








1. 语言知识目标:



2. 情感态度价值观目标:




Ⅰ. Warming up and revision

1. Have adictationof the new words and expressions this unit.

2. Retellthestories of April Fool’s Day .


1) By the endoflast year, I ___________ (be) to the West Hill Farm three times.

2) By the time Igotup, Mom _________ (go) out for some exercise.

3)I______________(learn) 1,000 English words by last term.

4) By 9 o’clocklastnight, we __________ (get) 200 pictures from the spaceship.

5) When I wentintothe classroom, the final bell ___________ (ring). I was happy that Iwasn’tlate.

Keys: hadbeenhadgonehad learnedhad gottenhad rung


1) He ___________(醒来) very early and went out for a walk inthepark.

2) I______________(让她搭便车), so she invitedme to have dinner.

3) I hope thatallof you will come to the meeting ____________ (准时).

4) Hiscar___________ (出故障), so he had to getit repaired.

5) This Mondaymyalarm clock didn’t __________ (发出响声) and I got uplate.

Keys: woke up gave her a lifton timebroke downgo off

Ⅱ. Lead-in

Do you haveanyexperience on April Fool’s day? Now can youremember a lucky or an unlucky day?What happened? Make some notes about whatyou remember.

III. Practice.

1. Work on 3a.Makenotes.

Can you rememberalucky or an unlucky day? What happened? Make some notes about whatyouremember.

What was thedate?

What happenedfirst?

Was this luckyorunlucky? Why?


How did thedayend?

How did youfeelabout this day?

2. Share yourideaswith others in class.

IV. Writing

1. Write astoryabout your lucky or unlucky day and tell your story to a partner or theclass.Use your notes to write a story about your lucky or unlucky day.


My lucky/unlucky day

I willalwaysremember the date…

This wastheluckiest /unluckiest day of my life…

When I woke upthatmorning…

Later that day…

I couldn’tbelieve…

Then/After that…


I think….

What alucky/anunlucky day!

2. Ask Ss to writeapassage in class.

3. Tell yourstoryto your partner or the class.


My lucky day

I willalwaysremember the date –April Fool’s Day last year.

This wastheluckiest day of my life.

When I woke upthatmorning, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, then I read English for halfanhour. It was time to eat my breakfast. My little brother gave me a pieceofOreo. I was very glad to eat it first. Then I felt strange. It tastedspecial.What was it? I looked at my little brother. He laughed loudly and saidnothing.

Later that day,Iknew he put toothpaste (牙膏) into the Oreo. Icouldn’t believe I wasfooled by him. I brushed my teethagain. After that, my brother gave me a box ofOreo, and said “Happy April Fool’s Day.”

Finally I washappyto get these delicious biscuits.

I think I hadahappy and lucky day.

What a lucky day!

V. Self-check.

Work on SelfCheck1:

1. Let some Ssreadthe words in the box. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words.

2. Let Ss readthesentences in Self check 1. Then Ss try to fill in the blanks with thecorrectforms of the words in the box.

cancelmiss west accident


Last Saturdayaftermy French course, I decided to drive to the ________ to buy a meat piefordinner. As I was heading ________, I saw a huge truck in the middle of theroad.

There had beena(n)_________ and there were many police _______ around. I turned around anddecidedto go to a nearby mall.

However, I________the road that led to the mall. Then I saw a restaurant that soldchickennoodles. I went inside and the _____, who was the owner, served me themostdelicious bowl of chicken noodles ever. I had made a(n) ____________discovery!I’mso glad that I _________ my plan to go to the market.

1. Letsome Ss read their answers. Check theanswers with the Ss.

Keys: market west accident officersmissedlady unexpected canceled

Work on Self check2

1. Tell Ss thattheyhave to fill in the blanks with Past Perfect Tense. More than one answersmay bepossible.

2. Ss think andtryto complete the sentences by themselves.

3. Let some Ssreadtheir answers to the class.

4. Sharetheiranswers together.


1) A: Why didn’tyouhand in your science homework?

B: Before Icould start working on it, mybaby brother started crying and I had to lookafter him as my mother was sick.

2) A: Why didn’tyoutake a shower this morning?

B: By the time Igotup, my sister had already gone into the bathroom and the bus was honkingfor meto hurry up.

3) A: Why didyou have to walk home from school?

B: By the timeIleft my school, the school bus had already left.

VI. Exercise

1. We ______fourthousand new words by the end of last year.

A. learned B.had learned

C. have learnedD.willlearn

2. He told usthathe ______ the letters in the morning.

A. willpost B.haveposted

C. wasposting D. had posted

3. —Did you seeMr Smith when you were in France?

—No. When I_______ France, he _______ to China.

A. had arrivedin;had gone

B. arrived in;hasbeen

C. got to;hadgone

D. had got to;hadbeen

VII. Homework

1. 复习本单元内容。

2. 对家人进行调查,看他们在生活或工作中有没有被人愚弄或是否愚弄过别人,写篇短文,和大家分享。




2重点短语:an English movie called Toy Story,fall in love with,as well,look up


The teacher spoke so quicklythat I did not understand her most of the time.

I was afraid to ask questionsbecause of my poor pronunciation.

I can find the meaningof new words by looking them up in a dictionary.


1.重点短语和句型 2.学习英语的方法





1.表达_________ 2.发现________3.秘诀_______ 4.语法______


1.一部叫做Toy Story的电影







Step 1 情景导入

Teacher:Wei Fen really likes English and sheis a student who is good at English but she didn't use to like English.Do you knowwhat has changed her?Let's read the passageto find the answer.

环节说明:由Wei Fen英语成绩的变化为话题,引起学生的好奇,同时又引出要学的内容。

Step 2 完成教材3a-3b的任务







(C)1.He speaks ________quickly ________ I can't hear clearly.

A.too;to B.enough;to C.so;that D.very;that

(D)2.He didn't go to school________ his illness.

A.because with B.because C.so D.becauseof

(B)3.—Are you afraid of________ alone?

—No,I'm not.

A.be B.being C.stay D.tostay

(B)4.You mustn't ________the bus until it stops.

A.get up B.getoff C.get down D.getover

(C)5.Have you ever beento the village ________ Green Country?

A.call B.calling C.called D.tocall

(C)6.I think ________ isa good way to learn English well.

A.listen to tapes B.listeningtapes C.listening to tapes D.listentapes

(D)7.He likes English andhis brother likes English ________.

A.also B.aswell as C.either D.aswell

(C)8.Can you help me ________the words in a dictionary?

A.look like B.lookafter C.look up D.lookat


Step 3 问题探究

( )1.She said that memorizing the wordsof pop songs ________ also helpful.

A.wereB.is C.wasD.are

答案选择C,此句为复合句,是由主句和一个宾语从句构成。宾语从句的主语由动名词短语memorizing the words ofpop songs来充当。动名词做主语,谓语动词用单三形式。又因为主句是一般过去时态,所以从句也应该用一般过去时态,所以答案选择C。

2.as well 的用法


as well相当于also或too,表示“还,也”等意思,常用于肯定语或疑问句句尾。





1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:France, no matter,local, brand, avoid, product,handbag,mobile, everyday



4) 了解“中国制造”已在世界各国广泛存在,并被世界人民所认可。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。

2. 教学难点:

1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。

2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。


Ⅰ. Revision

1. Ask Sstorole-play the conversation in 2d.

2. Checkthehomework. Let some Ss tell read their sentences.

(1). This ringismade of silver.

(2). This kindofpaper is made from wood.

(3). What ispaintmade from?

(4). Hang Zhouisfamous for tea.

(5). As far asIknow, tea plants are grown on the sides of the mountains.

Ⅱ. Lead in

1. 展示一段伦敦奥运会礼品的视频,让学生了解中国制造已被世界人民所接受。

Then ask Sssomequestions:

T: As we know,thereare so many things made in China in England. What about in America andothercountries in the world? Now let’s read the passage of 3a.First, readquickly and find the answer to this question:

1) Where did KangJianvisit last year?

2) Were theremanythings made in China in the US?

3) What twothingsdid Kang Jian want to buy in the US?

4) Where weretheymade?

Ss read thearticlequickly and try to answer the questions:

2. 方法指导:带着问题,然后快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间内,找到答案。

3. 学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并快速回答这二个问题。

4. 最后,教师让部分学生回答答案,并校对答案。

III. Reading

Work on 3b:

1. 告诉学生们再次阅读短文内容,并完成3b中的问题。

2. 让学生们先读这五个问题,确信所有的学生都能理解这些问题的意思。

3. 然后仔细回读短文,在短文的相关信息处划线,并回答出问题。

3. 让学生们回答问题,校对答案。

Ⅳ. Careful Reading

Work on 3c

1. 告诉学生们本学习活动的要求:写出下列指示代词在短文所指代的事物。

2. 让学生们读3d中的内容,理解黑体指示代词所处的句子的意思,及其上下文的意思,开动自己大脑进行思维,确定它们所指的内容。

3. 如果不能确定,可以在小组内进行讨论。

4. Checktheanswers.

V. Post reading

Ask Ss to fillinthe blanks to complete the passage.

Kang Jian isa____________ student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his auntanduncle in San Francisco. He ______ it interesting that so many _________ inthelocal shops ______________ China. She wanted to buy a _________ for hiscousin,but even though most of the toys were _______ brands, they were madein________.

Read thesecondparagraph and fill in the blanks.

Toys are nottheonly things made in China. ______, there were many other things madeinChina--footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even ______________aremade in China. He ________that Americans could_______ ______ ______productsmade in China.

He thinks it’sgreatthat China is so good at ________ these _________ _________. He wishesthatChina will also get better at making ________________ __________ in thefuture.And people can buy those products in ______ ______ of the world.

Ss try to fill intheblanks by themselves.

Check theanswerswith the Ss.

VI. Explanations

1. no matter 无论;不论

no matter意为“无论”与“what, who, which,where, how”等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。

e.g. No matterwhatyou say, I won’tbelieve you.


No matterwhen you are free, you can come herefor a cup of tea.


2.localadj. 当地的;本地的

e.g. Thelocalpeople are always friendly to tourists. 当地人对游客一向很热情。

3. avoidv. 避免;回避

avoid doing sth.避免做某事

avoid 后面常跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,但不能跟不定式作宾语。

e.g. They triedtoavoid making Mrs. Li angry. 他们尽量避免让李老师生气。

Jack keptback his anger and avoided a fight.


4. mobileadj. 可移动的;非固定的

mobile phone 手机

e.g. Wouldyouplease give us some details of your mobile phone?


5. everydayadj. 每天的;日常的

everyday是every和day构成的合成词。everyday是形容词, 仅用在名词前作定语,不能单独使用。

e.g. everyday life日常生活everydayactivities 日常活动

everyday与every day 辨析

every day是副词短语,意为“每天”,用作时间状语。

e.g. Theteacherasked us to read English books every day.


VII. Exercises


1. One who goesto______ (French) never fails to visit Paris.

2. How soonwouldyou like to have these ___________ (product) done?

3. In the crowd,Samlooked aside to avoid _________ (see) Jane and Mary.

4. Is this kindofbicycle______ (make) in Shanghai?

5. The______(locally) government listed him as an elderly person of no home.


1. Read thepassageseveral times after school.

2. Makesentenceswith these words:

no matter, bemade in, find it + adj. that…,even though, avoid doingsth., everyday things



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:fridge,low,somebody, translate, lock, earthquake,sudden, all of asudden,biscuit,cookie, instrument

2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。


4) 掌握主动语态变被动语态的方法,并通过不同方式的练习,来熟练运用。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 学习生词fridge,low,somebody, translate, lock, earthquake,sudden, all of a sudden, biscuit,cookie,instrument

2) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2. 教学难点:

1) 一般过去时态的句子变为被动语态。

2) 综合运用所学的知识进行练习运用。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Haveadictationof the new words learned in the last class.

2. Reviewsomemainphrases we learned in the last class. Check the homework.

3. Let someSstellsomething about how tea was invented by accident.

Tellsomethingabouthow tea was invented by accident.

One day ShenNongwasboiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plantfellintothe water and remained there for some time.

It producedanicesmell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious and oneoftheworld’sfavoritedrink was invented.

TellsomethingaboutLu Yu and his Cha Jing.

Lu Yu “thesaintoftea” mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing.The bookdescribes how teaplants were grown and used to make tea. It alsodiscusses wherethe finest tealeaves were produced and what kinds of water wereused.

It isbelievedthattea was brought to Korea and Japan during 6th and 7th centuries.InEngland, teadidn’tappear until around 1660. The teatrade from China toWestern countries tookplace in the 19th century.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

① 拉链是什么时候被发明的?

___________the zipper ________?


It_______________in 1893.


___________itinvented ______?


It_________________ Whitcomb Judson.


___________tea________to Korea?


It ____________toKorea ________the 6th and 7th centuries.


What ____thehotice-cream _____ _____?


It’s___________ ______ really cold ice-cream.


Thetelephone_____________ _____ Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.


AlexanderGrahamBell _________ the telephonein 1876.

2. 学生们根据记忆,看大屏幕来完成填空练习。

3. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。

Ⅲ. Grammar


英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是动作的承受者。如:Wecleanedtheclassroom yesterday.我们昨天打扫了教室。(主动语态,主语we是clean这一动作的执行者)

Theclassroomwascleaned yesterday.


(被动语态,主语the classroom是clean这一动作的承受者)


一般过去时被动语态的结构为“主语+ was /were +及物动词的过去分词(+by+动作的执行者).”。如:

Treeswereplantedlast spring.


1. 肯定句:

主语 + was/were +及物动词的过去分词 +其他.

Paper wasinventedbyChinese people two thousand years ago.


2. 否定句:

主语 + was/were not +及物动词的过去分词 + 其他.

Womenwerenotallowed to take part in the games at first.


3. 一般疑问句:

Was/Were +主语 +及物动词的过去分词 + 其他?

Werethesepictures drawn by your sister?



1. 不知道谁是动作的执行者,或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者。

e.g.Englishisspoken all over the world.全世界都在说英语。

2. 需要突出或强调动作的承受者。

e.g.Thisdictionaryis used by most students.



1. 有些短语动词相当于及物动词,变为被动句时介词或副词不能去掉。

They putoffthe meeting because of theweather.

Themeetingwas put off because of theweather.


2. 含有双宾语的主动句变为被动句时,通常把指“人”的间接宾语变为主语,指“物”的直接宾语保留不变;如果把指物”的直接宾语变为主语,则在间接宾语前加to或for。

My auntgaveme an e-dictionary yesterday.

I was givenane-dictionary yesterday.

Ane-dictionarywasgiven to me yesterday.

3. 主动句中感官动词see/hear/watch/feel等和使役动词make/let/have等后跟省略to


I saw aheavymanenter the house.

A heavy manwasseento enter the house.

4. 系动词、不及物动词或某些短语动词(happen, takeplace,come true, fall asleep…)没有被动语态。

What happenedtoMr.Brown?


Ⅳ. Exercises



1. He chosesixstorybooks the other day.

Six storybooks____________ by him the other day.

2. UncleLeegaveJack a large cake for he painted the wall wonderfully.

Jack ___________alarge cake for he painted the wall wonderfully.

3. A mouseatehalfof the cake last night.

Half ofthe_____ ____ by a mouse last night.


4.Werethesemachines invented by Edison?

_______Edison_______these machines?

5. The postcardwassent to Linda by Paul.

Paul _______thepostcard _______ Linda.

6.Americawasdiscovered by Columbus.

_______Columbus discovered _________?

Ⅴ. Practice

Work on 4a:

1. Tell Sstoreadthe sentences in 4a and rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.

2. 做题方法点拨示例:

①点拨:原句为一般过去时态,原句的谓语动词为sold,宾语为thefridge;改为被动语态时,应将the fridge作主语,谓语动词用wassold的形式。

They soldthefridgeat a low price. →

The fridgewassoldat a low price.

②点拨:分析原句的句子结构可知,stole是谓语动词,mycamera是句子的宾语;改为被动语态句时,应将my camera作句子主语,谓语动词用wasstolen的形式。

Somebodystolemycamera from my hotel room. →

My camerawasstolen from my hotel room.


3. 最后,教师与同学们一起校对答案,并对学生们有疑问的地方进行解释,或做出合理的分析点拨。

Wherewerethese photos taken?

Wewereadvised not to go out alone.

The bookwastranslated into differentlanguages by different writers.

Workon4b:Completethe sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the box.

1. 让学生们阅读方框中的词汇,了解词汇及句子的意思,为进行填词做好准备。

eat,like,invite,tell, lock, ring, break, bring

2. 认真阅读每个句子,根据上下文确定空格处应填的意思。

3. 逐句进行分析推敲,然后分析句子的时态及语态,用适当的形式填空。

1)You____________to the party last night, weren’t you? Why didn’t you go?

2)Theearthquakehappened all of a sudden, but luckily the villagers _____________toa safeplace.

3)Thedoor___________ when we arrived, so we ______ the bell.

4)Thestudents___________ not to eat or drink inclass,butRuby ______ the rule when she started eating a biscuit inscience class.

5)Thecookies__________ by the hungry kids in less than 20 minutes, and theyreally_____them.

4. 最后,通读一遍所有句子,进行综合理解,看句子的意思是否通顺,合理。

5. Checktheanswerswith the Ss.

1.wereinvited2. were brought

3. was locked,rang(前一句中,门是被锁的,故应用被动语态;后一句中,我们去按门铃,是主动语态。)

4. were told,broke(前一句中,学生们是被告诉不要做这些事情,故应用被动语态;后一句中,Ruby违反规则,则是主动语态。)

5. wereeaten,liked(前一句中,饼干是被孩子们吃掉了,故应用被动语态;后一句中,孩子们喜欢这些饼干,则是主动语态。)

Ⅵ. Practice

Work on4c:Decidewhether active or passive forms should be used in these sentences.Writethecorrect forms in the blanks.

1. 先通读小短文,了解大意。

Thetelephone______________(invent) by Alexander Graham Bell. He __________ (born)in 1847.Mr. Bell________ (work) on the invention of the telephone with ThomasWatson.

In 1875,Mr.Bell_________ (learn) how to send musical notes through an instrument similartoatelephone. Finally, the telephone _____________ (invent) in 1876.Thefirstsentence that _________ (say) on the telephone by Mr. Bell was “Mr.Watson,comehere; I want to see you.” Today thetelephone ________(use) around theworld.

2. 逐句分析每一句话的意思,确定句子主语和谓语动词之间主动或被动关系。

3. 结合句子的时态,填上正确的形式。

4. 复读短文,看是否通顺。

5. Check theanswers



1. Jennyputherclothes in the suitcase last night.

Herclothes________in the suitcase last night.

2. The twinssanganEnglish song that day.

An Englishsong_________ ___ by the twins that day.

3. Did theybuildabridge here a year ago?

____ abridge____here by them a year ago?

4. They soldoutthelight green dresses yesterday.

Thelightgreendresses ____ _____ _____ out.



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:cream, workday,pie, show up, bean, market, by the endof,

2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。


2. 情感态度价值观目标:




1. 教学重点:

1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 总结过去完成时的不同句型。


2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Revision

1. Have adictationof the new words learned in the last class.

2. Review somemainphrases we learned in the last class. Check the homework.


1. 即将2. 倒杯咖啡

3. 排队等候4. 起床

5. 出去6. 迟到

7. 到时候 8. 闹铃响

9. 开始做某事 10. 搭便车

3. Revision


II. Lead-in

T: What happenedtoyou on a bad morning?



III. GrammarFocus.

1. 过去完成时讲解。

2. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。


When I gottoschool, I realized I ______ ______ my backpack at home.


_____ _____ _____Igot back to school, the bell ______ _______.


Before I __________the bus stop, the bus ______ _______ _______.


I __________________ go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.


As I ___________________ ______ with the other office workers, I ______ _____ ___________.

Keys: 1.hadleft 2. By the time , had rung3. got to,had left4. was about to5. waswaiting in line , heard a loud sound

3. 学生们根据记忆,看大屏幕来完成填空练习。

4. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。

IV. Try to Find

1. 由when, by the time, before等引导时间状语从句时,若描述发生在过去的事,主句常用过去完成时(had + 过去分词)表示动作发生在过去的过去。

2. be about todo,be doing等表示即将或正在做某事时,常用when引导从句表示突然发生的动作,when可省略。

Ⅴ. Practice

1. Work on 4a.

Ask Ss tomakesentences using by the time or before on their own.

1) Ask fivestudents to the blackboard to writetheir sentences.

1. Tim went intothebathroom. Mary got up.

By the timeMary got up, Tim had already goneinto the bathroom.

2. The coffeebecamecold. I put cream (n. 奶油) in the coffee.


3. Theteachercollected the math homework. I got to school.


4. I completedthework for my boss. The workday (n. 工作日) ended.


5. Themoviestarted. I arrived at the cinema.


6. Mymotherfinished making the apple pie (n. 果馅派). I gothome from my language course.


2) Correcttheir sentences together in class.

2. Work on 4b.

1) Let Ss readthewords or phrases in the box and try to understand the meanings of them.

2) Fill intheblanks with the correct forms of the words by themselves.

1. By the timeIarrived at the party, everyone else_____ already __________.

2. When he putthenoodles into a bowl, he realized he____________ toadd the green beans (n. 豆).

3. By the timemymother came back from the market (n. 市场), I ____ already __________ the door to gofor mypiano lesson.

4. Before she gottothe airport, she _________ ___about the earthquake.

5. Whenshe_________ the movie theater, she _____ remembered she had forgotten to feedherdog.

6. Before she gotachance to say goodbye, he ____________ the building.

3) Correcttheiranswers together.

Work on 4c.

1) Let Ssthink about his/her day yesterday.

2) Let themwrite two true statements and onefalse statement about their day yesterday.

3) Ask theirclassmates to guess the falsestatement.

e.g. 1. By thetimeI left for school in the morning, ___________________________.

2. By the end oftheschool day, _____________________

3. By dinnertime,_____________________________

VI. 如果有时间的话,再做以下练习吧!


1. When Tim getbackhome, he started to realize that the thief ________ (come) to his house.

2. By the timeIreceived the letter, I ____________ (tell) the content of it.

3. When I wasborn,I _____ (cry) heavily the first time in my life.

1. had come2.hadbeen told3. cried






VII. Homework

1. 复习Grammar Focus 中的内容。Try tomakesentences with before, by the time and be doing … when, and make use of the pastperfect tense.

2. 写作:描述一次难忘的经历。




在课前2-4分钟播放优美动听的经典英文歌曲或熟悉的音乐,一方面,可以使学生安静下来,对学生起到心理放松的作用,能使学生迅速进入角色;另一方面,可以有效用来导入新课,特别对于上午第四节课或下午的课更有效。例如,在处理新目标英语九年级Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to , Period One 时教师就进行了音乐情境的创设。在上课铃响之前2分钟左右教师走进教室,播放理查德的钢琴曲《致爱丽丝》,同学们一听到那么美妙的声音马上都安静了下来,坐在位置上静静地欣赏。马上铃声响起,同学们好似没回过神来,教师也没有再刻意地说“上课起立”,而是

问同学T: Do you like the piece of music? How do you like it? Why do you like it?

有学生大声地说S1: Yes, I like it very much. Its beautiful,. Its gentle and quiet.

但也有同学说S2: No, Im afraid I dont like it.

T: So what kind of music do you like?

S2: I like pop music. T: Just like this kind.

教师顺势又播放了周杰伦的稻香。S2: Yes, that’s it. T: Ok, I know. You like music that is popular. (Repeat it to present.) But why do you like this kind of music?

S2: Because I like the singer.

T: Oh? Why?

S2: He is different from other singers. He can write songs for himself.

T: Yeah. So the lyrics is nice. It sounds great.

S2: Yes, yes.

T: So you like music that has great lyrics. And you like the singer who writes his own songs.

教师一边复述一边板书,并把定语从句部分用红色表示,再一次问学生他喜欢的音乐时,学生已经能够套用我的板书回答了。就这样在音乐的渲染中,教师很自然地呈现了第一课时的重难点,即一个定语从句子I like music that I can dance to;和不同种类音乐的表述:the music that has great lyrics; the music that isnt too loud; the music that can sing along with; the music that I can dance to , etc.正是因为音乐渲染带来的`真实的情境,此时的新的知识点对学生来说再也不是抽象的冷冰冰的东西,而变成了大家都能感受得到的立体的活生生的东西,便于学生接受记忆。又如在新目标初三whatever 的学习中,我就教学生歌曲“My heart will go on”中的高潮部分---Wherever you go, whatever you do, Ill be right here waiting for you .然后再因势利导,发散学生的思维,又教了wherever, whoever, however, whenever等单词。此时,同学们情绪高涨,兴致勃勃,教学就在歌声中开始,歌声中进行,快乐而且有效。




S1: Excuse me. How do you study for English? Gao: I usually study English by making flashcards, but sometimes I study it by listening to tapes.

S2: Did you use to be good at English? G: Of course not. I used to be afraid of English. But later I found reading aloud was helpful. And I began to read every morning.

S3: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work in groups?

G: I believe we can learn a lot from each other, but sometimes we get noisy.给出一个例子之后,便于课堂操控,再把学生分成4——6人小组,各自对自己小组里的优秀同学进行提问。在问答之间,同学们不但落实了三个单元的基本句型、语法结构和常用表达;还把三个独立的部分用优秀学生学习过程这个纽带紧密地连接在一起,使原本零散的知识点汇聚在一起构成了知识的网络。既活跃了课堂的氛围,又很形象地把知识上升到了系统的高度,最终便于学生的长久记忆。


在英语课堂上,进行角色扮演,是老师常用的,也是学生很喜欢的一种方式。在角色扮演中,几乎所有的学生都能参与其中,积极主动地进行学习。我这里所说的角色扮演,并不是单纯的把书上的内容表演出来,同时也包括故事的`扩展,对话的重组,对课文的重新理解等等。如对Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.的教学, 教师一上课就给学生创设了角色扮演的情境。

"Look at these pictures, what can you do?"

"You can help them with their homework. So are you a teacher?

NO, you are a volunteer. As a volunteer, what else can you do?"


Clean up the city park;

Help homeless people;

Cheer them up ;

Give out food at the food bank, etc.



初三英语词汇的听写也是课堂有待突破的“瓶颈”。笔者作了如下尝试让学生入“境”来进行突破。即把一的单元的词汇编成一个具体的故事,创设出特定的情境,用交际的'形式进行听写。以Unit 14 单元为例。暑假的某一天,我们决定到海南去旅游。我们先列举了要带的物品,有游泳时穿的 bathing suit,擦洗的towels ,看路用的guidebook 及一些食物。走之前我特意去看看爷爷。他老人家又跟我聊起了他的过去。他说他以前常常要做好多家务:如先chop wood ,light the fire for breakfast 烧饭,到 collect the water from the village well 取水,喂养在on the farm 的动物等等。和爷爷吃了中饭,期间看了一则娱乐采访节目。说的是一个乐队,名叫the New Ocean Waves ,在两年前公开appear ,出现在舞台上不久就出了轰动一时的make a hit CD ,乐队的lead singer 还会写 poems ,经常在诗中提到他的homeland——四川,他说他的root 在那里;他的ancestor 在那里,虽然现在他身在 overseas ,我坚决地strongly believe他是个好人。总于到了出发的那一天,走之前我给花 water the flowers, 爸爸把车放到put the car into the garage,姐姐 整理了clean out the refrigerator ,妈妈把所有要带的放到pack the suitcase 。 我们都 look forward to 度过一个有意义的假期。


1. 与某人友好相处 get along well with sb.

2. 一次突然的数学考试 a surprise math test

3. 对……感到惭愧 be / feel ashamed of …

4. 下定决心去做某事 be determined to do sth.

5. 信守诺言 keep one’s word

6. 对着某人大叫 yell at sb.

7. 不能忍受(去做)某事 can’t stand (doing) sth.

8. 向某人道歉 apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb.

9. 一次难以忘怀的经历 an unforgettable experience

10.完全有权利做某事 have every right to do sth.

11.嫉妒某人/某事 feel jealous of …

12.当众使某人尴尬 embarrass sb. in public

13.首先(强调顺序) first of all

14.熬夜 stay up at night / stay late into the night

15.使某人提起精神 cheer sb. up

16.参加学校羽毛球队 join the school badminton team

17.等不及去做某事 can’t wait to do sth.

18.在网上聊天 chat on the Internet / chat online

19.阻止某人去做某事 discourage sb. from doing sth.

20.提及,说起 speak of

21.提前 in advance

22.打通……的电话 get through to …

23.除了……之外 apart from

24.替某人保守秘密 keep sb’s secret / keep the secret for sb.

25.责备某人(做了)某事 blame sb. for (doing) sth.

26.将……归咎/归罪于某人 blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb.

lay / put the blame on sb. for …

27.因……而应受谴责/应负责任 (sb.) be to blame for … (不用被动语态)

28.全神贯注于…… be absorbed in …

29.到底,究竟 in the world

30.对……有不同的态度 have / take different attitudes towards …

31.迟豫于去做某事 hesitate to do sth.

32.毫不犹豫地 without hesitation

33.毫无疑问 without doubt

34.以……为基础/依据 be based on / upon …

35.彼此,互相 one another / each other

36.另一方面 on the other hand

37.不管,不顾 regardless of (prep.)

38.搜寻,寻找 search for / look for

39.加入到救援行动中 be involved in the rescue mission

40.日出/日落时分 at sunrise / at sunset

41.首要的是,最重要的是 above all

42.平静/镇定下来 calm down (vi.)

43.使某人/某人自己平静下来 calm sb. / oneself down (vt.)

44.承认(做过)某事 admit sth. / doing sth. / that …

45.准许某人进入公园/准许入学 admit sb. to the park / the school

46.对准焦距;集中(注意/关心)于…… focus … on …

47.结果 as a result

48.由于,因为 as a result of / because of

49.导致,造成 lead to / result in / contribute to

50.由……所引起 result from

51.对某人刻薄 be mean to sb.

52.对某人残忍 be cruel to sb.

53.某人不太可能做某事 (sb.) be unlikely to do sth.

54.推迟做某事 delay / put off doing sth.

55.渴望去做某事 be anxious to do sth.

56.为……焦急 be anxious about …

57.遭受严重的污染 suffer from serious pollution

58.与……一致 be consistent with …

59.由于某种原因 for one reason or another

60.肯定 for sure




Key vocabulary and phrase(重点词汇和短语)

Brazil__________ the United States__________ Japan__________ Mexico __________ Korea__________

shake__________ shake hands__________ custom(cus/tom) __________ bow __________ kiss __________exchange student(ex/change) ____________________ wear a fancy dress(fan/cy) ____________________barbecue(bar/be/cue) __________ embarrassed (em/ba/rra/ssed) __________


wear dress put on in


What are people/ in China /supposed to do/ when they meet/ for the first time? /

They’re supposed to shake hands.










3.Talk About Body language.

Different countries have different customs.

4.Game: guess the national flags

5.How do people greet for the first time?

6.Listening for 1b and check the answer

7. Pairwork:

Countries Customs

Brazil kiss

The United States shake hands

Japan bow

Mexico shake hands

Korea bow

A:What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B:They’re supposed to shake hands.

8. Fill in the blanks:

Different ________ have different _______. We Chinese shake hands when we meet people ______ ______ ______. So do people in______ and _________. However, when you are in _______, you _____ ________ _______kiss when you meet for the first time. And if you are in _________ and _______, you are supposed to ______.


 talk about a picture

Maria’s mistakes

arrived late

ate the wrong food

greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way

wore the wrong cloths

 Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Maria: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 , but I arrived at 8:00.

Maria: In my country, it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to .

Dan: And you were supposed to instead.

Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to .

 Listen and choose the right answers

1. ( ) Who had a party?

A. Maria B. Paul C. Dan

2. ( )What did Maria do when she met Paul’s mother?

A. kissed her B. hug her C. shook hands with her

3. ( )What were Maris supposed to do when she met Paul’s mother?

A. kiss B. hug C. shake hands

4. ( )What kind of party was it?

A. barbecue B. beech party C. birthday party

5. ( )What’s the feeling of Maria do you think?

A. excited B. embarrassed C.happy


Talk about What are you supposed to do, when you_______in China?


1.Different countries have different customs.

3.be supposed to

2. bow / kiss / shake hands

4.---What are people supposed to do when whey meet for the first time?

---They are supposed to bow.


1.write 5 sentences about the greeting customs of different countries.

2.write 5 sentences about the customs of China.


•eating meals with other people

•attending a party

目标句型:be supposed to do



握手__________ 应该做某事(被期望去做)______________________________穿着一条华丽的裙子____________________ 感觉尴尬____________________



We__________ __________ __________ wait in line to get on the bus.


This is the place where they met __________ __________ __________ __________.


I don’t know when to __________ __________ and when not to.


1. save the earth 拯救地球

2. noise pollution 噪音污染

3. solve the problem 解决问题

4. cut down 减少

5. be good for 对……有益

6. go shopping 去购物

7. make a difference 起作用

8. hear of 听说

9. cut off 割掉

10. not only...but also...不但……而且……

11. be harmful to 对……有害

12. at the top of the food chain 在食物链的顶端

13. worse and worse越来越糟

14. take part in参加

15. not...any longer 不再

16. begin with 以……开始

17. turn off 关掉

18. pay for 付费;付出代价

19. add up 加起来

20. take action 采取行动

21. throw away 扔掉;抛弃

22. put sth.to good use 好好利用某物

23. pull...down拆下;摧毁

24. upside down 上下颠倒;倒转

25. win a prize 获奖

26. set up 建立

27. be known for 因……而闻名

28. look like 看起来像

29. bring back 恢复;使想起

30. in the ocean’s ecosystem 在海洋生态系统


Unit 1 The Developing World

Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.

Section A

The main activities are 1a and

2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands


1. Learn some new words and useful expressions:

cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson

2. Learn the present perfect tense:

You have just come back from your hometown.

Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.

By the way, where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer…

3. Learn some functional sentences:

I felt sorry for them.

There goes the bell.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)


T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s begin our class! (老师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握)


Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holidays?

Ss: Yes.

T: (问其中一学生)Hi, Li Xueqing, where did you go during your summer holiday?

S1: I went to my grandparents’ home.

T: What did you do there?

S1: I went fishing, swimming and so on.

T: Wang Xue, where did you go?

S2: I went to West Lake with my father.

T: Wow! West Lake is a beautiful place. What did you do there?

S2: I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, took photos and bought many beautiful cards.

T: Li Yang, what about you?

S3: I had to stay at home to help my mother with the housework.

T: Oh. I feel glad for what you did, and I think you’re a good girl. You’re helpful. S4, did you go to summer classes?

S4: Yes. I did. I went to an English training school to improve my English. I think the English training school is a nice place for me to improve my English.

T: The English training school is a proper place to improve your English.



Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)

1. (创设对话情境。Mr. Smith组织Class 2去野营。在校门口集合时发现Jim没来。对话呈现have/hhas gone to…,完成2。)

Smith: Hello! Everyone. Are we all here?

Ss: No, Jim isn’t here.

Smith: Do you know where he is?(教师帮助学生用has gone to和volunteer回答。)

Ss: Yes. He has gone to Beijing to be a volunteer for the Olympics.

(板书volunteer,让学生猜出意思。然后板书have/has gone to,解释并稍加操练。)


have/has gone to …

(星期一Jim返回学校,Mr. Smith和Jim展开对话,呈现have/has been to …)

Jim: Good morning, Mr. Smith.

Smith: Good morning, Jim. You have just come back from Beijing. How was your trip?

Jim: Cool! And I have been to many places of interest.

(教师可用简笔画呈现have/has been to和have/has gone to,并讲解它们的区别。)

He has been to school.

He has gone to school.

2. T: Mr. Smith and his class had a good time. By the way, do you know what Rita, Jane and Kangkang did during the holiday?

(板书by the way,要求学生掌握)

by the way

T: Now, listen to 1a. Kangkang and his friends are talking about their different experiences

during their holidays. Pay attention to what they have done.


T: From 1a, we know someone has just come back from India. Who is she, Sally or Rita?

(教师加重语气读has just come back。)



T: Yes. You have the right answer. Rita has been to her hometown in India in her summer holiday. But now she is in China. We can say she has been to India. Where has Jane been?

S2: Mount Huang.


T: Yes. She has been to Mount Huang. Where has Kangkang been?

S3: He has been to an English training school.

3. (重放课文1a录音,核对答案,板书并领读生词cruel,要求学生掌握。)

T: Listen to the tape again. And then talk about what they have done.

(多媒体展示康康、简、丽塔和玛丽亚的图像和has been to。让学生再听一遍对话,教师引导学生用现在完成时说出四人分别在暑假中的活动。)

S4: Kangkang has been to…

Rita has been to…

Jane has been to…


T: They are as old as you. What were they doing?

S4: They were working. They looked so tired and thin.

T: Rita saw them working for a cruel boss in her hometown in India. They couldn’t go to school. They lived a poor life. I felt sorry for them.



Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)

1. T: Now, open your books. Please read 1a. And then fill in the chart in 1b, according to 1a.


(学生独立完成1b的表格。教师检查学生所填内容,然后学生口头汇报,巩固现在完成时have / has been to 这一基本句型。)

2. T: Kangkang has been to an English training school to improve his English. Rita has been to India. What about you? Where have you been?And what did you do?Please work in groups to talk about your summer holidays.


T: Who will try to act it out in front of class?


For example:

S1: I have been to West Lake.

S2: (指S1问S3) Where has he/she been?

S3: He/She has been to West Lake.

S2: (问S1) What did you do there?

S1: I went boating on the lake.

S2: (指S1问S3) What did he/she do there?

S3: He/She went boating there.


Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:6分钟)

1. (教师让学生两人一组,每人拿出提前准备好的`照片或图片,操练现在完成时,并注意区别一般过去时和现在完成时,完成1c。)

A: Hi, B. Where have you been?

B: I have been to Shanghai.

A: When did you go there?

B: I went there this summer holiday.

C: Hi, D. Where has Lucy gone?

D: She has gone to Mount Tai.

C: Why did she go there?

D: Because she wanted to see the sunrise there.

2. (根据呈现的have/has been to…和have/has gone to…,完成2。小组完成后可讨论答案,然后教师核对。在处理2时,讲解并要学生掌握chairwoman, yet和grandson,板书并领读。)

3. (缤纷小赛场。出示幻灯片或小黑板。)

(1)My teacher gave us the p answer.(首字母填空)

(2)I also want to be a v for the Olympics.(首字母填空)

(3)These (chairwoman) can’t agree with each other.(适当形式填空)

(4)—Hi, Michael. How was your holiday?

—Wonderful! Because I to many famous mountains.(单项选择)

A. went B. have been C. have gone D. has gone

(5)—Where’s Jane, Maria?

—She her hometown to see her grandparents.(单项选择)

A. return to B. has gone to C. has been to D. have gone to

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)

1. (教师制作关于暑假活动的表格,让学生相互调查完成表格。)

Name Where has he/she been? What did he/she do?

2. Homework: Write a survey report.



1. less than少于

2. for instance/for example 例如(such as)

3. help sb do/to do

4. have sales销售

5. at price/the price of ……价格

6. low/hign price低价/高价

7. the quality of the product产品的质量

8. at other times

9. the picture in an ad广告上的图片

10. at times(=sometimes)有时

11. lead sb to do 引导某人做

12. not…at all

13. after all 毕竟

14. first of all 首先

15. forget to do sth/forget doing sth

16. the art of giving / the art of receiving给予/接受的艺术

17. to be honest老实说

18. pretend (not) to do 假装(不)做某事

19. She pretended not to know me when we met in the street.我在街上见到她时她装作不认识我

20. take off/put on脱下穿上

21. would rather do sth更喜欢做某事

22. would rather do A than do B (=prefer to do rather than do )宁愿做A而不愿做B

23. in some cultures 再一些国家的文化中

24. have a saying 依据谚语

25. prefer A to B(=like A better than B)A 和B比较更喜欢A

26. prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A而不愿做B



1) 词汇:


tense, owner, scientific, pink, lighting, therefore, serve, design, uncomfortable, smoke, mysterious, shiny, silly, skin, cream,

toothpaste, aim, specially, useful, product, confuse, mislead, aim at, for instance, keep out

2) 句型:


loud music makes me tense.

sad movies make her want to leave.

waiting for her made me angry.


1) make sb. / sth. + adj.

2) 感官动词后作宾补的不定式省略to的用法。


这个单元的语言结构“make + 宾语 + 宾补”很重要,是考试中经常考到的知识点,这种结构在作文中也很常用。话题“谈论事物对自己情绪的影响”也很实用。



unit 4 where’s my backpack?

unit 5 do you have a soccer ball?

unit 10 can you play the guitar?


unit 2 why do you like koala bears?

unit 5 how was your weekend?

unit 9 it’s raining!

unit 10 where did you go on vacation?

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?


unit 1 how often do you exercise?

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

unit 8 how was your school trip?

unit 11 could you please clean your room?


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?

unit 8 why don’ t you get her a scarf?

book 5:

unit 4 what would you do?



本课时完成教材section a部分内容。让学生激活已学过的与情感有关的词汇,引出本单元话题,并了解本单元目标语。教师可以参考教学设计section a: step 1—step 20。


本课时完成教材section a,学习教材p104的3a—activity 4,通过阅读和口语表达,运用巩固目标语。教师可以参考教学设计section a: step 21—step 30。


本课时完成教材section b部分内容,学习教材p105的1a—2c,在熟悉本单元目标语言的前提下,引入日常情境,介绍更多实用词汇和场景,进行听说训练。教师可以参考教学设计section b: step 1—step 14。


本课时完成教材section b,学习教材p106 的3a—activity 4,通过阅读和写作训练,使学生进一步掌握本单元目标语言。教师可以参考教学设计section b: step 15—step 23。


完成教材self check单元基础练习检测和reading。教师可以参考教学设计self check。


revision lesson of unit 13 处理相关练习2。























Unit 2.

plain to …… about …… 向 ……抱怨……

74.post sth. for sb. 替某人寄某物

ok/make dinner 做晚饭

76.do the laundry 做洗衣服的活

77.make the bed 整理床铺

78.iron the shirts 熨烫衬衫

79.sweep the floor 扫地

80.explore dangerous places 探测危险的地方

81.own a robot 拥有机器人

82.change one's life a lot 改变某人的生活许多

83.buy … from … 从…… 买……

84.sell … to … 把……卖给……

85.do housework 做家务活

86.do homework 做家庭作业

87.stay in bed 呆在床上

88.return home from work /school 下班回家/ 放学回家

89.be happy / pleased / satisfied with 对……满意

90.be ready for sth. 为……做好了准备

91.be ready to do sth. 为做某事做好了准备

92.get ready for sth. 为……做准备

93.get ready to do sth. 为做某事做准备

94.go wrong 出毛病, 走错路

95.catch a virus 染上病毒

96.cause a lot of problems 引起许多麻烦

97.wake sb. up 叫醒某人

98.wake up 醒来

99.knock sth. over 碰翻

100.knock on /at sth. 敲(门……)

101.do with(what) 处理 ,对付

102.deal with (how) 处理,对付

103.return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb .把……还给……

104.return to sp.=go / come back to sp. 回到某地

105.fall to the ground 掉到地上

106.eat sth. for sb. 替某人吃某物

107.make a mess 搞成一团糟

108.throw sth. into sp.along with sth. 把……和……一道扔进……里

109.use sth. to do sth. 用……做某事

110.keep my flat as clean as new 保持我的公寓和新的一样干净

111.pay for 支付

112.That sounds good. 那听起来很好。

113.get tired = be tired 疲惫

114.last for= go on for 持续 ……

115.sth. needs doing/ to be done 某事需要被做

116.expect to do sth. 期盼做某事

117.expect sb. to do sth. 期盼某人做某事

118.expect that 从句 期盼……

119.get sth. back = have sth. back 取回,拿回

120.You are welcome to do sth. 欢迎你做某事

121.reply to 回复,答复

122.look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事

123.hear from sb. =get a letter from sb.

=receive a letter from sb. 收到某人来信

124.clear up sth. 清理 , 整理






