister says to him.

Play the recording again. Students listen and check the things.

Check the answers.


Checked items: 1,2,4,5

Step Ⅳ 2c

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Point to the list of Larry’s worries in the box. Invite a student to read them to the class.

Ask students to look back at the list of checked sentences.

Read the instructions to the class. Say,

Please make conversations using information from Activities 2b and 2c.

Ask a pair of students to demonstrate a conversation to the class.

SA: I don’t know what to wear.

SB: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

Get students to work in pairs. As the pairs work together, walk around the room listening in on various pairs and giving language and pronunciation support as needed.

After all the students have a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Ask different students to perform their conversations.

Optional activity

Ask students to write down a problem they have on a piece of paper. Have students exchange papers with one another and read the one they receive. Then ask students to write two pieces of advice they would give the other student. Ask a student to read his/her advice to the class. The rest guess the problem.

Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus

Ask different students to read the question and answer and the statements to the


S1:What would you do if you won a million dollars?

S2:I’d give it to charities.

S3:If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

S4:If I were you, I’d take an umbrella.

Write them on the blackboard.

Show a picture of someone in a lion’s cage on the screen by a projector. Ask students

questions pointing to the picture.

T: Have you ever been in a lion’s cage?

Ss: No.

T: That’s right. None of us has ever been in a lion’s cage. What would you do if you were in a lion’s cage? (Write the question on the blackboard.)

S1:I’d call for help. (Write the sentence on the blackboard.)

T: What about you?

S1:I’d get out fast. (Write the sentence on the blackboard. )

Get several more examples from other students.

Say, When we talk about things that haven’t happened, we often use the word would (underline the word would in the question). Apostrophe’d is the abbreviation of the word would ( underline the abbreviation ‘d in the answers).

Then underline the word were in the two statements. Say, When you tell someone what you would do, you use the expression if I were you. Get all the students to read the target language on the blackboard.

Pronunciation note

When saying the words would you in phrases such as what would you do…,

English speakers often run the words together and pronounce these words as if they were spelled wudjuh.

Step Ⅵ Summary

Say, In this class, we’ve learned the target language I’d give it to charities and If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. And we’ve also done much listening practice using the target language.

Step Ⅶ Homework

Say, If your teacher criticized you, but in fact it isn’t your fault, what would you do? Get students to make a list.

StepⅧ Blackboard Design

Unit 4 What would you do?

Section A

The Second Period

Target language:

A: What would you do if you won a million dollars?

B: I’d give it to charities.

A: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

B: If I were you, I’d take an umbrella.

A: What would you do if you were in a lion’s cage?

B: I’d call for help.

C. I’d get out fast.

Unit 4 what would you do 教案示例(3)

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary

pimple, trouble

(2) Target Language

I can’t sleep the night before an exam.

Then I’m too tired to do well. What should I do?

If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.

I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.

Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.

That’s a good idea.

2. Ability Objects

(1) Train students’ reading skills.

(2) Train students’ integrating skills.

3. Moral Object

Everyone may have some trouble. Don’t worry.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

1. Reading

2. Target language

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Give advice using the target language.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Reading Practice

2. Pairwork

Ⅴ. Teaching Aid

The blackboard

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework. Get students to talk about what they would do if a teacher criticized them. For example, a student might say I’d explain to the teacher and so forth.

Step Ⅱ 3a

This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Point to the problems on the left. Ask different students to read them to the class.

Point out the pieces of advice on the right. Get different students to read them to the class.

Point out the sample answer. Invite a pair of students to read the problem and the piece of advice to the class.

SA: I’m really shy and I just don’t enjoy parties. I don’t know what to say or do.

Ss: If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won’t feel so shy.

Say, Please match each problem on the left with the correct advice on the right.

Get students to complete the activity on their own. As they work individually, move around the room answering any questions students raise and offering help as needed.

Check the answers.


1. c 2. a 3. b

Step Ⅲ 3b

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the class. Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation.

SA:I can’t sleep the night before an exam. Then I’m too tired to do well.

What should I do?

SB: If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.

Say, Please think of different advice for the problems in Activity 3a.

Collect suggestions from students. For example, for the third problem, a student might say, If I were you, I’d watch TV to relax my mind.

Ask students to make conversations with partners using new suggestions to each problem. As they work in pairs, walk around the room offering language support as needed.

After each student has a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Get several pairs of students to say their conversations.

Step Ⅳ Part 4

This activity provides writing, listening and speaking practice using the target


Read the instructions to the class. Get a pair of students to say the sample conversation to the class.

SA:I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.

SB:Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble.

Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.

SA:That’s a good idea.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

Point out the sample answers in the chart.

Say, What problems do you have at home? At school? Make a list in the chart. Then ask your classmates for advice and write their advice in the chart too.

Get students to complete the activity in groups of four. As the groups work together, move around the room to make sure students discuss the topic in English and know how to fill in the chart.

Check the answers by asking different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Answers will vary.

Optional activity

Ask, What would you do if there were no classes tomorrow? Ask students to write as many answers as they can. Then get students to work in pairs. One ask the other the question and see how many new answers the other is able to think of.

Step Ⅴ Summary

Say, In this class, we’ve done a lot of reading, speaking and writing practice using the target language.

Step Ⅵ Homework

(1) Review the target language by reading the conversations in Activity 3a.

(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 11~12 of the workbook.

Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design

Unit 4 What would you do?

Section A

The Third Period

Target language:

A:I can’t sleep the night before an exam. Then I’m too tired to do well.

What should I do?

B: If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax

A:I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.

B: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble.

Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.

A: That’s a good idea.


Period One


江岸车辆厂子弟学校 韩志勇

一、 教材分析

1、 教材简析



①What would you do if you had a million dollars?

②If I were you, I would ……

2、 教学目标


① What would you do if you had a million dollars?

I’d give the money to charity.

② If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.






3、 重点和难点


What would you do if you had a million dollars?

I’d give it to medical research.

If I were you, I’d take a small present.

⑵难点:2a 部分,听the reasons why Larry is nervous。


4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片

二、 学情分析




三、 教学方法

本课采用任务型教学法,用What would you do if you had a million dollars?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、启发和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。

四、 教学过程设计

Step Ⅰ. Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ. Warming-up

T: Do you have ten Yuan in your pocket?

S1: No, I don’t.

T: (Take out ten Yuan and give it to the student)

OK, never mind. What would you do if it was yours? What would you do if you had ten Yuan?

S1: I would buy snacks.

T: OK, thank you. Sit down, please.

(To the whole class) Just now, it was only ten Yuan. What about 100 Yuan? What would you do if you had 100 Yuan?

S2: I’d buy a beautiful jacket.

T: Thank you.

(To the whole class) Now suppose you had a million dollars, what would you do? We know that one dollar nearly equals eight Yuan, so that’s a large sum of money. Think it over carefully and tell me your ideas. What would you do if you had a million dollars?

S3: I’d buy a big house.

S4: I’d buy a sports car.

S5: I’d put it in the bank.

T: OK, stop here. Please look at the blackboard and guess what would I do if I had a million dollars?

(Teacher puts two pictures onto the blackboard and asks students to guess.)

Answers: ①I’d give the money to the zoo.

I want to help pandas.

②I’d give the money to the medical research.

I want to help the sick people.

Step Ⅲ. Listening ⅰ

1. Section A 1a.

Add more ideas and write them down,

2. Ask two students to write their answers onto the blackboard, and then correct them.

3. Section A 1b.

Listen to the tape and number the pictures 1-3.

4. Correct the answer.

Step Ⅳ. Listening ⅱ

1. Point to the picture on the book and ask students to tell what is happening.

Explain that the boy is getting ready to go to his friend Tom’s party and he’s feeling a little nervous. His sister is helping him pick out what to wear.

2. Section A 2b.

Listen and check four things Larry’s sister says to him.

Explain that Larry is nervous to go to the party so his sister gives some advice to him. What are they?

3. Check the answer.

4. 2a. Circle the reasons why Larry is nervous.

First read the five sentences. Then listen and circle the reasons. Listen to it twice.

5. Correct the answer.

StepⅤ. Pairwork

Student A is Larry and Student B is his sister.

Student A, talk about your worries;

Students B, give advice.


A: I don’t know what to wear.

B: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

C: If I were you, I’d take a small present.

D: If I had enough money, I would send him a sports car.

Step Ⅵ. Summary and Homework

1. Read and copy the grammar focus.

2. Make five sentences according to the VP

3. Pre-read 3a on page 28.


2、 从10元到100元再到100万元,让学生的思维有准备的过程,并且使学生积极地思考,主动学习。





What would you do if you had a million dollars?

I’d give some to the zoo. I want to help the pandas.



9、2a 相对较难,所以放在后面完成。






五、 板书设计

Unit 4 What would you do?

ten Yuan? I would buy snacks.

What would you do if you had one hundred Yuan? I’d buy a beautiful jacket.

a million dollars? I’d buy a big house.

I’d buy a sports car.

I’d put it in the bank.






Unit 1 The Changing Word

Topic 1 My hometown has become more and more beautiful.



1.掌握现在完成时的构成,初步了解其用法,并学会运用have/has been to 和have/ has gone to 结构:





二、 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子

1.变化的世界________________________________ 9.一个合适的地方________________10.拍照________

2.长假过后__________________________________ 11.提高我的英语水平__________________________

3.度过一个愉快的暑假________________________ 12.顺便问一下___________13.根据1a的内容________

4.从…回来__________________________________ 14.孩子们的假期经历__________________________

5.巨大的变化_________________6.发生____________ 15.查出…和…的不同__________________________

7.越来越漂亮________________________________ 16.填空_____________________17.感觉舒服________

8.如此(那么)多的人___________________________ 18.患感冒______________19.很长时间_____________


一、 语法重点导入--- (根据句意在横线上填入谓语动词的适当形式)

1. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground now.

2. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground yesterday.

3. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground when I saw him yesterday.

4. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground every day.

5. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground tomorrow afternoon.

6. He ______________ (play) soccer on the playground 注意(6)句中的时间状语,看P118现在完成时讲解, 总结现在完成时用法


(1) 现在完成时中谓语动词的形式是---________________________ 看P140-142过去分词表,做P3---1b

(2) 经常搭配的时间副词有: just, already, yet, ever, never, before…

(3) 现在完成时句型转换

写出(6)句的否定句:___________________________________________________________________ 写出(6)句的一般疑问句并肯定回答:_____________________________________________________ 写出(6)句的划线提问句:_______________________________________________________________ 写出(6)句的反意疑问句:_______________________

(4) 观察1a中出现的现在完成时的句子并翻译理解

1. You have just come back from your hometown. 译:_________________________________________________

2. Great changes have taken place there. 译:_________________________________________________________

3. My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 译:_____________________________________________

4. Where have you been? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. 译:________________________________

5. Where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer. 译:___________________________________________

(5) 现在完成时考点:have / has been to --- have / has gone to


区别:have / has been to表示曾经______________,现在_____________;

have / has gone to表示已经______________,现在______________.


注意: taken是take的______________形式

点拨:change有名词/动词两种词性,名词词意是_________/__________等; 动词词意是_________

1take place --- 发生、举办,指非偶然性事件的―发生‖,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排 区别:happen --- 发生、碰巧,一般用于偶然或突发性事件

注意:take the place of…--- 取代某人的`位置

练习:a. Jason ___________________________ Miss Li to teach us French next term.

b. The Olympic Games of 2008 ________________________ successfully in Beijing.

c. What ___________________________ to you yesterday?

’思考:so…that…意思是__________,引导_______状语从句 区别:so that…意思是_______,引导_______状语从句 练习:a.为了拍照,他爬得很高。____________________________________________________________________ b.他他爬得那么高,以至于能拍照。____________________________________________________________

3. There goes the bell. 译:_____________________________ 思考:这是个there提前引起的__________句 回忆:副词here, there 提前到句首要引起主谓倒装,但是当主语为人称代词时不倒装。

练习:a. Here comes the No.31 Bus. 译:________________________b. There they are. 译:___________________

c. Jim跑过来了。译:___________________________ d.他跑过来了。 译:____________________________ 拓展:看课本P105注解写出(3)句的同义句a.__________________________ b.____________________________


一、 根据首字母提示完成单词,使句子完整通顺。

1. The b______ is ringing. Let’s begin our class.

2. She has made great p______ in English with the help of her teacher.

3. Miss Lin decided to help Mary as she f______ sorry for her.

4. By the w______, where’s your library?

5. I have been to an English training school to i______ my English.

二、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词或短语。

1. We have just ______ (回来) from London.

2. They were very tired. I ______ (同情) for them.

3. We haven’t seen our English teacher ______ (很长一段时间).

4. Where is Lin Mei? I have ______ (告诉……一些事) her.

5. He ______ (已经去) New York, in the USA.

三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. —Why is the room so clean?

—Because I ______ just ______ (clean) it.

2. Wang Hai spent a whole night ______ (work) on the computer.

3. They have no house ______ (live) in.

4. My father ______ (be) to the People’s Park many times, so he knows it very well.

5. I heard Lin Hong ______ (sing) a song when I went past.

2 / 195







1. Has Maria taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays? __________________________

2. What has she done? _____________________________________________________________________________

3. What does she think of it? ________________________________________________________________________

二、 读2a, 完成2b

三、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语

1.参加…_______________________ 20.过着艰苦的生活______________________________

2.志愿者活动________________________________ 21.详细地描述…__________________________

3.在暑假期间________________________________ 22.支付他们孩子的教育经费______________________

4.残疾儿童__________________________________ 23.度过他们的童年______________________________

5.为…打扫房间______________________________ 24.为了…__________25.support their families________

6.喂他们吃饭____________7.为他们做饭___________ 26.做童工_________________________

8.一段美好的经历_______________________________ 27.日日夜夜_______________________

9.从…学到很多_________________________________ 28.足够的吃的__________________________________

10.the different forms of the verbs___________________ 29.现在的青少年________________________________

11.做一个关于…的调查__________________________ 30.飞速地发展__________________________________

12.make conversations_____________ 31.为贫困家庭提供帮助__________________________

13.跳绳______________14.网上聊天_______________ 32.受到很好的教育______________________________

15.暑假补课_________________________ 33.随着中国的发展______________________________

34.leisure activity___________35.a balanced diet______ 16.做农活___________________________

36.play musical instruments_____________ 17.一篇有关青少年的文章________________________

37.some other training__________________18.世界各地__________________19.过去___________



1. You have taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays, haven’t you?


思考:haven’t you? 构成了句子的_____________部分


a. He ____________(take) part in some volunteer activities during the last summer holidays, ________________? b. He ____________(take) part in some volunteer activities during the next summer holidays, ______________?

c. He ___________(take) part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays every year, ________________? d. He must ________(take) part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays every year, ______________?

2. What a wonderful experience! 译:________________________ 同义句:How _______________________ 感叹句转换练习:(根据P5---1a的图下提示词用what和how写感叹句)

a. 多么狭窄的公路啊!What______________________________! / How___________________________________! b. 多么艰苦的生活条件啊!What___________________________! / How__________________________________! 注意:如果对行为动词感叹,只能用How引导! c. 看!他跑得是多么快啊!_________________________________!

3. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy. 译:_______________________________________________ 思考:你能将上句改为用but的形式吗?______________________________________________________________ 看课本P105注解并总结:though和__________引导______________从句,语气较弱,不与__________连用; ___________________和___________________也用于引导______________从句,带有强调的意味,语气较强。

4. Is that so? 译:________________________ 区别:Is that all? 译:________________________

链接:a. Do you think it’ll rain soon? I think so. 译:_____________________________________________________ b. Do you believe China will become No.1 in the world one day? I believe so. 译:________________________ 拓展:我希望如此___________________ 我猜是这样的____________________

注意:I hop not. _____________________ I don’t think so.____________________

5. In order to help support their families, they had to be child laborers.

思考:你能将上句改为…so that…形式吗?____________________________________________________________ 总结:in order to + 动词原形,在句子中做目的状语;so that 后面引导的是目的状语从句

练习:为了赶上早班车,他们起得很早。a.____________________________________________________________ b._________________________________________________________________________________________


一、 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

1. His parents couldn’t afford his ______ (教育).

2. The government gives ______ (帮助;赞助) to poor families.

3. With the ______ (发展) of China, many more children live a happy life.

4. I think we can ______ much ______ (向……学习) the farmers.

5. To make us understand what has happened, he told us about the accident ______ ______ (详细地).

二、 用所给词语的适当形式填空。其中一项是多余的。

describe, feed, though, article, education, develop

1. Li Ming failed in the exam again ______ he tried really hard.

2. China is the largest ______ country in the world.

3. The police asked her ______ the two men.

4. Mike, you come from the countryside. Have you ever ______ sheep?

5. In the past, many children couldn’t get a good ______.


1. —Have you ever been ______? —Yes. I have been to Australia.

A. abroad B. alone C. here D. healthy

2. —The radio says it’s going to rain. —______ Bad luck! We can’t go for our picnic.

A. Is that so? B. Thank you. C. Don’t worry. D. Pardon?

3. ______ it rains heavily, ______ farmers are still working in the fields.

A. Though; but B. Though; still C. Though; / D. Although; but

4. Athletes from more than 200 countries ______ the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

A. took part in B. attended C. joined D. held

5. China is still a ______ country at the present time.

A. developed B. more developed C. highly developed D. developing








二、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语

1. infer the main idea________________________ 18.接受良好的教育_____________________________

2. the key words______________3. at present_________ 19.与…保持联系_________________________(P105)

4. compare your idea with Kangkang’s_______________ 20.远方的亲戚_________________________________

5.狭窄的公路___________________________________ 21.通过书信和电报的方式________________________

6.又小又黑的房子_______________________________ 22.改革开放____________________________________

7.艰苦的生活条件_______________________________ 23.变得更加高大明亮____________________________

8.简洁而缓慢地通讯_____________________________ 24.改善很多____________________________________

9.宽阔的环形公路_______________________________ 25.享受更加多样的业余活动______________________

10.高大而明亮的楼房____________________________ 26.不但…而且…_______________________

11.舒适的生活条件______________________________ 27.在互联网上______________28.另外还有_________

12.more kinds, quick and easy communications 29.变得更加简单而快捷__________________________

___________________________________________ 30.传真机_________________31.等等…____________

13.my report on Beijing___________________________ 32.取得飞速的进步______________________________

14.四十多年____________________________________ 33.成功地举办奥运会_____________________

15.(她)亲眼目睹北京的变化______________________ 34.记住过去_________________________

16.在20世纪60年代____________________________ 35.立足现在_________________________

17.有机会干…__________________________________ 36.展望未来_________________________



1. Usually, a big family were crowed in a small house.


点拨:crowd --- 拥挤, 挤,聚集(动词);人群,群众;一群(名词) crowded --- 拥挤的(形容词)

练习:a. There is a crowd of people in the hall.


b. He succeeded in crowding into the train.


c. Look! A crowd of ants are crowded in the hole.


注意:拥挤的交通不能直译为 crowded traffic, 而是__________ /___________traffic

2. Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities.


Life was _______ ______ ______ people ______ ______ time _______ money to enjoy leisure activities.

提高:The bed is so small that Tom can’t sleep well on it.


3. China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.





